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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 69 70 [71] 72 73 ... 134
Unless you've been watching too many 1984 post-apocalyptic movies, it's not hard at all. My observation and experience has been that if spoken to with respect, teenagers respond respectfully including when they're in the wrong. I've been on both sides of that coin- a teenager acting up and an adult speaking to a young person who didn't know me from Adam. On the balance, they come back at you in rebellion if you're a prick about it.
I don’t know if you just woke up after a six month nap, but we are living in the book 1984.

Freedom of speech is verboten. Opinions contrary to that of the mob will get you fired or shunned. Violent rioters are allowed to exercise their tyranny, while churches are fined or pastors jailed for having more than 10 people in attendance. Police are arresting barbers for cutting hair, while the political leaders are walking arm in arm with BLM protestors.  Overnight terms like All Lives Matter, which is a holy belief, are deemed racist and evil.


Spin Zone / Re: White Privilege - the ultimate liberal fantasy
« on: June 08, 2020, 09:22:52 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: COVID-19 surcharges
« on: June 07, 2020, 08:35:30 AM »
I don't know what consumers will pay.  I assume they'd be OK with temporary Chinese Virus surcharges.  It is difficult to swallow however, when you see thousands rioting with no precautions for the Virus, and Government and the MEDIA embracing and Promoting that rioting.  So it begs the thought that this was ALL UNNECESSARY and a purposeful attempt to crash the economy.  Why should I pay for their Propaganda?

My personal response will be to stay away from most businesses except for the ones I have to use to survive until ALL returns to normal if it ever does.  Sorry, but I didn't cause this problem.  The Government and Media did.  They need to make up the difference in $$$ these businesses lost NOT ME.
I couldn’t give a shit about the big companies, but I do care about the small businesses,and want them and their employees to get back on their feet.

Yesterday I flew to Janesville KJVL to have breakfast at Bessie’s Diner, which is in the terminal. My daughter and I had a 45 minute wait because they are operating at something like 25% capacity for now.

Tables were very far apart. Cloth napkins and silverware came in a plastic bag. Salt and pepper were in little packets. The tables AND CHAIRS were throughly wiped down before we sat down. Many other changes.

The pretty tattooed waitress had nice eyes, but otherwise wore a mask. She looked like mid to late 40’s. Other employees didn’t wear masks as it is not required here.  Personal choice. Zero customers had masks, and about half of them flew in, the rest were from the community.

I paid her $40 for a $22 breakfast. I think it was money well spent. Especially since I spent $200 to get there in a rental Cutlass.

Spin Zone / Re: George Floyd
« on: June 05, 2020, 08:42:55 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: George Floyd
« on: May 30, 2020, 08:17:53 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Think This Can’t Happen?
« on: May 30, 2020, 05:56:27 AM »
In massachusetts, the governor's emergency orders don't apply to the legislature or the courts... hmmmm.  Can anyone think of why not?  If so, can you explain how the governor has the authority to close Church buildings?

Having said that, the US Constitution is not a suicide pact.
I’ve read your origins of that term below. But I’ve heard it used once or twice this year. Incorrectly I might add.

Since the Constitution doesn’t grant rights, but it prevents government from infringing on natural, God-given rights, any infringement on them is unlawful. Period. And yes Anthony, I’ll join you in your lawsuit against every government that has a gun law.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S re-enters manned space flight
« on: May 27, 2020, 08:25:19 AM »
Is the crew all female, Black and Lesbian?
No, they are two toxically masculine white men - one USAF guy and one Marine Colonel  who flew F-18s.

I’m quite offended. 

Spin Zone / Re: U.S re-enters manned space flight
« on: May 27, 2020, 05:20:11 AM »
Reason to celebrate?  I think so, but of course, NASA wants you to STAY HOME.

It's not the Saturn V, and we aren't visiting other planetary bodies, but it is a start and better than riding on a Russian Soyuz rocket.  However, it is Elon Musk and Space X, so.........
I just wish their space suits didn’t look like something out of a Woody Allen movie.

That’s assuming all those libertarians would have voted for Trump and not Hillary.  I’m not sure that’s the case.

Edit: well Jim beat me to it.
Yes, what I don’t think would happen is that a principled libertarian would vote for Hillary.

I didn’t anticipate his answer that a principled libertarian would rather sit in the stands and watch the game instead of using their vote to participate in it. That’s actually quite sad and pathetic. 

Your argument is vacuous and tiresome. You are under the delusion that those voters would have voted for Trump if only there was no Libertarian party candidate. When the major candidates are disliked by many, and there are no alternatives, they would have sat out the election, as in fact many chose to do. They were never Trump’s voters because Trump is nowhere near being a Libertarian. You must think people with principles should abandon them for candidates who don’t abide by those principles.

It’s almost as if you think the Republican and Democratic parties originated with Adam and Eve and will be the only major parties to the end of time. Go read the history of when and how the Republican party formed. Something about a principle was involved - I doubt you know what it was without looking it up. Libertarians started similarly.
Sorry, I foolishly thought Libertarians were still Americans who wanted their vote to mean something in the American Presidential election.

Yeah, I know how the GOP got started. It started 60 miles from me in Ripon, Wisconsin. 

I was once a principled 32-year old. 20 million of us voted for independent businessman Ross Perot, 19% of the vote, and zero electoral votes. The margin of error was 6 million votes, so in reality we elected Bill Clinton.

I grew up and got over it. I realized I could try to use my influence within the GOP, instead of effectively sitting on the sidelines for every future election like a libertarian voter.

In the next election Perot only got 8 million and 8% of the vote, but the damage was already done. Did I like Bob Dole? No, but I disliked Clinton a lot more.

Um, if SD or any other solid red state goes for Biden, then civilization as we know it is dead. I haven’t voted R or D for president most of my adult life.
I will make the assumption that a principled libertarian voter would rarely vote for a democrat candidate, especially Hillary Clinton.

In the 2016 election in Colorado, Hillary won with 1,208,095 votes over Trump’s 1,136,354 - a margin of 71,741 votes.

Gary Johnson garnered 129,128 votes.

Congratulations principled Libertarians. You turned Colorado blue.

Johnson’s vote count also exceeded the margin in Florida (won by Trump), Maine (won by Clinton), Michigan (won by Trump), Minnesota (won by Clinton), Nevada (won by Clinton), New Hampshire (won by Clinton), New Mexico (won by Clinton), Pennsylvania (won by Trump), and Wisconsin (won by Trump).

Six states could arguably have voted for Trump if not for principled libertarian voters voting for a candidate that had zero chance of winning.

Sorry but I’ve lost my patience with libertarians as a party.

Spin Zone / Re: Who Believes the Lockdowns Were About Science?
« on: May 26, 2020, 01:02:11 PM »
Exactly.  The Healthcare system was NEVER overwhelmed, yet they continued the Lock Down and fear mongering.  It could have been a 2 - 4 week thing and then back to normal WITH other precautions for the higher risk people. 

Steingar doesn't care because it is not affecting him, nor his family personally.  He seems fine with tens of millions losing jobs, businesses, homes and families destroyed.
Why would he care?  He’s a tenured professor and can sit with his thumb up his ass for a year and still get paid.

Wait until universities demand full tuition this fall while only offering remote classes, or some other half-measures.

I hope universities get destroyed over this. 

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