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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 57 58 [59] 60 61 ... 94
Spin Zone / Re: The island you can't visit
« on: November 27, 2018, 08:48:21 AM »
Yes, drop a Coke bottle on them!

Spin Zone / Re: PoA mods do it again...
« on: November 25, 2018, 08:52:14 AM »
I made it!  I finally got my post posted before the thread lock!!!

You need to put down the Crochet needles, and get to the gun range, or something. 

Spin Zone / Re: PoA mods do it again...
« on: November 24, 2018, 07:56:04 PM »
It is their playground, and their rules.

Too bad, it use to be a good aviation forum.

I've told you guys this before.  Chuck, the owner is a BIG LIB.  So that's why it has turned into a cluster.  Libs ruin everything.  Their values are largely inconstant with aviation.  Even some of the so called Conservatives there are LIBS. 

^^^^^^^^^^I think you are over thinking it.  Acosta is not rebelling.  He is being intentionally disruptive to deny the President the ability to articulate his message and substituting his own message in an aggressive manner.  If Acosta wants to protest and rebel, he can do so on the air, on any street corner, or public square.  This is the Presidents Press Briefing.  It's his show.  Not Acosta's, nor CNN.  So I think your entire premise is BUNK.

The Left, including American Democrats want to associate nationalism, and patriotism with fascism, and Nazi Germany.  Where the vast majority of Americans just want to put our citizen's interests, and country first the Left perverts this to demonize and push Globalism. 

These Statists are willing to give up our national Sovereignty for international policies, and laws to take precedent over ours.  Things like gun control, gun bans, and confiscation.  Man made climate change taxes, and surcharges, etc.  They want to push these far left policies through using global power because they can't get them through here. 

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 13, 2018, 05:33:26 AM »
We have 22,000 restrictive gun control laws already on the books violating the Second Amendment that says our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  These laws, often on the state, and local level ARE infringements.  Corrupt courts uphold these laws.

The purpose of yet MORE gun contriol laws is not to reduce violence, murder, nor "gun crime".  Look at the recent mass shooting.  It occured in California where there are already very, very restrictive, and loony gun laws, and laws restricting even ammunition.  The purpose of more gun laws is to lead to bans, and confiscation, and to disarm the law abiding populace.  Criminals will always get guns.

The ELITES know all of the above, and want us disarmed to further considate their power.  Private firearm ownership is our last line of defense of an overbearing government, and their elite masters. 

Spin Zone / Re: Fixing the 2nd amendment
« on: November 09, 2018, 11:39:04 AM »
The right to keep and bear arms is already separate from the militia clause.  However, with regards to the militia, the thought was private citizens needed to own and carry their own firearms in order to bring them should the militia be needed.  The Well Regulated statement has nothing to do with restrictions, but means well equipped, and well trained. 

But, again our right is an individual right, and you don't need to be part of the militia to exercise that right given to us naturally as human beings.  There is no need to re-write the 2A.  The courts just need to strike down all other gun laws passed illegally, and upheld by corrupt courts. 

Spin Zone / Re: Rushie
« on: October 29, 2018, 06:26:18 PM »
also nothing about writing something they consider "creepy"
i was banned for a post i made to Tanille about a plane she wants,
and one she wants to sell.
also about a song by The Captain and Tanille from the 70s'

Captain and Tenille?  Was it Love, can keep you together...…  I always thought she was hot.   God I am old.

Spin Zone / Re: My Governor
« on: October 27, 2018, 12:31:57 PM »
Kasich is a HYPOCRITE CLOWN.  Still hasn't gotten over being beaten by Trump. 

Spin Zone / Re: It took long enough.
« on: October 24, 2018, 12:26:42 PM »
Gun control is NOT a state's rights issue.  The states all agreed to the Constitution which contains the Second Amendment, therefore it is strictly a Federal issue.  Corrupt courts have upheld state gun control laws illegally.  I am a big proponent of state's rights when they are Constitutionally left up to the states.  Gun laws aren't one of them.  It is a Natural Right specifically enumerated in the U.S. Constitution. 

Spin Zone / Re: 1980's Snapper
« on: October 23, 2018, 05:16:47 AM »
I have a 1985 Wheel Horse 312-8 tractor with 42 inch mower deck.  Love the old stuff. 

Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Re: Never again I hope...
« on: October 23, 2018, 05:13:00 AM »
All the stories have been read. It gave me so many good ideas. So good that I was really glad to read it.

I am considering the information here, and using it to take the reading of the levels engaged.

Spin Zone / Re: I feel a break coming on
« on: October 21, 2018, 06:29:44 AM »
Open a bottle of wine, put your feet up, and relax. 

Spin Zone / Re: Standing up to invaders
« on: October 20, 2018, 07:37:00 AM »
I have never been able to understand why people think drug use will go down if drugs are legalized  :o

I don't think it will go down, and it may go up a bit, but the War on Drugs has been a HUGE failure, and only created a very large law enforcement bureaucracy that has cost us Trillions.  Most if it is a waste.  Our "judicial" system is all about generating revenue for those in it, and to grow government. 

Pilot Zone / Re: Flying Club adding Cessna 180....holy cow
« on: October 16, 2018, 02:41:32 PM »
There is a lot of good, back country, tailwheel planes.  Super Cubs, Maules, etc but for me personally, I'd take a 180 for its ability to haul, and also cruise at a speed where cars aren't passing me on the highway below. 

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