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Messages - alexgeo

Pages: [1]
Spin Zone / Re: Wow! 38,000 new jobs!
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:00:46 AM »
general question:

are you a giver or a taker?
For now; neither.
I am retired and living off of my savings.  I am paying my own insurance and I am not drawing SS.  My home is paid off,

but I still pay property taxes, school taxes, sales taxes, telecommunications taxes, gasoline taxes, income taxes and more.
Also I paid a pretty large "excise" tax on some tires I bought and yesterday I paid $257.50 for radiotelephone licenses and DHS decals to fly to Canada.

I have also donated around $10k to charity so far this year, and I sent $2k to my brother to help him feed his kids and pay his mortgage and car insurance.

So I guess for now, I am a giver.

Spin Zone / A not the Donald vs the doormat thread
« on: May 06, 2016, 04:38:00 AM »
For the love of God, could we talk about something, anything, besides the Donald vs the doormat?

I'd almost welcome package discussions...  not really, but sheeesh.

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