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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 130 131 [132] 133 134 ... 156
Nancy is grandstanding hoping someone will listen.

Seems she was never bothered when her hero BHO invited "thugs" such as Joseph Kabila, Paul Kagame, General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, Yoweri Museveni or Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo to the White House.

 Go look up the records on these "thugs".  Or better yet, here's an alt left website and what they think of BHO and his guest.

Spin Zone / Re: The Daily Outrage
« on: July 17, 2018, 06:02:56 AM »
What I loved was Brennan's reaction. Wasn't Brennan the CIA Director during all of this :D

Yep.  And his boss was none other than BHO, who did absolutely nothing.

And those who are crying "election meddling!" are forgetting a few things.  BHO himself was guilty of meddling in Israel's election among others.  And those who are so upset (supposedly) with Russian election meddling are the same ones who protest when we suggest strengthening our election laws with voter ID and other methods.

 And then they forget this little tidbit:


Here we see what Mr. Schnatter's real crime was:

Schnatter, a prominent Trump donor, admitted using the term in a statement given to Forbes this week, in which he apologized

 Had he been a progressive moonbat this would have never seen the light of day.

Spin Zone / Re: Going Conspiracy Theory.....
« on: July 07, 2018, 09:01:59 PM »
Diplomacy is tricky, especially with a rogue dictatorial government.

Trump has not given NK anything.  On the other hand, NK gave back hostages, agreed to meet in Singapore and is still willing to talk.  One story the MSM is hiding is that the Kim regime has been cleaning up NK and taking down all the anti American billboards and propaganda.  Also NK TV has acknowledged Kim's meetings with Trump as well as the SoS.  Another story hidden is NK cooperating with the return of US soldiers remains.

 The alt left progressives want this to fail.  The latest stories from NK cite "unnamed sources" and other bullshit.   Take what the MSM is reporting with a grain of salt.

Spin Zone / Re: Flow chart for legal immigration to the U.S.
« on: July 05, 2018, 01:30:31 PM »
Wasn't my chart, therefore I don't have a point.

But there is a lot we could do to streamline the process and allow more people in legally.  Of course, I would expect that before we do that, or maybe in lock-step, we secure the borders from illegal entry.  No solution works without securing the borders.

 First and foremost, secure the border and stop illegal immigration.

 Second, rewrite immigration laws. We need people who will bring something to this country, not live off the taxpayer.  And we don't need to make everyone a citizen, let them come in as a worker, put in several years actually producing then and only then allow them to apply for citizenship.   Stop all chain immigration.  Stop all visa lottery's.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Kennedy Retires
« on: July 03, 2018, 03:14:13 PM »
I'm hoping that Trump is playing a game of Alphonse et Gastogne with the libs, and the media. We will have them chasing phantom candidates whom he has no intention of appointing, and come Friday, we'll all be whiffing at a 78MPH knuckle ball. the truth will be that Lee has gone quiet for a reason, and he'll come out with very little advance hateraid from the left.

It would be hard for a R senator not to confirm one of their own. That - would be pretty treasonous.


 Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski would stick a knife in his back.

Spin Zone / America First!
« on: July 03, 2018, 10:37:15 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: A question for our liberal friends
« on: June 28, 2018, 10:03:11 AM »
Yep.  The Dems have not learned from their huge mistakes in 2016.  You can't demonize, and insult a large part of the country, and get anywhere politically.  They have now outed themselves to be on the side of violence, violent gangs, and most other anti American causes. 

Now avowed socialists are getting elected in major cities.  I see this as a trend.  Americans, for the most part to not like socialism, communism, and other oppressive government schemes.

 Now the call is for "resist everything!" and violence.  And the new strategy for 2018 is to go after the "Trump supporters" head on and demonize them and try to shame them from voting.

 But as I've said before, the DNC has been hijacked by the Alt Left Radical Progressives. Progressive is just another term for communist. 

 Now go back and look at the different communist regimes over the past 100 years or so and start seeing the similarities in the tactics being used today.  It's one in the same.


What a letdown – you libs were totally promised that you and your elite cohort would rule forever, unchallenged, over the filthy hordes infesting America’s non-coastal regions, and then all of a sudden those nasty Normals got militant and elected Donald Trump. It’s not fair, damnit! And it just gets worse and worse as things in America, under Trump, get better and better.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump and the "trade wars".
« on: June 27, 2018, 05:35:09 AM »
I agree with both of you.  I just think he would be better served if he made his case in front of the whole world first, rather than just charging in and going on the attack.  I think it would put him in a stronger negotiation position.

 I think he has made his case.   Problem is the MSM and the progressives then twist it around in yet another lame attempt to make him look bad.

 He's addressing the problem from the top and taking these countries to task.

 Righting the problems that so many have left unchallenged and ignored is a long hard process.

Spin Zone / Re: Anti-Gun David Hogg Protected by ARMED GUARDS
« on: June 22, 2018, 06:46:00 PM »
Pathetic, but predictable.

Spin Zone / Re: The Truth about Separating Kids
« on: June 21, 2018, 06:58:18 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: What are your thoughts on the Singapore summit?
« on: June 13, 2018, 03:40:09 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: What are your thoughts on the Singapore summit?
« on: June 13, 2018, 03:37:43 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Obama Admin Deleted Records......
« on: June 13, 2018, 05:46:37 AM »
Still nothing about it on Fox.  I suspect this is more Russian crap that you guys have fallen for.  Made pretty impressive fools of yourselves during the election that way.

 Yep.  I was all set to vote for Hillary, then on FaceBook one day I saw a Meme, and when I went into the voting booth I pulled the handle for Trump instead...........

 Damn Russians!!!!

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