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Messages - nudnik

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Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: April 29, 2022, 03:18:31 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Buttgig: Roads Are Racist
« on: November 13, 2021, 07:21:02 AM »
Fail.  This link does nothing except define what redlining was. 

What you don't seem to realize is that white people had this problem too.  Poor white neighborhoods were redlined too and I know because my grandfather could not buy a house in one...because it was a poor white immigrant slum that banks didn't want to invest in.  They wound up in a little two room shack on a farm way out of town and basically got by on subsistence farming, too poor to even have chickens.  After many years, they managed to get a house with indoor plumbing, but to the day she died, my grandmother worked a multi-acre garden so they could have food.

You can't just use the example of one person (on either side) to try to make a point.

Here are some numbers from 1990. Showing just the extremes but all the tables are in the link below:

Approval rate for a White person at < 80% of median income: 76.5%
Approval rate for a White person at > 120% of median income: 81.9%
Approval rate for a Black person at < 80% of median income: 58.5%
Approval rate for a Black person at > 120% of median income: 64.5%

Low income person in a predominantly white neighborhood: 75.3%
High income person in a predominantly white neighborhood: 79.7%
Low income person in a predominantly black neighborhood: 61.8%
High income person in a predominantly black neighborhood: 74.1%

In either case, high income black people on average had a harder time to secure loans than low income white people. There will obviously be outliers on both sides of the equation, but there's no use trying to deny the past.

Page 872 & 874:

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: May 07, 2021, 07:24:50 AM »
All the social distancing, shutdowns and mask wearing is actually going to result in this virus evolving to be more easily transmitted. We are messing with Mother Nature.

Mother Nature is us living in a cave somewhere in Africa and at most meet 100 other people during our lifetime.

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: May 07, 2021, 05:10:48 AM »
I’m guessing you just lost some of your best people. I’d at least try to have some respect for people who think critically enough to decline at present “the biggest drug trial” in the history of the world.

Each of those employees happen to be against ALL vaccines, not just COVID. Their objections had nothing to do with "biggest drug trial".

Spin Zone / Re: You only need one shot, actually
« on: May 06, 2021, 11:08:35 PM »
By the way, the second shot sucked and laid me low for a day.  I still say get it.  All it means is I was good and immune, and that's a good thing to know.  The effects lasted a day and were done.

Same here. My second shot was very hard for about 48 hours. Got each one of the side effect in spades.

But to compare, I've had pneumonia before, and pneumonia is FAR worse than the worse effects from the shot. So I would still take it in a heartbeat even if I need to get boosters with the same side effects every 6 months.

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: May 06, 2021, 10:29:35 PM »
A FB friend and church member posted the meme on FB about everyone should be forced to get the vaccine. I was a bit surprised and even more surprised at the number of folks that gave it a thumbs up.  The thought of freedom seems to have left the country.

We still have freedom. Today I fired all my anti-vaxer employees.

Free enterprise FTW!

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 14, 2021, 05:44:49 PM »
Republicans will actually consider the evidence, of which there is precious little. As far as I know, Trump never told anyone to storm the capital, he never told anyone to be violent. They came up with that on their own.

This whole thing is the government being used as a political club.

If McConnell decides it's better to have Trump in the party, then he'll ignore all evidence.

If he decides he doesn't want Trump, then he'll look for evidence.

Spin Zone / Re: Federal Housing for Congress
« on: January 14, 2021, 12:28:43 PM »
It's as non sequitur as your post.

Touché, but my only other post on this thread was about D.C. resident's right of representation, hence my confusion about the utopia statement.

Spin Zone / Re: January 6
« on: January 14, 2021, 12:25:23 PM »
I know that one has to sting, but if it’s consolation, it’s unlikely Democrats can bring any proof that Trump caused the riot...because he didn’t. When it comes down to it, Republicans will do well to draw out the proceedings as long as possible because Democrats are going to look worse and worse as it goes along.

That's not going to matter.

What will matter is, when this comes up in let's say 100 days, if it's politically more convenient for the Republicans to have Trump be part of the Republican party, which brings in millions but runs the risk of him breaking up the party and forming let's say a MAGA party, or whether it's better for the GOP if he can't run again at all, which will lose some followers but have no risk of breaking up the party.

I suppose it's McConnell's call.

Spin Zone / Re: Federal Housing for Congress
« on: January 14, 2021, 12:19:53 PM »
But we just want dirty air and dirty water, right?

That seems like an interesting reference, but I don't know what that refers to.

Spin Zone / Re: Federal Housing for Congress
« on: January 14, 2021, 08:14:22 AM »
The basis for Leftist though like nudnik's is a combination of being uniformed, believing that Utopia is possible and wanted, and not holding people accountable for their own actions.  That and Dishonesty combined with Hypocrisy which is just another form of dishonesty.  That is why I choose not to be around them if I can help it.  They lack CHARACTER.

You think a Safeway cashier working and living in DC being able to vote for her representation accounts to being a socialist utopia?

Spin Zone / Re: Alternative to Amazon?
« on: January 14, 2021, 08:02:37 AM »
The alternative is small business but again, regulation stifles that, so these communities were given economic collectivism (welfare, government housing). In retrospect we see that was the wrong solution. What they really needed was seed capital and less regulatory burden.

But the malignant growth of government only increased regulatory burden, and discrimination prevented loans to blacks for seed capital. This also applied to poor urban whites. In the hillbilly land, isolation was the problem and you needed government to push a plan to get electricity to them. Later, they were behind on internet access, even still high speed internet is not available in many remote areas.

So government continued to grow and become a heavier burden on business while the biggest corporations lobbied and found loopholes and hence were “in bed” with government and only grew richer while it became ever harder for the small man to rise. Along came Donald Trump, reducing regulations and BOOM the economy explodes with prosperity.

What are the specific regulations that affected small business that you think Trump removed and where did they go BOOM?

I own a small business BTW. The only thing that I saw in terms of regulatory changes over the last 4 years was a big headache in terms of how employee stock is issued, and all it did was to give work to lawyers. Can't even explain the change to you if I tried.

Spin Zone / Re: Federal Housing for Congress
« on: January 12, 2021, 04:15:39 AM »
With you on the housing.

On the representation - sure. But then make it so that there are NO formal residents in DC, let everybody there always be from another state and can vote in their original state's elections. Last state they or their parents lived in before DC. And have no state be allowed to deny voting of DC temporary residents. We shouldn't have partial citizens, whether it be 2/3rds or otherwise.

Spin Zone / Re: I got my stimulus money today!
« on: January 12, 2021, 03:00:35 AM »
Did you watch the styxhexenhammer video Lucifer posted? I hope not because if you did you let it go in one ear and out the other or you weren’t capable of following his extremely well stated points. It explains why this is a very naive response.

Here’s the link again in case you missed it.

I did. Look, I'm not in favor of corporations or the balance of power resting in the hand of a few billionaires. I'm just taking momentary glee in the fact that this monster that the right has been creating for decades is coming back to bite you in the ass.

Look, I'm in favor of dogs. I'm even in favor of wolves, as long as your have the proper precautions in place. But the right insisted on creating demogorgons. And now that the demogorgon is biting you, you're saying it's a cat. That's a bit rich.

At least styxhexenhammer correctly calls them fascists and not communists, which is more than what I can say for a lot of people here.

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