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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Education is a Fundamental Right
« on: June 28, 2019, 06:04:42 AM »
“Education is the silver bullet. Education is everything. We don't need little changes. We need gigantic revolutionary changes. . . . Competition for the best teachers should be fierce. They should be getting six-figure salaries. Schools should be incredibly expensive for government and absolutely free of charge for its citizens, just like national defense." --Sam Seaborne, West Wing”

The U.S. spends more per student than any other country. The AFT and NEA have destroyed our schools. We spend money, but do not get results as we are too busy worrying about PC, Diversity, Multi Culturalism, fake "Inclusion", and pushing the Progressive agenda. 

By Investopedia  Updated Jun 25, 2019
The United States spends more money educating its young people than any other nation, according to Education at a Glance 2017, the most recent study from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which compiles educational data from nations across the globe each year. In 2014, the U.S. spent an average of $12,157 per student on elementary and secondary education, over 30% more than the OECD average of $9,419. College spending, including technical schools and universities, was nearly $30,000, 75% more than the average spending of other countries in the OECD. Total U.S. spending averaged $16,268 per student, 51% more than the average for all of the countries included in the OECD study.

Spin Zone / Re: Education is a Fundamental Right
« on: June 27, 2019, 06:00:03 PM »
No one has the power to "let me" understand something. Only I have that power.

I don't want to speak for Rush, but I think that was her way of saying the educational system is biased, and not at all about teaching Natural Rights, but more teaching or at least insinuating that government grants you rights.  Just a guess, but I think she knows how humans understand things. 

Spin Zone / Re: Traitor Roberts strikes again
« on: June 27, 2019, 05:55:29 PM »
It was GWB striking again.
Roberts is the gift that keeps shitting on America.

The New World Order Globalist, and Trump hater?  That GWB?

Spin Zone / Re: Traitor Roberts strikes again
« on: June 27, 2019, 02:17:58 PM »
Roberts has taken Kennedy's place as the swing vote.

Why is it always a Republican appointee that switches sides? 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 27, 2019, 01:16:10 PM »
However, I don't think we're winning when Iran has the support of Russia and China and control of the Straits of Hormuz.  The president is getting out played and now he has lost the initiative.

How does Iran control the Straits of Hormuz?  Guess what will happen to them if they continue to attack the shipping, or the U.S. Navy?  We ultimately control the Straits of Hormuz.  Our Navy says so.  If justification is needed to strike Iran with significant force, further attacks in the Straits are a sure way to get it. 

Spin Zone / Re: Democrat Debate
« on: June 27, 2019, 01:09:05 PM »
When my Grandfather Santoleri got off the boat in 1917, he was treated like worthless scum and had to take a job way beneath his skill level.  I want reparations.

With a name like Anthony, my ancestors probably got off the same boat.  They came in the 1890's, and were treated like worthless scum also.  They did not complain about it. 

Spin Zone / Re: Education is a Fundamental Right
« on: June 27, 2019, 01:07:18 PM »
Who are you, and how did you get Asechrest's password?

Exactly.  He's setting us up for the "But"...…..

Either that, or he's bucking for Moderator. 


Spin Zone / Re: Democrat Debate
« on: June 27, 2019, 01:00:17 PM »
Yo hablo communista.

I thought about watching it for about three seconds, then realized it would have driven me stark raving mad.  Some of the media is saying Gabbard "won" whatever that means.  If she comes out as a Lesbian, then she has the nomination. 

Did any of them recommend Reparations for Women due to "Income inequality"?

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 26, 2019, 10:31:09 AM »
Fuck their culture, so you have no clue what they're about then and furthermore, you don't care. 

You're like a bull blundering through the china shop, just smashing through things without understanding the outcome you're creating.  You have no clue where this is going to come out.  There is a decent chance Iran comes out of it with a bomb that they will use against us.

There is nothing wrong with "understanding" their culture.  It can give you clues in how they will respond.  However, maybe they should consider our culture also, especially in light of our ability to surgically remove anything, and anyone we want at anytime we want to do it.  If I were them I would have a little respect for the biggest, smartest, fastest guy on the block.  And while in general we may be benevolent, and wary of public and world opinion, I have no problem unleashing a shit storm on them if they show any sign of harming us.  We can minimize civilian causalities with the technology we have today.

Obama got away with killing thousands of innocent civilians.  Trump won't. 

Spin Zone / Re: Latest from.....
« on: June 26, 2019, 09:11:56 AM »
^^^^^Good analogy to equilibrium Rush.  The Global economy is making the U.S. "suffer" the equilibrium of other countries' lower wage and lower cost structure.  At some point their costs will rise also as their population demands more of the same characteristics we have.  It is a slow process however, but we have been on the receiving end of it since the 1960's. 

Spin Zone / Re: Latest from.....
« on: June 26, 2019, 07:50:07 AM »
H-1B, ruined engineering as a decent professional career.

I know this will seem like Xenophobia, but I have no problem with people legally coming here for a better life.  However, our GOVERNMENT policy has been wrong with allowing corporations to control this type of immigration for fun and profit. 

In my area, we have entire communities of Indians that have literally taken over developments.  They cluster as they are only comfortable with their own, and minimize interaction with he "White" community.  They have taken millions of IT, engineering, STEM, and other jobs as they will work for a bit less than their American counterparts.  I am not saying it is their fault or that they are bad neighbors, but our government has been irresponsible by bowing to these corporations to give them cheap labor at the expense of American workers.

So now instead of having to "outsource" overseas, or locate foreign operations to get cheap labor, they are just bringing them here.  That's why they also want Open Borders and cheap ILLEGAL labor. 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 26, 2019, 07:14:28 AM »
Yet the Media (and thus general public perception) was fine with Obama's escalation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and getting into Libya and Syria.  Also the multiple "drone" attacks where innocent civilians were killed in large numbers.  No MEDIA outrage, therefore no Public Outcry.

If Trump were to do that the Media, and hence the public would be screaming for his head!  We are severely hampered by the Media.  Cronkite did it during Vietnam, and it has only gotten worse. 

Spin Zone / Re: Twenty-one Trillion Dollars.....
« on: June 25, 2019, 02:53:00 PM »
You mean like black ops, or welfare for African Americans?

LOL! I got it. 

The Black Ops need reparations too ya know.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Did Iran commit an act of war?
« on: June 25, 2019, 02:51:37 PM »
...for the moment. The fat lady hasn’t sung yet.

I'll let you know when Stacey Abrams or Oprah arrives. 

Spin Zone / Re: Latest from.....
« on: June 25, 2019, 01:44:10 PM »
This has been well know for a while, but this is more confirmation.  Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, in fact all of Silicon Valley and Social Media hate Trump and Republicans in general.  They censor anything that isn't far left progressive, and promote a far left, globalist, open borders agenda. 

All they care about is profits, which is FINE, but at the expense of the U.S. and most of its citizens.  That's why they like illegal aliens and Indians on H1 Visas so much.  Cheap labor = more profit, but fewer jobs for Americans.  Nice, huh? 

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