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Messages - asechrest

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Spin Zone / Re: Heading to OSH - who’s with me?
« on: July 26, 2018, 05:12:59 PM »
They were in line on the taxiway a OSH for over an hour this morning, but now have completed first leg of homeward trip. Head winds significantly reduced their speed and they made an unscheduled fuel stop.
He just told you that.  He actually had a tail wind, but he is in no hurry to come back to someone that cannot respect his decision making.
I think when he get's home you need to give him a big kiss and apologize and let him know how brave he is and what a good pilot (and lover) he is.

Spin Zone / Re: Heading to OSH - who’s with me?
« on: July 24, 2018, 07:21:34 AM »
Obliviously, you didn't get his point, so maybe it helps to break it down to just the relevant text, to improve the potential for reading comprehension.  My takeaway is that he regularly attends air shows and is very aware of what they're about.  Also that you, like most people, are very ill equipped to definitively state what is in other people's minds.

You must know that Airventure is waaaaaay more than an air show.

He doesn't.

Sun 'N Fun is in my back yard, and I'm a habitual attendee.

So what's your point? 

Refuting yours.

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Fourth
« on: July 04, 2018, 09:29:50 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Questions for and about moderators!
« on: July 02, 2018, 08:16:57 AM »
Poor baby. Maybe they can make you a Grand Exalted Wizard Moderator.  Libs always like to tell others what to do.
Asechrest is joking, for heaven’s sake! He likes to pretend he is the type of liberal we are always complaining about.

Spin Zone / Re: What price/incovenience to avoid shopping Amazon?
« on: May 22, 2018, 07:38:38 PM »
Dear, and glorious most salutations to you Mr Tema II.
I was over-enjoyed, and rapturous to have obtained, and consumed your epistle. I am but a humble and unrepentant servant of his most illustrious High born Dr Arch-bishop Reciefe Garumundi Ollopolio-Erecta. Although I would be ecstatic and filled to the brim with gaiety to receive your offering, I must inject you with a small, and insignificant detail prior to my payment to you.

If it please your lord, and the world - take just a jot of time, and minuscule effort for my pleasure to visit the nearest Western Union office. Upon your visitation, and carriage to the office, it would greatly benefit us both if you would draw upon your bank, the paltry sum of $3,000 USD cache-moneys. Succinctly, and effortlessly, without any protestations, give said cache-moneys to the Western Union gentlemens, and have them apply it to 'pay upon demand' to my most humble and benign self-less in the name of:

Pemberton Guylfoyle Aszbasquet

Prey-not the time and rush, rush, rush! so that I may carry out your demands upon me to gather the goodness of your beneficence in my bosom.

Fear this and tremblingly obey;

Your dearest -- Pemby

Spin Zone / Re: The Yuugest PPV of All Time
« on: March 22, 2018, 11:17:09 AM »

Two politicians enter, none leave! (In an ideal world.)

By the posts here, you are the textbook definition of the modern progressive. :Hatred of the right, no matter the policy; Centralized control of power; Taxes solve every problem; No respect for BOR, constitution; Scream about intolerance - while being the most intolerant people on the planet. etc

But you still don't know how you get your plan to work.

Look, I don't blame you for deflecting. The simple truth is, the plan to "just" enforce the law won't work because that is what they are already trying. Do you think Border Patrol just sits around all day waving to people as they cross the border?  Do you think they are being held back and if so, the name names. Who is holding them back?  Nobody is, they are trying to sweep the flood waters out the door with predictable results.

One last time, then I am out. We need something different. We need a wall, we need more border guards and we need to make it hard to be here illegally.  Congress is dysfunctional and because the Republican party contains the freedom caucus and RINOs, they are dysfunctional too. Fortunately Schumer has handed Republicans a gift by putting the full weight of the Democrat party behind DACA. Not quite anything, but anything reasonable sounding that Republicans can put together is something they have to support.  They cannot oppose a wall on any grounds, including that it costs money.  They cannot oppose more border guards. I really don't think they can oppose a way for federal laws to override state laws which try to negate immigration law because then they would be taking a stance for lawlessness.  And I don't think they can oppose laws making to very difficult to be here illegally.

