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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: April 01, 2023, 02:57:17 AM »
Presidential campaigns are expensive.  The money has to come from somewhere.

Various PAC's are formed to "help" the candidate, and depending on who's putting the money in, it usually comes with strings attached.  People or organizations that make huge contributions aren't doing it for nothing.

Keep an eye on who's making the contributions.  Also, keep an eye on how much support the RNC is giving the candidate.

One of the two biggest reasons I favor Trump.  He is beholden to no one.  The other reason is his proven performance 2017-2019.  He was the ONLY president in my lifetime who made it his JOB to keep his campaign promises.

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 31, 2023, 04:29:45 PM »
Becky, that is real sophistry. You are projecting what you want to be true because he’s a threat to Trump. I see this on pro-Trump sites all the time, with facts not in evidence. Yet you are talking about one of the founders of the House Freedom Caucus.  You are talking about THE MAN who turned Florida from purple to red.  You’re talking about the person who took on the woke mob, took on the Militaristic Education Complex, took on Disney, and took on voter integrity - all things Trump has never even tried to do.

If there are people on the RINO side who like DeSantis, they are doing so because he’s the only viable Republican candidate who would have a chance to defeat Trump. So what?  Don’t play the democrats guilt by association game. Trump rejected it when David Duke endorsed him and the democrats jumped on that, and you should reject it too.

I'm on the fence Stan, but I'm leaning towards Becky's and Lucifers stance. I just don't trust the GOP anymore.  They hated that Trump got the nomination and won.  That's documented.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: March 31, 2023, 10:56:09 AM »
No, because I would actually prefer Nikki, and possibly a few others.  But I think they all have even less chance than Trump.  I'm promoting DeSantis, not because I am a sycophant but because I think he can win.  If I had any suspicion that trump could win the general, I would happily vote for him  Even if he can only give us 4 years.

The Trump cult consists of people that will vote for Trump even though they (should) know that they are sacrificing the election and will give us 4 more years of Biden/Harris.

False.  Voting for Trump is not “sacrificing the election”.  It’s going to be stolen even if DeSantis is the candidate.  Do you really think the Dems will allow DeSantis to win?  The racist, homophobic, transphobic, book banning Nazi?

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 31, 2023, 09:07:48 AM »
Becky, that is real sophistry. You are projecting what you want to be true because he’s a threat to Trump. I see this on pro-Trump sites all the time, with facts not in evidence. Yet you are talking about one of the founders of the House Freedom Caucus.  You are talking about THE MAN who turned Florida from purple to red.  You’re talking about the person who took on the woke mob, took on the Militaristic Education Complex, took on Disney, and took on voter integrity - all things Trump has never even tried to do.

If there are people on the RINO side who like DeSantis, they are doing so because he’s the only viable Republican candidate who would have a chance to defeat Trump. So what?  Don’t play the democrats guilt by association game. Trump rejected it when David Duke endorsed him and the democrats jumped on that, and you should reject it too.

Stan, with all due respect, I find no comfort in “what I want to be true.” I’m no Trumpophile, just a realist. In fact, I emphatically want it to be true that “someone out there” will secure our elections. But election fraud is targeted and efficient now, elections are controlled by the Uniparty and their spook puppeteers, and you know it and have said so. An epic landslide was overcome with cheating. No Republican can be elected ever again until it’s fixed.

I don’t dismiss anything useful and patriotic that DeSantis has done. But I continue to believe, as we see with his tepid response to the indictment, that he will not stand up to the regime and expose its corruption, ever. And we need someone who will, in or out of the White House. And we need millions to unite in the cause of restoring fair elections and ousting traitorous players. Really, it’s on all of us, and I see you pinning hopes on DeSantis that never can come to fruition in the way you wish.

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 31, 2023, 07:10:18 AM »
I have never seen name tags with pronouns.  But then I live in the State that elected Governor DeSantis; the next President of the United States.
If that happens, it’ll be because the powers and handlers behind the Biden steal of the Trump historic landslide victory approve and enable yet another cheat. Which means they would control DeSantis. He would not be allowed to do the people's work, but as their puppet would be constrained by softer chains and fewer outright attacks as they levied at President Trump actually for doing the people’s work.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: March 29, 2023, 06:28:22 AM »
"If Trump strokes out".
It is a distinct possibility that this, or something worse, may happen in then next 5 or 6 years.
Alphas, especially older ones,  have more heart attacks and strokes, and Presidents (and Presidential candidates) have a lot of stress.

