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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Monday, Dec 19th
« on: December 17, 2016, 10:22:36 AM »
“What is evident is that Donald Trump lacks more than the qualifications to be president. He lacks the necessary stability and clearly the respect for the Constitution of our great nation,” say the celebs.

Being as Trump's response to the question "Who would you appoint to the Supreme Court" was "people who will uphold the Constitution" as opposed to Hillary's "People who will promote a liberal activist agenda",  it's pretty clear Trump respects the Constitution FAR more than the person they wanted.


Prevalence of depressive symptoms among high-stress occupations include 7% among emergency medical technicians, 10 to 17% among police officers, and 12% among deployed and 13% among previously deployed military personnel, the researchers estimate.

In future studies, the researchers hope to examine the risk factors for depression among pilots.

"We suspect that disrupted circadian rhythm and/or sleep disturbances may be associated with having a higher depressive score," said Wu.

Maybe it comes with the territory.  In other words, it's "normal" for this level of depression to show up in this group of people as a result of the occupation itself.

Spin Zone / Babies are RACIST
« on: December 11, 2016, 09:07:07 AM »
3 month old babies prefer their own race:

Perhaps even more surprising is that infants prefer the faces of their own race by three months of age, and have trouble distinguishing between faces of other races by nine months.

"You all look alike!"

But there is hope:

The good news is that exposure to people from other races on a daily basis can erase this effect.

For example, if children live in neighborhoods where they are exposed to people of other races, they will maintain the ability to differentiate between their faces. Similarly, if infants get brief daily exposure to photographs of individuals of other races, they will maintain the ability to distinguish between them.

Here's an entertaining analysis of this syndrome:

Spin Zone / Re: Anti-Trump Thug Becomes Darwin Candidate
« on: November 19, 2016, 09:21:22 AM »
You know, they ought to require a class before you can own a gun.

Or write about guns. "Load the bullets back"... sheesh.

Spin Zone / How is this racism again?
« on: November 15, 2016, 10:32:08 AM »
Rush just said, and he's about right from my own digging around elsewhere:

Over the 2012 election Trump got 1% more of the white vote.  He got 7% more of the black vote.

I've watched a lot of Youtube videos of blacks who are for Trump. They make the most intelligent well thought out arguments I have heard from anyone in this election cycle.

But the media tells us the Trump win was a "whitelash", it was all the white racists.  So here are my questions:

How is it racist to vote for a white Trump and against a WHITE Hillary?

How is it racist for a BLACK to vote for Trump?

I'll admit I voted for Trump. Do these people REALLY think I went in that booth and said, "Gee, I hate black people. So I'm going to vote for Trump." 

No.  Here's what I said, "Gee, our retirement fund isn't growing. We are holding on to our jobs by the skin of our teeth. I would like the economy to get better so I can have a comfortable old age. Hillary will continue Obama's dying economy. Trump MIGHT do something different and turn things around. So, I'm voting for Trump."

Trust me. Nobody's skin color even entered my mind. The media reporting has sunk into a deeper shit pool than I've ever seen in my life.

Spin Zone / Re: Deportation
« on: November 15, 2016, 10:01:32 AM »
Oh. As far as I know he's never said he wants to deport legal immigrants.

That's correct. From my memory (dicey at my age) during the campaign he said he wanted to deport all the ILLEGAL immigrants.  At the time I said to myself, "He isn't going to do that. Where does he think he will send them? It's not like they have a house back in Mexico to which to return. He's just speaking emotionally to connect with the rage a lot of Americans have about illegal immigration. If he's elected he will modify that drastically."

And now it looks like I was right. He's saying he's only going to deport the criminal ones.  I could have sworn he admitted on 60 minutes that he exaggerated during the campaign for the exact purpose of getting people to listen to him and give him media attention, because otherwise, he wouldn't get it.  If he used that rhetoric as a tool to gain popularity among the Republicans so as to win the nomination, it makes sense to me, there may not have been another path for him to use.

I suspected he would back down to a more reasonable position once elected and it looks like that's exactly what's happening. Same with Obamacare. During the campaign he was trashing the whole thing. Now he's going to keep a couple items. 

Same with same sex marriage.  He's supposedly against it, I don't remember specifically him saying so during the campaign but I'd guess he did, again, to win with Republicans. But on 60 minutes when asked about it he said, "Look, it's a done deal. I'm not messing with it."  Which is exactly what he should do at this point; his priority needs to be ramping up the economy real fast so he's got a chance to win again in 2020.  If he has any effect on gay marriage, it will be because of whomever he nominates for the Supreme Court. I guess theoretically they could reverse it? But that is not the hill he needs to try to die on right now. And I don't think he ever would. He is NOT a traditional religious conservative. I seriously doubt he cares a fig if gays marry each other.

