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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Will American Jews continue to vote democrat?
« on: June 07, 2019, 04:24:44 AM »
Of course they exist, just like blacks exist who want to rid the world of whites. But you’ll not see the media doing stories on them. There are bigots and sociopaths in every race.

I believe the Black Community in the U.S. is more racist than many, even within their own community.  Lighter skinned blacks are prejudiced against darker skin Blacks.  Plus many if not most have a chip on their shoulder about "WHITEY".  This has been perpetuated by Black community leaders (Community Organizers, wink, wink), and also White Liberal/Progressives in order to use the Black community for their own purposes. 

Yes, there are White bigots and racists also, and I have no time for them either. 

So not sure the crying foul is warranted. The events are open to all and any student can register for none or as many as they like. They seem to be put on by student groups as separate celebrations of graduations. Everyone still goes to the same graduation ceremony VT just host these afterparty type get togethers.   /shrug

Then why host separate graduations in the first place?  Won't that create confusion of which to attend?  All it does is give a free pass to segregate.  It ENCOURAGES segregation.  I guarantee if you go down to VT and view the various graduations you will see self segregation and mostly by the Black Community, whom also demand separate dorms, cafeterias and "safe spaces". 

They are. There is a long, and rather ugly history of friction between lesbian feminists and the trans community based on that theme, particularly directed at trans women activists.

I think the Gay and Lesbian community did themselves a disservice by including Transgender.  They are not at all the same, and I believe the confusion of Trans is either mental illness or borderline mental illness. 

Spin Zone / Re: Will American Jews continue to vote democrat?
« on: June 06, 2019, 06:27:54 AM »
There are very few "White Supremacists".  I am assuming people think it is KKK and Neo Nazis who compromise this group.  They are so few in number, that their voting block is totally irrelevant.  Yes, the MEDIA and the Dems tell you they are a significant prescience,.  They are NOT. 

However, this doesn't stop the Media and Democrats from using that to accuse Trump of being RACIST which is what they do with everybody in which they disagree.  This is typical petty politics. 

Now, the more recent term is "White Nationalist".  This is an attempt to paint people that are patriotic and want to put America first as also Racist.  It is all the Left has.  Well that and other Identity Politics. 

I never thought Super Callous Fragile Ego Extra Braggadocios colluded with Russia or intended to do anything illegal at all.  He might be a horrid POTUS,

What has he done to make him a "horrid POTUS"?  Tax cuts?  Historically low unemployment?  Wanting a secure border and to stop the flow of ILLEGAL aliens?  Pro business stance?  Allowing our energy resources to be used more freely?  Removing the penalty from Obamacare?  Putting trade deals in place that are more fair to the U.S.?  What exactly?

I've long said the only good way to be rid of the Mango Mussolini is the ballot box.

Agreed.  If we get Biden, Bernie or anyone else from the Democrat clown car, be prepared for job and economy killing policies, poor housing markets, high inflation, poor stock markets, and unemployment going up from its current historic low. 

Wow that's right! You can't even mix cultures now. You can't sell Hispanic food if you are white.

When I was young I never could possibly have imagined what an insane Twilight Zone this country is becoming.

Our entire country is based on Cultural Appropriation.  That's who we are.  Several months ago I read an article where two Seattle women had taken a vacation together in Mexico and came back with a bunch of recipes.  They decided to open a food truck using some the recipes.  The local populace found out about it, realized they were NOT MEXICAN and forced them to shut down their business due to Cultural Appropriation.  MADNESS.

We are definitely in the Twilight Zone.  Anything Rod Serling could come up with has nothing on the liberal/progressives of today. 

Sadly, I firmly believe that this reversal began on January 20, 2009.

Oh, absolutely.  This is purposeful divisiveness by the Globalists, and Obama was their pawn as is Hillary.  If we are divided, we are weaker, and preoccupied with infighting, and bickering over small inconsequential things like Blacks getting arrested at Starbucks.

Meanwhile while we are bickering over nonsense, they are stealing from the Cookie Jar, allowing massive illegal alien occupation, and a demographic/party shift in the U.S. to install their "Progressive" policies.  I wouldn't put it past some of these "mass shootings" which are minute in the overall murder stats to be False Flags.  Tinfoil hat stuff?  Maybe, but it is getting ludicrous. 

This is disturbing because younger people think that being divided by skin color, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, religion, etc is now NORMAL and accepted.  This is THEIR WORLD.  Look at how many universities have been demanded by Blacks to have separate dormitories, cafeterias and "safe places" even separate from other minorities and protected classes.  They say they feel at threatened and at risk on campus if these areas aren't provided.   Who is filling these kids heads with this nonsense?

