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Messages - FastEddieB

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Spin Zone / Re: had a scary thought
« on: June 04, 2016, 03:53:15 PM »
A write in vote is a vote for Hillary.

No, it is not.

There ya go!

Why is it that my first response is to feel honored?

Spin Zone / Re: Nice day for a ride!
« on: May 31, 2016, 03:03:56 PM »
I had totally forgotten this thread!

Not a whole lot of riding yet this year, for a variety of reasons, but got out with some friends today for a nice ride in the mountains.

Karen got a new hip about 6 months ago, and is still not comfortable climbing onto the back of a bike. So today we took the '98 K1200RS sidecar rig. Rode along the Ocoee on US64, then to Benton, TN to a Mennonite farm for some veggies, then to Tellico Plains for a snack at Tellico Grains Bakery, then back home.

In front of the bakery:

There's an Airhead rally coming up near Boone, NC in about 10 days, and we're going to try that - it will be our first motorcycle camping trip since the surgery. Great group that accepts us as Airheads, even if we don't currently own one. That may change in the future!

Spin Zone / Re: Fair and Impartial Jury?
« on: May 25, 2016, 11:25:18 AM »
News FLASH, in the eyes of police we are ALL guilty unless proven otherwise, then they grumble and complain that the jury "hates cops"..

That's idiotic.

Cops make arrest/don't arrest decisions every day, based on best judgment of whether there exists probable cause to affect an arrest. As often as not, it sways towards not arresting.

I assume you're just mouthing your anti-cop prejudice, and have nothing to back up your absurdities.

I don't know MD law, nor the exact charges.

If, let's say, the van was intentionally braked intending to "shake up" the occupants, an accidental death in such a case would be something like "aggravated manslaughter" - death due to wanton and willful disregard for human life - itself a very serious felony with long prison terms associated.

But typically not murder - if there was no apparent intent to kill.

Let me throw this out there.

The charge was not completely ridiculous.

When I worked for Dade County, one theoretical way to deal with an obnoxious prisoner in the back of your unit was a "screen test" - slamming on the brakes for an imaginary object to throw them forward into the "screen" between the back and front seats.

Despicable - and I never did it. But the fact remains it was a "thing".

Not saying it happened in this case, but it's not beyond the pale to think it could have. I assume there was insufficient evidence of said premeditation, and if so the verdict was certainly appropriate.

There is no threshold for safe mercury levels, just like safe (approved) levels of cyanide. Outside the pharmaceutical industry, it's not allowed; period.

If you care to, check out this link and it's discussion of mercury in vaccines - it's not what you think.

If you'd rather not click, the relevant part:

Flu vaccine ingredients – thiomersal

So let’s move on to the other highlighted flu vaccine ingredients, and that’s the old canard, dangerous thiomersal (or thimerosal in the USA–my education is 100% US based, but for some reason I’ve used the non-USA spelling for 30 years). Let’s make some points clear right now. This is NOT mercury in its elemental form, which you might remember from old-style medical thermometers. So there isn’t a pool of mercury in the vaccine vial. Moreover, thiomersal is ONLY used, at least in vaccines, in multi-use vials, these days, only the flu vaccine.

Thiomersal is a toxic compound, there is no denying that. But let’s get back to math. The toxicity of compounds is measured through an analysis called the dose-response relationship, which describes the change in effect on an organism caused by differing doses of a compound after a certain exposure time. Table salt is tasty and safe in small amounts, but could kill you if taken in huge amounts. The dose-response relationship provides a graph that mathematically establishes what amounts of a compound causes what effects. This would seem to be a logical, and easily understood concept, but for many individuals, a bad substance is always bad.

First of all, the half-life of thiomersal in blood is around 2.2 days. That might seem long, but it means half is gone in a couple of days, cleared out by the kidneys. It does not accumulate.

But the math is even more telling. This flu vaccine, given once a year, has a maximum dose of 25 micrograms of mercury (but not elemental mercury). According to an NIH database, the LD50, that is, the approximate dose at which 50% of organisms will die (in this case a mouse), is 98 mg/kg body weight, if delivered subcutaneously, generally how vaccines are delivered.

A 20 kg child would get 25 micrograms of non-elemental mercury (this is important, thimerosal does not equal mercury) in one injection once a year. The theoretical LD50 dose for that same child would be around 2000 mg of thiomersal, or about 80,000 times higher than the amount of thiomersal in one vaccine dose–if vaccines used in children actually had thiomersal, which it doesn’t.

So, you would have to inject your child 80,000 times a day, every day, to make it potentially toxic. And no, dose-response relationships are not linear. That doesn’t mean that there’s some tiny risk of death from even a small dose of thiomersal–there is actually NO risk. And again, since there’s no thiomersal in pediatric vaccines this argument is ridiculous.

But more than all that, we have solid scientific data that show us that thiomersal is totally unrelated to autism, and is completely safe in vaccines. This illogical removal of thiomersal from vaccines makes it nearly impossible to have multi-use vials, so every vaccine has to be in a single-use prefilled syringe, which has rapidly driven up the costs of vaccines. Wait. That’s more evidence that antivaccination lunatics are in the pockets of Big Pharma. They pushed to get rid of thiomersal to make more profits for Big Pharma. That was an awesome move on their part.

It is hard for me to understand why people think they have veto rights over parents who choose to vaccinate, or not to vaccinate as they see fit.

If everybody agreed with that in the 1950's, polio would never have been defeated.

Sometimes you gotta choose between "freedom" and...

Easy choice to my mind.

Karen just told me her mom was an iron lung nurse. Not exactly the good old days.

Spin Zone / Re: John Kerry wants a "Borderless World"
« on: May 08, 2016, 04:05:41 PM »
Some perspective:

Spin Zone / Re: The Spark of Life......
« on: May 07, 2016, 05:21:47 AM »
The problem I have with primate evolution (into humans) is the fact that we still have primates on the planet. Otherwise, carry-on.

Against my better judgment, but this one is a softball.

That's either a joke* or you seriously misunderstand evolution.

If it's not the former, I could suggest some reading if you're interested.

Or not, and I'll bow out again.

*Most commonly expressed as, "If we came from monkeys, how come there are still monkeys?". The key is, we did not "come from" monkeys - we share a recent common ancestor with them, which is completely different. And both we and the monkeys have continued to evolve from that common ancestor.

Spin Zone / Re: Oh oh, racist nail polish
« on: May 06, 2016, 09:26:33 AM »
Next they'll put grape flavoring on school bus windows for the kids to lick on they way to school.

Not watermelon?

Spin Zone / Re: Cruz Drops Out
« on: May 04, 2016, 05:22:25 AM »
Cruz was ineligible to be President by virtue of his country of birth.

His dad being on the grassy knoll on that day in Dallas certainly didn't help, either!

Spin Zone / Re: Why Won't Mr. "Will of the People" Debate?
« on: April 27, 2016, 08:48:07 AM »
I have a gut-level revulsion for Trump.

But to be fair, those polls are before Trump gets going on Hillary, and the influence of any debates going forward.

We'll just have to wait and see...

Spin Zone / Re: Black Churches Taught us to Forgive White People
« on: April 27, 2016, 05:49:30 AM »

So you have been forced into poverty and subservience by racism?

Clearly he has - by the same kind of institutional racism that would make it virtually impossible for a black man to ever become president of the US.

Oh, wait...

Never mind.

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