I’m not going to not vote for him just because he might stroke out while in office. That’s what a VP is for.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: March 28, 2023, 05:33:23 PM »
I’m not upset with DeSantis.  I just said I understand why Trump would be.  I’ll vote for DeSantis if he runs and wins the primary or if Trump strokes out or something.

Spin Zone / Re: The Weaponization of FedGov
« on: March 28, 2023, 10:22:29 AM »
It was a blatant message.  Testify about weaponizing the feds and we will openly weaponize the feds against you.  What are you gonna do about it? 

And the Republicans will do nothing.

Spin Zone / Re: Questions Without Answers About Ukraine
« on: March 27, 2023, 05:21:40 PM »
Stan, go campaign for DeSantis if he runs, whatever. Put up “Trump’s Time is Past” signs, whatever. It’s a semi-free country, and I’m sure no cabal or globalists will come after you, because they’re fine with Anybody But Trump.

The trouble is, Stan, elwoodblues is absolutely correct in the post above.

Pretending that elections matter now is like painting the house when the plumbing and wiring are shot and the foundation is crumbling.

There may be someone out there better than Trump, but DeSantis isn’t that person.

Spin Zone / Re: Questions Without Answers About Ukraine
« on: March 27, 2023, 05:05:06 PM »
Do you deny Trump 2023 is different than Trump 2016? 

I don't see how he's different.  Please enlighten me on how he has changed -- not your perspective of him, but how he has actually changed.

I campaigned for Cruz in 2016, and Cruz won Wisconsin.

So did I, but I'm glad he didn't win.

I campaigned for Trump in 2016.


I campaigned for Trump in 2020.


I now think Trump is damaged goods, and while he will lock up the 1/3rd that are GOP faithful, he will not get the middle third, who probably don’t want to back a guy who is living in the past, obsessing with 2020 and ignoring 2024-2028.

I'm obsessed with 2020.  Do you not grasp the significance and impact of having an election stolen?  And it was stolen.

I also want a guy who can give me two back-to-back terms, and who is a successful conservative governor who turned a purple state red.

Trump gave you back-to-back terms, one of which was stolen by the establishment.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump arrested
« on: March 27, 2023, 11:35:54 AM »
I have no desire for social intercourse with a bully.  None.

Do you not see the irony here?

No, of course not.

Spin Zone / Re: Questions Without Answers About Ukraine
« on: March 27, 2023, 11:31:42 AM »
But I think if he does get the nomination, it guarantees a D will win.

That's exactly what the talking heads said in 2016.

A "D" will win no matter who the "R's" nominate because the "R's" still refuse to openly acknowledge voter fraud as they're a part of it; because they've found they can benefit from and increase their power from that fraud.

We have been betrayed.

Spin Zone / Re: Biden's Lies
« on: March 27, 2023, 09:17:42 AM »
I have a morning routine of news sites: Fox, local, Breitbart, Politico, Huffpost, Pilot Spin, Daily Mail Online, CNN.  I figure between all those sites I get a fairly good cross section of what's what.  And what the enemy is thinking.

Spin Zone / Re: Questions Without Answers About Ukraine
« on: March 27, 2023, 07:10:34 AM »
You’re going to play that card?  I thought we were past that. Locker room talk.  And he was talking about adults.  Trump is in his 70s.  His day was back when we didn’t have the lunacy of needing to get verbal permission before making a pass at a woman.  It was normal to do what he said.  (In the context of already making out - not just walking past you on the street.)  I’ve had guys do that back in the day and my reaction was to simply tell them to piss off which they did.  I didn’t see it as sexual assault and get all traumatized.  If they didn’t leave off, then that would have been sexual assault.  Trump’s comment made it clear these women were consenting if not inviting.

Well of course. This is such a tired trope, and it’s where the ridiculous “pussy” hats came from. Probably millions of shocked liberal women learned to knit those just so they could scream about a normal alpha male saying he “can” do something, not that he DID something.

In other conversations, which the media doesn’t show, President Trump has talked about the women who literally trailed around trying to catch his eye. “Gold diggers” is the euphemism but “star fuckers” is the trade name.

Going nuclear with shock over alpha male behavior just leads to gammas, betas, grifters and cheaters taking over the country. As we see happening.

Spin Zone / Re: Questions Without Answers About Ukraine
« on: March 27, 2023, 04:31:48 AM »
It's not a matter of me playing that card.  I voted for him TWICE, even after that quote was disclosed.  It is just that that is the type of reason that so many people hate Trump and why I don't believe he can win.

To ignore facts you don't like is folly.  (That is the card that I play).  Just as not liking or trusting anyone that Trump is afraid of is folly.

Oh okay, you’re saying other people would not vote for him because of that.  Well it didn’t hurt him in 2020. 

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