I am curios about the Indian (native American) one.  Will they be smoking peace pipes (with weed), doing a rain dance, sacrificing, and enslaving other tribes, skinning Buffalo, and reenacting Little Big Horn?   I mean what unique, commonality will they be "celebrating"?

Will Elizabeth Warren be the keynote speaker?

Pilot Zone / Re: Oshkosh Anybody?
« on: June 04, 2019, 04:02:46 AM »
Who the hell is Rob Thomas?

The guy that started Wendy's.  Disney did the same thing to him they did with Hillary, Biden, Pelosi...…...

One of the largest universities in Virginia hosts nearly a dozen alternative graduation ceremonies, specially tailoring the events to fit numerous student backgrounds and demographics, including LGBT students and veterans.

The 10 “cultural achievement ceremonies” at Virginia Tech offer unique graduation events for numerous students, such as Jewish graduates, African Americans and Native Americans. The ceremonies “include a spectrum of underrepresented populations on campus, as well as graduates within the recovery community and military veterans,” according to a news release from the school.

So Inclusion by Exclusion, and Diversity by Segregation.  What is the world coming to when you can't even share a COMMON accomplishment like graduating?  What if you had Black friends in which you wanted to share the experience?  You get stopped at the door for being White?  How can the LEFT justify this?

Graduation is an opportunity to unify and find common ground due to the shared experience.  So the Left focuses on minor difference of skin color, sexual preference, and race yet ignores our vast similarities, and shared values?  What will be next?  Women's only graduation? 

Oh, and you won't find the story in the Mainstream Media but it is absolutely true.  Bias by omission again.

You have to understand that the Democrats believe they won and still want to be in control of everything.  Witness all the Democrats that are advising Iran on how to deal with Trump and wait him out until a Democrat is back in power.  Why isn't that treason?

Kerry violated the Logan Act with Iran.  I think the entire Russia hoax was a veiled coup attempt, and an act of Sedition at least.  If people had done this in years past, there would have been firing squads.  Now, we have a Media that is for the most part complicit with the Democrats, so neither the facts, nor any outcry is generated.  Nothing happens without the Media pushing it.  Watergate happened because it was a Republican and the Media created the controversy over it. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Uncertainty Monster (interview with Judith Curry)
« on: June 02, 2019, 03:10:50 PM »
I agree. In fact, EVEN IF the worst case scenarios projected by the models are true, the Green New Deal fixes will not avert much of the coming disaster, and instead will leave us with less capital with which to build what we would need to adapt to climate change as it unfolds.

There are some "no regrets" steps we can take, things we should be doing for reasons unrelated to global warming. Alternative energy sources are a must because fossil fuels are a finite resource that we will almost certainly run out of within a few generations. We should not be shuttering nuclear plants, and we should be investing more in solving the problems of getting to and beyond break-even in nuclear fusion. I'm pessimistic about solar and wind ever being more than an extra source of "free" energy on the side, because of the intermittency problem and also because of the land area that has to be set aside for them. But by all means, let's keep working on them and deploying them where it's practical.

Whether we are the main driver of what's happening now or not, climate change is inevitable so let's work harder on strategies for adaptation. We don't know how much effect our GHG emissions will ultimately have but one thing is for certain, the climate will change in ways we can't imagine today, as it always has. Let's discourage further development along the coastlines - that will probably happen as a matter of course, as insurance on structures there will become more and more expensive. People who live in large coastal cities will have serious decisions to make in the next few decades. We can learn from past underestimates of the power of nature and design our buildings to withstand more powerful winds, earthquakes, etc. in areas that are vulnerable to those events.

The last thing we need is panicked, radical changes that are likely to leave us more vulnerable to what we fear most. Chicken Little is a shitty role model.

I can not fathom how people can look at the "Green New Deal" as anyway workable, practical, doable, or reasonable.  Many of the Democrat candidates have embraced it, or a variation of it.  Weird. 

Thanks, btw.

Spin Zone / Re: The Uncertainty Monster (interview with Judith Curry)
« on: June 02, 2019, 01:44:53 PM »
Isn't it quaint that Warren thinks climate change can so precisely target one city? Typical leftist myopic idiocy.

It is obvious the Democrats want to use the Hoax of man made climate change (why did they change the name from global warming) to scam more tax dollars, fees, and energy surcharges.  Cap and Trade will limit CO2 emissions to a finite level arbitrarily mandated by government then companies will have to BUY the required licensed amount of C02 "credits" in order to remain in operation.  This will force MORE companies to go overseas, and it will raise the prices of ALL GOODS on American consumers.  Electricity, oil, natural gas, and gasoline will all skyrocket in price, and be taxed even more than they already are.

The entire climate change fixes the Democrats want would be a Job and Economy killing measure. 

I don't believe Mueller is objective, nor unbiased.  I firmly believe he wanted to find illegal acts by Trump.  He couldn't.  End of story. 

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