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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: July 19, 2021, 06:19:23 PM »
Got into a bit of a Twitter feud today. A guy posted an excerpt of the Georgia General Election data that showed several batches from Douglas County, GA where Biden had 100% of the vote. Of course people got mad at it. He did include a link to the data so I downloaded the spreadsheet and found several batches where the opposite was true and posted those saying that it severely dilutes the message when you are cherry picking data. That produced quite a bunch of comments back and forth with folks.
Twitter?  Never heard of her.

Spin Zone / Re: Vax "hesitancy"
« on: July 19, 2021, 10:56:58 AM »
It is a FACT the lockdowns do much more damage than the disease. I’m sorry if it offends anyone but the disease mostly kills people that already have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. The only economic damage done by the disease is depriving nursing homes of a couple more months of income.

The lockdowns devastate young people and middle aged people trying to save for retirement, by killing jobs and businesses, damaging their social lives, damaging their health by putting off “elective” procedures, causing massive inflation and devaluation of everyone’s money, drug deaths, suicides and, overseas, massive starvation.

You’re wrong about the economy improving if everyone got the vaccine because you are assuming the social distancing will end. There is no evidence that will happen and many signals it will not. We are being told that the vaccines don’t work against new variants, and that we will need boosters in coming years, and that even if we get natural immunity by getting the disease we still need the vaccine and that we must still wear masks even if we are vaccinated. So what’s changed?

They have discovered lockdowns as a tool of social control, a way to prevent “right to assemble” and coincidentally it works well against the very people they want to oppress (the middle and working classes) while they don’t seem to enforce it against Marxist rioters, and the ruling class just ignore the rules.

Even if there is no directive from TPTB, people have now been conditioned into fear and have become agoraphobic. I have a coworker who is refusing to return to the office even though everyone including him is vaccinated and they are putting up those horrid clear barriers between office cubicles and going on a 50% capacity rotating plan. The news media hammers constantly on the continuing danger, and I see no end in sight.

Even if we were all 100% vaccinated they’ll move the goal post again. We’ll need a booster, or we’ll need a new version against a new variant. They’re going to keep this up forever. Freedom is gone, stick a fork in us, we’re done.
You are spot on.  Fear works.

Most of us had drills to sit in the hallway or under our school desks in the event of global thermonuclear war. Yet we went on with life.

Yet OUR children’s generation, and their children, stop living because they might get sick with the flu.

What the fuck happened to us? 

Spin Zone / To secede or not to secede....
« on: July 18, 2021, 08:31:04 AM »
I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.

I wish a state like Texas or SD would stand up to the Feds on the constant illegal over reach.  Love to see the State NG at the border stopping Fed bureaucrats.

Anthony and Lucifer at the PIlot Spin Moderators Convention in Vegas. I’m the moderator taking the picture.

Spin Zone / Re: To secede or not to secede....
« on: July 17, 2021, 02:58:16 PM »
I’m calling complete bullshit on that website.

Higher sales taxes for a more expensive vehicle?  Boo fucking hoo. And sales taxes don’t go to the highway trust fund.  Sales taxes are purely state and local taxes.

Excise taxes?  Since when does a Tesla owner pay excise taxes?

Here’s the Federal Form 720. Someone want to show me where the electric vehicle excise tax is?  I’ll wait.

Spin Zone / Re: To secede or not to secede....
« on: July 16, 2021, 01:25:13 PM »
This guy again, apologies if you’re sick of him but I would love all y’all’s opinions.  I don’t always agree with him but he does make me look at things from a different perspective.

For this, he is right, conquest is better than secession, but isn’t secession better than becoming China? HOW do we “conquer” the fascist corporate-political-media-educational monolith? His solution is ground upward local politics, pressure school boards to get rid of Marxist CRT, run for mayor, sheriff, fix election integrity, etc. Is that too little too late?

Oh, and he mentions expanding the U.S. He made another video about making Puerto Rico a state would be a good thing, that they’d end up being a red state!  Blows my mind, could he possibly be right?
I haven’t listened to this yet, but some quick observations on what you wrote:

We need to start at the grass roots.  The liberals have been doing that for decades so we are behind the 8 ball. It won’t help us with our current problems, but it will help us when the Marxists keep coming at us 10, 15, 20 years from now.

