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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 38 39 [40] 41 42 ... 134
Do you mean the 172RG Cutlass? That will be rather close in layout to the 172 fixed gear, won’t it?

I agree that a couple of things make for a bigger risk:

Bouncing back and forth versus just moving over.
Moving between planes which have a middling similarity - not really close but also not really different.

Combination of those two is a situation I am certainly going to be very careful about in the future. Admittedly not a terribly common combination.
Yes, sorry. A C-172RG. It was a very good complex airplane to use in training, plus it’s got a good 20+knots over a 172.

Thanks for the candid explanation of the incident. IMHO, unless the field is very short, I'd avoid configuration changes while on the rollout. Wait until you pull off the runway, stop, and then do your post landing and clean up the airplane.
One of my primary instructors drilled into me, even in a welded gear 172, to say after turning off the runway and proceeding to clean up “It looks like a flap, it feels like a flap, it is a flap.” 

I use that to this day and particularly in my Navion, when such things really matter.

Spin Zone / Re: Nancy got owned
« on: October 12, 2021, 07:52:34 PM »

Pilot Zone / Pirep: Bose Corporation
« on: October 12, 2021, 06:56:52 PM »
I had a 10-year old Bose A20 headset that was in desperate need of refurbishment. The batteries would only last 1-2 flights, the cable was cracked, the ear pads were pulling out and torn.

At OSH Bose told me that they usually do refurbishments at the show, but because of Covid, they couldn’t do that. But they wanted to see my headset, recorded the serial number, and handed me a card for a 50% discount off their usual $225 refurbishment cost. I had to pay for shipping there, but they paid for return shipping via UPS.

I sent it in during the last week in September, and just got it back today. Bose replaced the ear cups, the cord and the battery control unit, the head band pads, and the mic - seems like everything except for the ear cups and hard head band. All for $112.50 plus tax, and I basically have a brand new Bose A20.

I purchased a David Clark One-X before sending in my Bose, so now I’ll use the DCs in my NAvion, while my pax get a nice, comfy Bose.

Well done, Bose.

Spin Zone / Re: hey - something good from a vax mandate
« on: October 11, 2021, 12:49:04 PM »
Good old David White, "Herman Cain Awards"  I guess he hangs with his Liberal buds at PoA since he left FB.
Nothing worse than petulant, snot-nosed young people who know it all.

I never heard of Herman Cain awards and had to look it up. Count Little Joe as someone who chuckles when someone dies of Covid who was against the vaccine.

No wonder the left is so pro-abortion.

Accident Review/Never Again (I hope..) / Re: 177RG Lake Havasu
« on: October 11, 2021, 07:18:07 AM »
That engine had experienced a lot of recent work, and probably wasn't developing full power. Ive read he took the whole runway for takeoff and wasn't climbing.  How long do you wait when things aren't looking right?
We could probably all use a refresher in picking an abort point when we take off. I certainly will.

Pilot Zone / Re: take over?
« on: October 08, 2021, 10:18:41 AM »
Given his reception I'll be surprised if Peter is seen after this.  Takes a pretty thick skin.
A guy who uses his real name (instead of the pseudonym that 99% of us use) and jumps into areas such as defending his constitutional rights is alright in my book.

Hell, the only ones who are laying out flack on Peter are newbies who jumped over here from POA just to harass him.

The flack is always heaviest over the target.

I’m really glad Peter is contributing, and opening up all these aviation threads.


We can thank global warming, Covid, and the US government interference in science for the broad lack of trust in scientists these days.

Spin Zone / Re: The Oncoming Shortages
« on: October 07, 2021, 02:17:51 PM »
I think it's just the way the program was written.    That's the long way around for sure.
But it brings you through some really exciting areas. I’m thinking of taking a Mogadishu cruise soon.

If we take the CDC numbers at face value, more people have died of Covid under Biden than Trump.

And Biden has the benefit of the vaccines.   Plus, if anyone remembers the Biden campaign ads, it was constantly repeated that Biden had a plan to end the pandemic while supposedly Trump did not.
Pfffft. Biden voters have LONG forgotten about such things. There’s something much more important in their lives, like when Starbucks will come out with their pumpkin spice douche water or something.

Spin Zone / The Oncoming Shortages
« on: October 07, 2021, 12:28:52 PM »
A container ship typically runs about 10 knots (give or take) at cruise.  By running at hull speed they gain their best efficiency.
Where’s Henning when you need him so he can tell you how wrong you are? 

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: October 06, 2021, 12:02:18 PM »
First, I am genuinely sorry for your loss.  What did he die of, and what makes you convinced it was caused by the vaccine?

The vaccines are known to cause a mild myocarditis in teenagers, never heard of someone that old getting it.  Is he OK?

Screwed up how?  Again, how do you know this is the vaccine at work?

Bell's sucks, but can be caused by lots of things.  How do you know it was the vaccine?

If you say so.  I know scads of people who were vaccinated and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them at all.

I always ask for something that's gone through the peer-review process because there's lots of anecdotal stuff out there.  At one point the J&J vaccine appeared to cause some blood clots in a half dozen women.  Inoculation with the J&J vaccine was halted for a matter of weeks. 

If complications were arising at the rate you're suggesting this would have hit the scientific literature.  Hell, it would have hit the news outside of the right-wing blogs you seem to depend upon.  So I ask what I hope are reasonable questions.

I had a student claiming the same as you.  I asked of him the exact same question.  He told me his grandmother died of a stroke at 71 after being vaccinated.  I first offered condolences on the death of his grandmother  (a lot of my students used to loose grandparents around exam time, doesn't seem to happen so much anymore).  I then pointed out that strokes in folks in septuagenarians are not an entirely uncommon thing.

Like you I asked a couple more times for his basis in believing that vaccines were doing such amazing damage.  Everyone I know if vaccinated, as are the majority of the students.  Everyone I work with is vaccinated, you can't work at my facility without one. The only incidents I have heard of came form that student and you, and that student only gave me one example.  So I ask.

You guys worry about "censorship".  You'll never know just how hard that is to do in the US.  But if journalists can't back up a story they won't print it.  That isn't censorship, it's responsible journalism.  The problem with all the blogs is those guys aren't journalists at all, so they don't have to adhere to the same standards.
What a cloistered existence you live. I almost feel bad for you, but then I realized that it’s of your choosing.

The university environment (especially one that blackmails their students to require vaccinations or they can’t complete their studies) is about as far from the real work as exists.

Get out. Talk to businesses.  Talk to the people that make America work. Walk a machine shop. Take a vacation in Florida. You will see that there’s an entire world out there that is not cowering in fear and self-loathing. People actually getting on with life, worried less about a virus with a 99.7% recovery rate, and more about being able put food on their table, a roof over their heads, and protect their kids from government indoctrination.

If we did #3 March 2020, this would all be behinds us and most of the population would be immune. Naturally.
As we have done for every disease outbreak in recorded history.

Spin Zone / Re: obama's Third Term Is All About Ending Personal Choices
« on: October 06, 2021, 07:52:16 AM »
The worm turns once again.

Commie merrick garland's daughter is married to the co-founder of company selling critical race theory shit to public schools.

The fucking scumbag is criminalizing free speech for his daughter's profit.

It's pitchfork time, people.
I never thought I’d say it, but thank God for Mitch McConnell for keeping this traitor to the Constitution off the Court.

I do not resemble that remark. I think a Pussy brigade would look more like this:

I always enjoy Anthony’s family photos.

No “Like” button on Tapatalk, but

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