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Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Shows Off Her Fun Side
« on: October 30, 2015, 06:47:18 AM »
The onion kills it again.

Spin Zone / Re: Average Joe's Money
« on: October 30, 2015, 06:35:33 AM »
As much as I hate to say this, and I really really hate to say this, to some degree things are as they should be.  The CEO of GM has a lot more on the line than I do, guy is in charge of factories and dealerships and jobs and stuff.  Me, its must me, Mrs. Steingar, the dogs, and Rosie the tortoise.  The CEO of GM should have more access than I.

I've been struggling with this one as well. It feels wrong, and yet I can't fault the argument there on principle. In a pragmatic sense - and this is true in society in general - some people's lives DO matter more than others. It is a bigger loss to society that, say, an Elon Musk should die than that I should, and so it leads me to think that he should be able to influence policy decisions more than I can. And he does.

The challenge here is that power really does corrupt, and access is power and money is access. If we take money out of the equation upfront, I am fairly certain it will find its way to influencing things through the back door, as it always does. I think it's just that most people don't deal well with the "in your face" aspect of reality - as long as things are hidden, they apparently don't exist, but as soon as you can actually SEE the reality of national politics, it gets folks riled up.

Spin Zone / Re: Average Joe's Money
« on: October 30, 2015, 06:23:36 AM »
In that regard, he is on an incentive pay structure.  In some circles, it would be akin to commission based pay.  No problem there.
Again - would any of you guys vote for a politician who lived like the average American?  The one who couldn't afford to pay-off someone to cover his tracks and also who wasn't worth extorting to get him to sign a bill that screws his constituents.
To your question; absolutely.

I concur. I totally would - but I don't see that it is even possible outside of local political campaigns (where I do just that).

In national politics, our congresscritters simply have too much power, and money is now pretty much the most critical factor.

Spin Zone / Missed me?
« on: October 29, 2015, 12:47:28 PM »
I even kept my username from POA. See how good I am to ya?

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