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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 351 352 [353] 354 355 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: from the you've-got-to-be-kidding file
« on: January 13, 2020, 12:14:23 PM »
There’s also a high level of virtue signaling with companies offering such things.

At my firm we have parental leave, which gives men paternity leave benefits. Our “wellness” programs are broken out as physical, financial, social, and emotional.

When my daughter was born I had a strong sense of responsibility to provide for my newly-grown family, so I felt I needed to get back to work ASAP.  But young guys ALL take their paternity leave benefit.

What the Climate alarmists are calling climate is really weather.  They say the warming or even cooling if it happens is "abnormal" when we've had natural, and drastic swings in temperature in the past before Man's industrialization, and Man's existence. 

The Global Elitists have given Progressives a new meaning and relevance in their lives, just like the 60's protesters used the Vietnam War.  They've given them a PURPOSE in an otherwise meaningless existence.
Remember when the global warming faithful lectured us that individual weather events prove nothing, because weather is not the same as climate?

Ah, good times. Good times.

Spin Zone / Re: Escalation
« on: January 10, 2020, 12:12:38 PM »
Nowhere and nohow did I encourage even a similar strategy that we used in Iraq.

In Iraq, we sacrificed our troops by ROEs that prevented them from defending themselves from citizens.
We (some of us) were convinced the Iraqi's would greet our troops in the streets of Baghdad with open arms and flower bouquets.
We tried to forge alliances with known enemies of ours just because they were enemies of our other enemies.
We paid those allies millions of dollars and gave them weapons, only to have them renege and we would do the same thing with other enemies of ours.
We tried to force "democracy" on a population that has no respect for, or history of democracy.
We tried to rebuild them in our image.

Where in the world did you get from my post that I was advocating for any of that?
And if you didn't deduce any of those things from my post, then what did you think I was advocating that was similar to GWB and Iraq other than "attack the shit out of them and destroy their ability to be a threat to us?"

I just don't see how you thought I was encouraging another Iraq type incursion.
To be fair to Becky, when you suggested taking them out (whatever that means) and forcing regime change, I had the same
Impression. Regime change was a driving force in Gulf War II.

When I was in college in about 1972 a PhD chemist assured the class that the worldwide supply of natural gas would be gone in ten years at most.  Oops.

PhD = Piled higher and Deeper

Spin Zone / Re: Escalation
« on: January 10, 2020, 08:40:02 AM »
No!  Orange Box Bad!
Pilot Spin post of the day! 

Spin Zone / Re: Escalation
« on: January 08, 2020, 03:19:23 PM »
"Given this, the MC has decided to lock the thread for the time being, with the intention to unlock it in the future discussion when the aviation can be separated from the politics. "

oh yeah, that'll happen.
Dear God. Doesn’t that guy have better things to do like fly dogs all over the country in his turbine twin, or whatever the hell he used to talk about?

I get fatigued just reading shit like that, let alone trying to decide what might happen if, God forbid, people talked about world events.

Spin Zone / Re: Escalation
« on: January 08, 2020, 01:54:15 PM »
Was it conclusive that the U.S. shot down that airliner?  I guess so because you are the second person to mentioned that.  I guess I have convenient amnesia on that one.  I doubt it would happen twice.  Plus there were 63 Canadians, and 3 Brits on the plane as well as Ukrainians.
Canadians?  Seriously?  What in the hell is wrong with the Cannucks?  One of them wasn’t Trudeau by chance, was it?

Spin Zone / Re: Escalation
« on: January 08, 2020, 12:58:45 PM »
The 737 crash is very suspect, and the vast majority of people know the U.S. would never do something like this.  Was it a mistake by the Iranian missile defense?  I think that is more plausible, but who knows.
Recall that the US accidentally shot down an Iranian airliner.

This could be a setup to blame the US for another “mistake.”  And the fact that it was a Ukrainian airliner, of all countries, that went down. 

I have no doubt Christiane Amanpour, Chris Cuomo, and Don Lemon are hot on the trail as to what Trump would gain by downing an airliner full of Iranians and Ukrainians.

Watch for “sources say that the passengers included a supreme deputy commander of something or other,” with the resulting “assassination” narrative coming forthwith.

Spin Zone / Re: Escalation
« on: January 08, 2020, 12:34:00 PM »
What do you propose be done with people expressing non-legitimate dissent?
Red herring.

Spin Zone / Re: Nice opinion piece
« on: January 07, 2020, 02:33:46 PM »
The problem is, it’s not really an opinion piece. It’s a fact-based piece, “written off” as an opinion piece.

The immediate amnesia that struck the left at precisely 12:01pm on 20 January 2017 is stunning in its fraudulence.

Spin Zone / For those who object to POTUS using Twitter
« on: January 07, 2020, 10:24:11 AM »
I agree with Bob.  I am glad he uses twitter to get his point across.  I just wish he didn't sound like such an idiot when he does it.  He often causes me to wince and I can't believe he ever gets anyone to change their minds.  He just solidifies the opposition in their hatred for them  Just like most of you guys here when someone says something you disagree with.
I don’t agree at all. At the beginning I did cringe when he tweeted some things. Then I saw the 24/7/365 assault against him by virtually all media, and all liberal politicians, most of which was unfair and false.

What is he supposed to do?  Sit there and take it?  That’s why GWB became a punching bag. He NEVER fought back. And the democrats had their way with him. It infuriated me, because every attack against Bush was an attack against me as a conservative.

I feel the same thing when people attack Trump. Those assaults are a DIRECT attack against conservatives too. When CNN is calling Trump a racist, sexist, homophobe, or whatever else, they are calling me that as well. I won’t stand for it. So when Trump tweets something, I now am enthused by it. He changed my mind. I also believe that in many ways by his tweets he is playing 3-D chess while the democrats are playing checkers.

Spin Zone / Re: Qassem Soleimani executed
« on: January 06, 2020, 03:33:21 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Have a Happy New Year!
« on: January 02, 2020, 01:50:33 PM »
Yes, my bad.  I was using the Media's incorrect term for cartridges to be even more facetious.  You know like Governor Cuomo?  "You don't need ten bullets to kill a Deeya".  In that stupid NY accent?  :)

I don't cast yet.  I should though, especially for when the revolution starts.
Yea, and you probably put those bullets in a 30 round clip so you can fire a hundred bullets a second with one squeeze of the trigger on your automatic revolver.

Spin Zone / Re: Why can't people acknowledge self-defense?
« on: December 30, 2019, 12:33:45 PM »
I know too many FBI agents and other LEO whose firearm skills are marginal at best, amd barely qualify. You would be surprised at how many only shoot when they have to qual. He seems like the exception, though. Hero in anybody's opinion.
Over 20 years ago I was given the unbelievable opportunity to train and shoot at an FBI facility next to Great Lakes Naval Training Center. One of their SWAT instructors said the scariest part of his job was conducting training and quals for local police departments.

That was the first time I ever shot an MP-5 and an M-16. It was a very good day!

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