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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Now It's a "Cover up"
« on: May 23, 2019, 05:56:12 AM »
In their view, if it helps them achieve their goals, it must not be illegal, unethical or immoral.

The Army that wins determines what is legal, or illegal. 

This movement will end on the first Wednesday in November 2020 when the electorate gives Donald Trump the popular vote win on the first Tuesday in November 2020.

I can’t wait to see Trump win the EVs for California and all the other leftist states.

I hope you are right, but that's going to be difficult to accomplish.  Today, it is just not cities, but suburbs around cities that are solid Democrat.  The Republican counties are getting pushed out more and more to rural areas with much less population.  The vast majority of people believe we are a Democracy, and the People elect the President. This is not true, we are a Republic, a collection of States.  Their voters tell their STATE'S Electors how to vote, and the STATE'S elect the President, not individuals.  The only reason this is an issue now, is that Hillary lost. 

The courts may have to get involved prior to 2020.  I would like to hear what OBJECTIVE Constitutional scholars think, but they may be hard to find.  The argument from the Democrats is that State's can assign EC votes anyway they want, and can ignore their voters wishes.  I can't believe that is Constitutional. 

Spin Zone / Re: Star Trek nerds
« on: May 22, 2019, 03:15:24 PM »
I watched a few TNG's and found myself a bit bored  Their was always a social justice message, and in a pervasive way, unlike the social commentary of TOS.  It was not entertaining for me. I think I might like Enterprise from some of the comments here, so may try that. 

The interplay between Picard and #1 was weird, as if he wasn't really Captain, but Riker was.  It was like they had two Captains.  Very different from the relationship of Kirk and Spock.  It was as if the Enterprise had two Mommies.    :)

Spin Zone / Re: Now It's a "Cover up"
« on: May 22, 2019, 03:10:44 PM »
The sad thing is that there are millions of people out there that believe, don't care, and encourage the Dems to do whatever it takes regardless of the facts or legality of their actions.

That's because to most liberal/Progressives (Democrats) the ends justify the means.  They are self righteous, believe their way, and views are correct, and justify illegal, unethical, and immoral actions to achieve their goals.  The vast majority are like that, plus they are just plainly dishonest, and use emotion, not facts. 

Totally Unconstitutional and "disenfranchising" to use a liberal code word to citizens of each state.  It is an illegal work around the Constitution.

Spin Zone / Re: Now It's a "Cover up"
« on: May 22, 2019, 11:33:29 AM »
They will float out any lie they can and most of the Media will repeat, and support it like they did with Russian collusion for two and a half years, and are still harping on it.  People believe things they hear over and over, unfortunately.

2016 was the election to delay Fundamental Transformation which Hillary was supposed to complete.  2020 is even more important.  The Democrats know that and will do anything they can to stop Trump.  Anything. 

Spin Zone / Re: Star Trek nerds
« on: May 22, 2019, 10:49:10 AM »
In contrast, the only heartthrobs for us girls were Kirk and Khan. Kirk was sensitive and philosophical like Picard, but more given to passion. And Ricardo Montalban as Khan ... swoooooon! Talk about your toxic masculinity!  :)

Ryker ... too pretty boy. Data had more appeal.

Maybe the network thinking it was Sci Fi, it would appeal to a mostly Male audience.  Who knows.  Today it would be totally different.  Most of the Male crew would be young pretty boys with perfect bods you only get by four hours a day in the gym.  Shatner had a problem keeping weight off, and you'd see him a few pounds up on occasion.

Spin Zone / Re: Star Trek nerds
« on: May 22, 2019, 06:07:38 AM »
She did have a major role in the pilot, as “Number One” but at that time was only Roddenberry’s mistress. Roddenberry was married to someone else. NBC was scandalized at giving her a big role so she was downgraded to Nurse Chapel. She and Roddenberry didn’t marry until after TOS was canceled.

I loved Nurse Chapel, and hate Lwaxana. It blows my mind hat they are played by the same woman!

I never found her very attractive, certainly not next to Yeoman Rand.  However, Star Trek had some tough female competition in the looks department on just about every episode. 

Spin Zone / Re: Star Trek nerds
« on: May 22, 2019, 04:53:53 AM »
According to Wikipedia, Whitney appeared as Rand in several of the Trek movies, including as Lt. Commander Rand. It's been so long since I saw any of the movies that I'm not certain I remember seeing her there, but anyway...

Yes, they brought her back for the movies, but I forget which ones.  I was surprised to see she was born in 1930, so was in her mid to late thirties when TOS aired.  I was curious when Rush said she had a drinking problem, and indeed she did, but I think kicked it later in life.  That could have been a reason they canned her originally, but I an cynical so tend to believe her story that Roddenberry only wanted one blonde around, his fiancé, then wife. 

Spin Zone / Re: Star Trek nerds
« on: May 21, 2019, 05:28:09 PM »
Marjel Barrett, who played Nurse Chapel in TOS and Troi’s mother in TNG, was married to Gene Roddenberry.

Which was why they got rid of Grace Lee Whitney (Yeoman Rand) who was gorgeous, and played a great role. 

Spin Zone / Re: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker in name only
« on: May 21, 2019, 04:23:17 PM »
I sure hope that's true.

Me too, but I feel we will have to get through Mordor first, or at least Rigel 7. 

Spin Zone / Re: Star Trek nerds
« on: May 21, 2019, 03:34:16 PM »

 Counselor Cleavage was on the bridge to get guys to watch every episode.   It worked for me.

Woah, woah, woah.  There was cleavage involved?  Ok, I have to start watching.  One of the many draws of TOS was it's scantily clad guest stars, and guest aliens on just about every episode.  I think Yvonne Craig who was also Batgirl was one of my faves.

Spin Zone / Re: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker in name only
« on: May 21, 2019, 02:22:33 PM »
I'd prefer Larry, Moe and Curly over those three.  Jeez.

Spin Zone / Re: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker in name only
« on: May 21, 2019, 02:16:04 PM »
AOC is the leader of the party.  Her along with Reps Omar and Tlaib.

 The dims own them.

Pelosi is scary enough.  That is REALLY scary.  America haters all. 

Spin Zone / Re: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker in name only
« on: May 21, 2019, 01:59:27 PM »
Who is filing the vacuum?  Marx?  Lenin?  AOC?

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