The cost?  Republicans have to compromise and use DACA to force Democrats to vote yes. Democrats have put their moral prestige behind DACA, they cannot afford to oppose it.  But if they did it might even be the unifying force which brings enough Republicans together to pass it anyway, although there will be some wrangling to be done in the Senate...I suspect reminding a few Senators that they DO want to vote for this or else their picture will be next to the words "screw the Dreamers" in Spanish on billboards all over their state.

Thats it.

BTW, I spent 4 years, 3 months poking holes in the ocean in a submarine to serve this country. I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, an oath that had no expiration date. The next time you want to throw down about me and the Constitution, keep this in mind. I do not want thanks, I do not want parades, but I will ask you not to insult me by questioning the sincerity of my promises and the integrity of my service.  Roger that?

Yeah, agreed, the pols fucked up. Now what?

Now a miracle happens and the border patrol officers do what they haven't been able to do for decades.  That miracle also includes the people being caught and released not reentering the US the next day, making all that effort to process them useless.

Magic.  That's all we need.

Spin Zone / Re: The Journalist Protection Act
« on: February 08, 2018, 07:16:44 AM »
Aren't there already laws that
makes it a federal crime “to intentionally cause bodily injury to a journalist

Spin Zone / Re: GUARANTEED To Trigger Steingar
« on: January 15, 2018, 07:21:18 AM »
Overuse of commas is, illegal.
Seen on a coffee cup recently:

"Let's eat, Timmy"  (acceptable at the dinner table).

"Let's eat Timmy"  (acceptable on a raft in the open ocean).

Spin Zone / Re: Hannity PLEASE STOP
« on: January 04, 2018, 09:42:37 AM »
The interrupting thing is an illness. When I used to watch Chris Matthews, I couldn't continue watching because he'd never let a guest finish. I also can't stand how pundits constantly preface their statements with "look" or "listen", as if to demand our attention for the genius they're about to spew forth. Yuck.

I've essentially stopped watching these types of shows. I get my news lately from my Google news feed, seeking it out specifically on the internet, and NPR on my morning and evening commute.
Look, asechrest.  You’re right. That drives me crazy. And it seems it’s always those who are speaking in the political realm, and think they know more than anyone else.  I take it as a sign of a very weak argument.

Mickey and Minnie Mouse had enough and called it quits.

The were in the court house before the judge in their divorce case.  The judge is reading the complaint and looks down from the bench and says "Mr. Mouse, in this complaint you allege that your wife, Minnie, is crazy.  Is this correct?"

Mickey replies "No No your Honor, you misunderstood!"  "I didn't say she is crazy, I said she was fuckin' Goofy!"

It's so true.  Here are some more:

  • Beauty and the Beast - Bestiality (woman and lion/dog, ban it
  • Pinocchio - Pedophilia, ban it
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarves - Abuse of the Handicapped (Dwarfism), ban it
  • Alice in Wonderland - Use of hallucinogenic drugs, ban it
  • The Little Mermaid - Again bestiality (man and fish), ban it
  • Three Little Pigs - Promotes vandalism, ban it
  • Alladin - Flying outside FAA regulations, ban it
Would Pinocchio be abuse of rare species of wood? 

Bambi - Promotes hunting and killing of forest creatures.

Spin Zone / Re: A legitimate question about discrimination.
« on: December 04, 2017, 04:01:57 PM »
Studies have shown that children know inherently it is wrong to strike another child, for example. There is, of course, further conversation to be had about self defense, etc. But that doesn't change the fact that there appears to be a morality inherent in us.
Gotcha.  I don't disagree.

The context I'm using is the analogy that there may or may not be an objective reality.  All we know about reality is through our perceptions.  Enough of us agree about our perceptions that we can operate as though there is an objective reality.  (Example: the Matrix.  Do we KNOW we're not in the Matrix?)

Same thing with morality.  There may or may not be an objective reality.  But enough of us agree about our perception of morality that we can operate as though there is an objective morality.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Should We Care About Crackpot Professors?
« on: October 25, 2017, 09:34:03 AM »
Here's another "professor" only concerned with growing the intellect of her students:

I remember the micro-aggressions that nonlinear differential equations inflicted on me like it was yesterday. A clear case of high-end-of-the-IQ-bell-curve privilege.

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