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Spin Zone / Democrat Fascism
« Last post by Lucifer on Today at 12:55:02 PM »

  I'm open to an honest conversation on this topic.  I would like to hear from someone who is a democrat, and have them explain why the party has embraced fascism, anti semitism and overall embrace of totalitarianism.

 No name calling, no rants, just please explain why these ideologies are appealing.
Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« Last post by Lucifer on Today at 12:23:19 PM »
Let me clarify.

If we have an actual free and fair election, I don't believe the regime will get re-elected.   However, keep in mind the regime depends upon low information voters for support, and there are a lot of them.

There will be cheating, bank on it.  The regime can't get people (with the exception of the low information types) to buy into their inane ideas, so their only path to victory is to cheat.  The question becomes can we beat back the cheating.

Also, we need to stop focusing on one election (president).  The real rot in our government are career politicians, and they need to go.  Changing the guy at the top will have little effect if we allow the UniParty to retain control of congress and the senate.

Remove them all.  Every. Damn. One.
Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« Last post by Number7 on Today at 12:13:39 PM »
Pretty much everything the regime does is staged.  This is yet another indication of the communist behind the scenes. 

If they manage to steal the upcoming election, the next phase will be huge billboards of the president everywhere, with some message.   Then, internet will be heavily censored and monitored.  You will only see and hear state approved media.

We are almost there.  One more STOLEN election seals the deal.

Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« Last post by Lucifer on Today at 10:49:30 AM »
Pretty much everything the regime does is staged.  This is yet another indication of the communist behind the scenes. 

If they manage to steal the upcoming election, the next phase will be huge billboards of the president everywhere, with some message.   Then, internet will be heavily censored and monitored.  You will only see and hear state approved media.

We are almost there.  One more election seals the deal. 
Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« Last post by President-Elect Bob Noel on Today at 10:39:29 AM »
Is it the fact that they are pointing at something we can't see,
of is it what looks like "nutrition Cheez-its" near their fee that makes the pic stupid.
Or something else?

how about how obvious the amateur posing is?  who actually does that when touring a facility?

amateur hour...

Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« Last post by Little Joe on Today at 04:54:34 AM »
Is it the fact that they are pointing at something we can't see,
of is it what looks like "nutrition Cheez-its" near their fee that makes the pic stupid.
Or something else?
Spin Zone / Re: stupid pictures
« Last post by Number7 on Today at 04:45:51 AM »
Stupid people do stupid things.

Stupid politicians do them stupider.
Spin Zone / stupid pictures
« Last post by President-Elect Bob Noel on Today at 03:55:50 AM »
and now, here is yet another example of stupid photos resulting from photo-ops.

Was the PA weenie and/or the photographer 12 years old?

Spin Zone / Re: This Land is Mine
« Last post by Rush on May 03, 2024, 02:16:21 PM »
1971 I was one year home from Nam.

In 1971 I was 14 turning 15 (birthday is in the summer) and getting interested in boys, and getting very angry hearing every night how many American "boys" were killed and wounded over there.  It was around that time I read The Gulag Archipelago and decided I hated communism, but even though we were supposedly "fighting communism" it still did not make sense to me why our boys were fighting over there because that was the other side of the planet. That's where my head was in 1971. A confused teenage girl.
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