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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 814 815 [816] 817 818 ... 1348
Spin Zone / Re: Google manipulating the election
« on: August 04, 2019, 07:21:25 PM »
While everyone is worried about "Russia!" these pricks are are busy manipulating the elections, and aren't even trying to hide it.

Spin Zone / Shootings
« on: August 04, 2019, 04:27:56 PM »
So now we have a few more shootings, and right on cue, the left is screaming for gun control.

El Paso-  The scumbag shooter here left a "manifesto"  His writings are along the progressive thought process and then a lot of it is just rambling blame everyone mentality.

Dayton, OH-  Then we have this sicko, Connor Betts.  He murdered his sister along with 9 others.  And he's a registered Democrat.

Of course the dims and the MSM once again tried desperately to tie this to Trump.

Oh, btw, in Chicago there was a shooting this weekend, seven were shot in a drive by shooting near Douglas Park.  Of course the dims and the MSM are ignoring this.

Spin Zone / Re: Damn Flynn . . .
« on: August 03, 2019, 07:58:39 PM »
So everyone is jumping ship?

Spin Zone / Re: Damn Flynn . . .
« on: August 03, 2019, 08:37:53 AM »
Another forum member reached out to the Administrator, I assume Jason, but I don't think has heard back yet.  Is Jason still active on POA?  If so, maybe someone can PM him there to stop the spammers here.

The “Jason” at PoA is not the same Jason we have here. 

Be patient, we’re working on it.

Spin Zone / Re: Russian interference in the 2020 election
« on: August 02, 2019, 01:24:37 PM »

I will say I’m intrigued by AOA indicators. I know many military aircraft have it, but I’ve not flown in a GA aircraft that had one.

At OSH I saw a vendor that had an AOA indicator in a small heads up display. Pretty cool.

 The modern AOA sensors are far superior to the old style.   I'm really surprised no one has tried to adapt something similar to GA, but with certification cost, liability and a relatively small market that may have a lot to do with it.

Spin Zone / Re: Democrat Debates Round 2
« on: August 02, 2019, 11:46:08 AM »
You should bring that and the "backup" in the ankle holster.

Spin Zone / Re: What Were Robespierre’s Pronouns?
« on: August 02, 2019, 08:08:33 AM »
Comparing politcal correctness to the rampant bloodshed of the French Revolution is histrionics of the highest order.

Yes indeed!  Just look at the histrionics going on right now by the progressives.

Spin Zone / Re: Shark Week
« on: August 02, 2019, 08:06:48 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Shark Week
« on: August 02, 2019, 07:16:35 AM »
Never saw Alone. I do like Forged in Fire. 

Mountain Men is about the stupidest show I’ve ever seen. The biggest hick, Eustice, acts like he’s a hundred miles from civilization. I used to live in North Carolina and he could literally walk to Blowing Rock, a touristy Town in the mountains.

How about "Alaska Bush People"?  Ya know, that family that lives out in the bush of Alaska, living off the land and forging their own way?

Yep, oh, never mind that the father was born into a super wealthy Texas family and is worth millions, and he and his family, when not filming, live in SoCal in a mansion.  And also, while filming "in the wild of Alaska" once done they go into the town that's just a couple of miles away till the next day of filming........

 Yep, "reality TV"........... ::)

Those mistakes would endear her to the democrat base.

 For the dims, it doesn't matter.  They only want someone that can beat Trump.

 Other than being a national embarrassment for eight years, the wookie has never done anything that would remotely qualify her to national office.

What Circus Freak Show did she appear in?

The Wookie?

Here's what's really fucked up...........

Notice the dims aren't looking for someone who would actually qualify for a position as President, their sole concern is "who can beat Trump".

 That is truly troubling.

She a woman (well, that's debatable), she's Black, she has name recognition, she's "WOKE", etc.  With the poor performance of Joe Biden at last night's debate, Dems are starting to squirm about the front runner's chances.  Could Michelle sweep in at get the nomination?


 Her and BHO are busy raking in $million$ and a WH run would interfere with the cash haul.   

Spin Zone / Re: Shithole Countries
« on: August 01, 2019, 07:54:59 AM »

On the bigger point, what exactly is wrong about wanting the best and brightest people to come into the country, to better OUR country, and not wanting the world’s basket cases who will only diminish this country and suck it dry?

The world's basket cases typically will automatically vote for free stuff. 

Let's not kid ourselves, this whole push for open borders serves two purposes.  First and foremost, it gives the democrats (perceived) another voting block.  Just look at California and the millions of illegals living and working there, and also voting.

Second, it fills the void for low pay cash under the table workers that many republicans enjoy.  Those republicans see a trade off, cheap labor vs losing majority. 

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