They way he campaigned with a lot of extreme rhetoric is part of the reason the media and the left could portray him as a complete monster. I suspected he is not, and it looks like (thank God) I was probably right. But he had to do it that way just to get himself taken seriously. 

I don't know who first said this but it hits the nail. The left took him literally but not seriously, and the right took him seriously but not literally. The latter was me (although technically I'm not right-wing; I am libertarian) I took him as a serious candidate but did not take his words literally.

I am seeing however that his extreme speech is already paying off. Mexico is coming to him now saying, let's get the wall built so we can be good with you and our trade relationship. They don't want to call his bluff, they're too scared of him. That's WONDERFUL.  He's got them off balance. Same with the rest of the world.  "I'm not gonna tell you my plan for ISIS."  LOVE IT. Keep them all guessing. We've been stupid too long and it's obvious the world doesn't respect us.  Looks like Trump might turn that around.

Spin Zone / Re: How could we split up the country?
« on: November 14, 2016, 09:21:42 PM »
Rush, excellent post, and I agree with all
Except the last paragraph. There has not been significant movement in representation and thus EVs in decades. I think a reason for that is that Americans like their space, we like our pickups and SUVs, and we like our yards and green space.

Despite the urban planners' utopia of moving Americans into cities, relying on mass transit and light rail, many of us continue have massive commutes because we like where we live.

Even when I was out of college and many
of my friends lived in Lincoln Park in Chicago, 100% of them have left the city once they have had kids and wanted to raise their kids in a better environment.

I think American Exceptionalism will keep us flyover states valid and in play.

Good, I hope you're right about that. It makes me feel a little better.

Spin Zone / Re: How could we split up the country?
« on: November 12, 2016, 11:11:28 PM »
The divide is mostly urban vs rural.  I am coming to the realization that it's cultural more than ideological. The urban culture has become completely disconnected from people that live closer to the earth and in small communities. Paradoxically they claim to care about the planet, but they are now generations away from having to grow their own food. They don't actually have a relationship with nature yet they see themselves as protectors of their ideal vision of "the environment" (a vision based in fantasy).  They do not supply their own energy, it comes to them over wires and they barely have any understanding of how it gets there. They feel superior to "country hicks" and "rednecks" and with every generation the separation becomes wider. The overwhelming majority of people have barely any understanding of the economy, couldn't give you a definition of "socialism" if their lives depended on it. They vote Democrat simply because they are surrounded by others who vote that way, and are steeped in media that paints conservatives as the Face of Evil.

This country is in reality a huge red mass with small spots of blue, but the small spots are so densely populated, and so ignorant of the people in the red areas, that they exist in a seething self important bubble. The big shock of the Trump win is that they were forced to recognize that real people exist in that empty "flyover country". These inferior "rednecks" forced them to take notice by denying them the assumed first female President. It's just taking a toy from a toddler is all. I'm convinced that the great majority of rioters and cry babies have no real clue about the policy differences between Trump and Hillary, they are simply shocked that people they so look down upon were able to take away their expected result.  I don't even think they give a crap about Hillary.  Their real problem is they feel like a parent swooped in and took something away from them, and that parent is the horrible, racist, unenlightened stupid person they have, until now, forgot existed. The cities don't like being reminded we exist because without us, they have no food and no energy. This is their deep subconscious fear. Their hatred of us is due to their dependence on us.  Like a toddler resenting his dependence on mommy and daddy. But it's worse. It's more like masters who depend on slaves to work the plantation, or royalty in a medieval castle who have serfs that must turn over a large portion of their crops and goods. They are most comfortable pretending we don't exist, as long as they get their food and energy (and tax dollars).  You can expect extreme efforts to overthrow the Electoral College, because the EC is what gives us large red areas power.

There is no possible way to divide the country. It will be the Big House with no fields or woods. The Castle with no hunting lands or tenants.  The blue areas cannot separate and survive, even the blue states are mostly red when you look at it by county.  For a long time now the trend has been for the population to move from rural to urban and as far as I can see, that imbalance will continue to grow.  That may mean if Republicans continue to win by EC, the popular vote will go the other way more often, until even the EC won't be enough for Republican wins.  As people move to the cities, their children are "absorbed" into the urban culture.

