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Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« Last post by Rush on Today at 07:39:17 AM »
Go figure. All these racist far right terrorist insurrectionists are staying calm. Makes no sense. It’s almost like it’s not the right that’s more violent.
Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« Last post by Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God) on Today at 07:33:03 AM »
Anyone notice all the riots and cities burning due to this verdict?  What?  None?
Yep. All quiet. The response was to raise $53 million for him in what, 24 hours? Of course, campaign funding is fairly meaningless with the cheat/apocalypse/who knows what that is coming.
Spin Zone / Re: More Borrowed Money for yet another shithole
« Last post by jb1842 on Today at 06:40:46 AM »
The pier was built by the Fogbow Company  Take a look at their team.  Full of ex military and ex CIA.  Formed in 2023, lots of humanitarian stuff on the web page.  But it looks more like the modern incarnation of Air America.

Not one person with an engineering or construction background. No wonder it sank.
Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« Last post by Username on Today at 06:17:05 AM »
Anyone notice all the riots and cities burning due to this verdict?  What?  None?
Business shutdowns, school shutdowns, social isolation, masks, untested clot shot, and all that.  And all for nothing.  I'm amazed and very happy that this is all coming out so soon vs. 10 to 20 years from now.  If only this "news" got more widespread distribution.  But "you're all going to die" spreads faster than "we fucked up, so sorry".
Spin Zone / Re: RNC vs DNC Two sides of the same coin
« Last post by Username on Today at 06:08:22 AM »
Great description!  Thanks!
Spin Zone / Re: More Borrowed Money for yet another shithole
« Last post by Username on Today at 06:05:24 AM »
FJB just blew something like $300m on his pier that collapsed.  More borrowed money, gone.
The pier was built by the Fogbow Company  Take a look at their team.  Full of ex military and ex CIA.  Formed in 2023, lots of humanitarian stuff on the web page.  But it looks more like the modern incarnation of Air America.
Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« Last post by Rush on Today at 05:58:53 AM »
And on the other side, fear of death if they vote "incorrectly" for not guilty.  There is no way that their names, addresses, and names of their loved ones will be kept secret.  That information would be spread far and wide.  Yeah, it would be tough to vote not guilty.

I have zero doubt this happened. Either direct or implied threat. And they were probably fine with going along with the guilty verdict as they were probably all biased against Trump to start with, given the venue.
Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« Last post by Username on Today at 05:40:29 AM »
  I fully expect a few of the jurors on the Trump jury to get "book deals" (big prepayments, AKA "bribes")
And on the other side, fear of death if they vote "incorrectly" for not guilty.  There is no way that their names, addresses, and names of their loved ones will be kept secret.  That information would be spread far and wide.  Yeah, it would be tough to vote not guilty.
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