For now, while the CCP seems to control a lot of the apparatchik, we can defeat the DCP without having to go to war with the CCP.

Donald Trump had the CCP on their heals after only 24 months in office. All it takes is a real leader.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: July 16, 2021, 01:06:58 PM »
Keep holding it then.  I don't think there is a path to do anything about it.  Despite all the apparent cheating, there is no legal path to change any of it. 

The election was certified, the question is to what standard (the answer is no standard).  Constitutionally, it's a legal election, even if it was underhanded.  That means all the officials correctly and constitutionally hold their office.

The only paths to remove the president is via impeachment or the 25th Amendment and that will leave you with Kamala. 

The only path to removing Congressmen is expulsion by their respective houses.  Anyone want to hold their breath that Democrats would do the right thing and eject a member Democrat who was elected via fraud.  You will never shame a Democrat into fixing this.

You can take this to a court, but in doing so you'd be asking a judge to create law, something Republicans rightly complain about frequently. 

In short, there is no remedy to make the cheating whole and there is apparently no will to even identify people responsible for it and therefore no path to punish anyone. 

My take is that you can expect them to be bolder next time.
Why do you jump straight to what the Democrats think we expect? 

Biden isn’t going anywhere.

But “doing something about it” for the vast majority of us means arresting, prosecuting, adjudicating and imprisoning those people who tampered with our sacred voting process.   I would think 80% of Americans could get behind that.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: July 15, 2021, 09:41:40 AM »
We had a gun club meeting last night and I spoke with a lady who has a relative living in Australia. She said they’ve gone completely insane there.  During lockdowns they actually post guards outside peoples’ homes to make sure they don’t leave the house.
Convenient since they confiscated guns there.

The utter weakness of every nation under the British Empire is just stunning and depressing. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and even England herself are shadows of their former greatness.

Virtually every one of our Bill of Rights are virtually non-existent in the British Empire. And their subjects accept such subjugation willingly and enthusiastically.

Praise God for bringing our Founding Fathers together at a precise point in history to bring liberty to the forefront of human existence.  And God, help us sustain it as it is being destroyed by enemies both foreign and domestic.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: July 15, 2021, 09:31:31 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Cuba
« on: July 14, 2021, 07:05:26 PM »
How about we trade Cuba's protesters who are looking for freedom for our Antifa/BLM protesters who would prefer to live under socialist ideals?

Win/Win for all involved....................

Spin Zone / Re: Cuba
« on: July 14, 2021, 09:20:48 AM »
That’s because Haitians and Cubans aren’t automatically potential Democrat voters like the rest invading our southern border.

Spin Zone / Re: You just can't make this up..............
« on: July 12, 2021, 09:54:14 PM »
Totally agree.  If you can get it up for a guy, you're not just heterosexual, your Bi or Gay.
TMI in this thread.

I’ll make it simple. My wife doesn’t understand that
I want to vomit when I see two men kissing, but not with two women kissing.  This is a nearly universal reaction for guys.

I tell her with women, men are just hoping to be invited to the party. 

End of story.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: July 12, 2021, 07:06:54 PM »
Anyone here think Trump can get the nomination ahead of DeSantis?
I think he could. I hope he doesn’t. It would be a tough row to hoe to win the general, and he would only have 1 term. I think we need a two-term capable candidate in the Trump mode.

Spin Zone / Re: Independence Day
« on: July 12, 2021, 03:44:57 PM »
Nice pic Stan.  I see the smoke from your strafing of the embedded Commie position.
Good eye!  I enjoy getting my invasion stripes in the pic.

Spin Zone / Re: Way to go Portland!
« on: July 07, 2021, 12:01:36 PM »
The Fed doesn’t take direction from any president.  Trump might have told them to fuck off, but they still did whatever they liked.

The Fed didn’t raise rates because they felt the economy was growing at a good rate.  It had nothing to do with what Trump said.
That’s naive. I never said there was a direct reporting line on an org chart. I said the Fed is influenced by politics. Prove me wrong.

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