So I expect this nation will go Democrat again before long. If we're lucky we'll have eight years of Trump and an economic boom, but it will all be reversed again because Democrats don't grasp economics. They don't see the connection between lower taxes and individual prosperity; they vote on emotion and "causes" not based in fact and reality.  We'll eventually decline into socialist Hell and probably break apart into fiefdoms, or be forced to stay together like the Soviet Union.

Spin Zone / Re: A message for 'Gimp and Lucifer
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:28:02 AM »

I still think Trump is a pig, but he's our pig now.  It's up to us to make sure he keeps his promises, and doesn't turn away from the messages that bought him a win.

Agree. I didn't vote for Trump in the primary.  But during the campaign, I received email from the Trump campaign asking me, personally, what my problems are and what I would like Trump to do to fix them. The email included space to write UNLIMITED CHARACTERS my suggestions and opinions. Then Trump issued the Contract with Voters and I saw that he listened and addressed my concerns. (Oh I know he didn't personally read them, but mine plus millions of others like me, he DID listen to.)

It remains to be seen if he actually does what he promises. I still have some problems with some of his proposed policy and position on some issues.

And he is still unlikeable, even a bit repulsive to me.  But here is the bottom line. He heard and responded when I said our retirement fund is not growing. He heard when I said several of my family members were laid off their jobs. He heard when I said I am crushed under too many regulations from a distant government who doesn't understand how my quality of life is eroded by their meddling.  He heard when I said our taxes are way too high. He heard me say several of my doctors have quit their practices and my health insurance premiums have gone up.

Trump heard all this, HILLARY DID NOT.

Trump is still a pig, but I am 60 years old and face my old age, during which I would like to be comfortable, have some cash to spend, have good doctors, and maybe even be able to leave something for my children.  I have a new grandbaby I do not want to leave a decayed corpse of a country to.  At this point I don't care if he is a pig and he grabs women's pussies.  I am going to be selfish FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE.  I voted my wallet and my future and the future of my children and grandchildren because if Hillary won, things would only continue to get worse. That much was crystal clear.

Will Trump keep his promises to me?  Will he fix this country?  I have no idea.  But at least he asked me about my pain, and responded to what I said.

I hope the Republican party elite is hearing the message too:  We suffering middle class, working class and poor are SICK of you political elite.  My eyes were open in the last two months of this campaign. I was with you up to and past the primary, but some of you in your lack of support for Trump to defeat Hillary showed your true colors, and this spoke loud and clear: You too are disconnected from the suffering of me and the rest of "everyday Americans".   Screw you, along with the whole Democrat party.

Spin Zone / Re: Florida
« on: November 08, 2016, 01:38:09 PM »

On another note, a friend of the family is Mexican and he and his family are middle class working, and here legally.  A number of times he has told me how fed up they (his friends and family) are with open borders and illegal immigration. 

 I've asked him just how the Mexican American community views recent politics, and he tells me not to believe the dems, that they want change and are backing the conservatives.

My Hispanic friends are like that too. And my Cuban friend hates the left, she was born in Cuba and says anybody who has lived in a collectivist economy (socialism, communism) knows better than to back Democrats as they see where it ends up.  She's for Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: More mainstreamers changing tune
« on: November 02, 2016, 07:37:29 AM »
I have to wonder if they're changing their tune because they see the writing on the wall and don't want to be seen as having endorsed a corrupt and criminal candidate/president. That won't look good for them later on if they've done nothing but endorse her and it turns out she's indicted or has to resign.

Oh absolutely. If the leftist media suddenly "sees the light" it's not because they gained an appreciation overnight of free market economics.  It's because they are scrambling to keep their side of the bread buttered and keep their own asses out of trouble.

Spin Zone / Re: Moore?
« on: October 27, 2016, 06:48:25 PM »
Alone it's a gem, but it's actually part of a larger "act" in which the overall message is not at all pro-Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: The new religious freedom
« on: October 13, 2016, 01:46:00 PM »

I don't understand how Catholics can vote Democrat, as that is the ABORTION party.   

I don't have statistics but I think a lot of them come from families and communities that were traditionally Democrat because they worked in steel mills and other industries and supported Labor.

Spin Zone / Re: Deplorables and Rednecks
« on: October 12, 2016, 03:27:21 PM »
The Democrat elite look down upon most of the country, except those that can donate, and/or live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and places like that.

I'll throw in many of the Republicans.  It's the DC insiders. They are SO out of touch.

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