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Messages - Mase

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Spin Zone / Re: Where are the Pro-Kasich, Pro-Cruz posts?
« on: March 25, 2016, 01:53:26 PM »
While I still think I prefer Cruz, at this point I don't care if it is Trump or Cruz.  I just don't want Hillary and her 3 - 4 far left, activist Supreme Court judges. 

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 23, 2016, 11:47:26 AM »
You seemed to be delineating a difference between SS and what you are calling welfare by suggesting you are entitled to your SS because you "paid in", but folks getting welfare are just taking charity. It is wrong to pretend SS isn't welfare. It is. It is also wrong to suggest that everyone on welfare is taking "charity" and giving nothing back. In point of fact, huge numbers of people on assistance are working and paying taxes just like everyone else. That was the point of my response.
I understood the point of your response.  You apparently completely misunderstood the point of my post.

I had money deducted from my paycheck for nearly 50 years for something called the "Federal Insurance Contribution Act".  For all that time the promise was that upon reaching a certain age, I would be paid an amount based on my contributions.

THAT is NOT charity.  No way; no how.  Do you consider it charity if your house burns down and your insurance policy pays you to rebuild it?  NO.  How about if you have no insurance and your house burns down and the neighbors chip in to give you money and a place to live?  THAT is charity.

And I repeat; charity is not a bad thing.  The only bad thing is the way the government administers it.

When people accept money or assistance for no reason other than they NEED it, THAT is charity.
Nowhere did I say that nobody on assistance is working or paying taxes.  You invented that.  But to me, that is irrelevant.  If they are taking money from the general fund base strictly on their need, that is charity.

I don't even call unemployment benefits charity because that is funded by a specific tax, even though that tax is paid for by the employer, or even if I think the system is predictably abused.  If you tell people that you will pay them if they don't find a job, guess what; they won't try so hard to find a job.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:56:14 PM »
Also, does this include SS and Medicare? If not, why not?
In a word, no, not welfare.

I see SS and Medicare differently.  Even though they are not adequately funded they are, in principle, a benefit that has been earned/paid for in the form of payroll taxes by and for an individual. Welfare as in aid payments, is not paid for or ‘earned’.

That SS and Medicare have outlived their intended funding mechanism due in part to ever expanding life expectancy was a foreseeable issue that the wizards of smart who created failed to take into account (giving potentially a lot of credit there), and also since Congress has been raiding the SS trust fund for decades.

If I were in a position to, I would allow folks under a certain age, maybe 40-45 to opt out of SS, and would make no public replacement for folks younger than that (tax credits for retirement investments), consider a government insurance like FDIC coverage at banks if necessary - but folks over the opt out or cutoff age who have paid in should get the benefits they were promised.

SS is a nonviable Ponzi scheme that must end as it is unsupportable as it exists.  SS currently consumes 1 out of every 4 dollars of Federal spending, almost $1T a year.  Putting it into perspective, SS is the single largest line item in the Federal budget, 50% more than national defense spending, and more than 5 times all spending on Veterans' benefits.

Medicare/Medicaid are not what I consider to be semi-efficient uses of federal monies, they too constitute massive spending (5th largest line item).  However, there are legitimate reasons for something like them to exist, in particular if I propose Obamacare was repealed. 

I would look to put the 85% of the population who used to have the coverage they wanted or not (able to opt out) back out in the open market (but cross state lines and the other good ideas for improving health insurance), and look to use Medicare/Medicaid to provide coverage for those who want coverage but can’t get it and those currently eligible.

Collectively SS and Medicare represent half of all government spending, and they represent unfunded liabilities that range from more than $60T to as much as $120+T depending on whose numbers you use.

It is unsustainable.


Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 22, 2016, 06:49:59 PM »
They surely are welfare. And you didn't pay for yours, you paid for others. Your kids and grand-kids are paying for yours. Isn't welfare great? So if welfare causes poverty, let us get rid of it all.

PS - You're wrong about immigrants; legal immigrants, certainly, and even illegal immigrants, who pay billions into SS.

You realize that it is only that way because fucking Congress stole the money and spent it.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:18:55 PM »
I think you are asking the question all wrong. By you asking that question, I have to assume you are just fine with a percentage of the American populace being poor. I'm guessing you look at it as just the natural order of things. So given this, I have to ask-

  • How large should the population of the poor be?
  • Is there a point at which they become too large?
  • What part do the poor play in the bigger American society?
  • Are the poor a help, a hinderance, or do they just not even matter either way?
  • Would the country as a whole, be better off if there were much fewer poor, worse off with fewer poor, or it just doesn't matter?

So I believe the better question is, is there a net benefit to the whole of American society if there are fewer poor among us? I believe there is and I believe there is value in trying to achieve this. It's not a responsibility to help poor people move up, it's a project, like building a dam, or a highway. It's for the betterment of all.

You may disagree with me on this, millions around the world do. In many other countries, poverty is just believed to be part of the natural order and little if any effort is given to aiding those born into poverty. I just disagree with this notion.
No, I asked the question the way I wanted to ask it. Your assumptions are also false.

It is not the responsibility of anybody (including the government) to lift people up. It is up to the individual to do that themselves. Children born into a poor family may be poor as children but they don't have to remain that way their entire lives. This is where equal opportunity vs. equal outcomes comes into play. Liberals believe in equal outcomes. In other words, we should lift the poor up into the middle class so they can have a chance at bettering themselves because they're on the same level as everyone else. Conservatives believe that this country provides equal opportunities, not equal outcomes. Everyone has the opportunity to make themselves and their families better and it is their responsibility to do so. Failure to do so is not the fault of government, but your own. Poor people who make poor decisions will remain poor.

Personally, I would find it embarrassing, as a man, if I could not provide for my family. I would resist signing up for welfare as much as possible. I would work as many jobs as needed, as many hours as needed, to provide for my family. If it came down to my family starving or me signing up for welfare, I would sign up to ensure they were able to eat, but as soon as I was able, I would be back off of it. Welfare was meant as a stop-gap measure to provide assistance to those who need it most, not as a means to maintain a lifestyle because you're too lazy or don't care enough to get a job. After all, why should you? The government will take care of you, so there's no need for you to do it.

It's about personal responsibility and the choices you make in life.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama in Cuba
« on: March 20, 2016, 07:34:32 PM »
I'm not gonna flame you but I do think it is disgraceful that the President of the United States visits a country that hours before his arrival rounds up dissidents, to add to the other dissidents in its' prison, there for no other reason than they oppose the existing power structure that has victimized the people of Cuba for 50-60 years now.

Normalizing relations with the Castro's did nothing for the US, provides a massive PR coup for the Castro's, and does actual damage to the cause of freedom in Cuba.

I believe it is the worst form of naivete being executed by the same hapless and ideologically driven Department of State that had to be goaded into declaring ISIS a genocidal threat and took James Fucking Taylor to sing You've Got A Friend after terrorist attacks in Paris.


Spin Zone / Re: Trump vs. Clinton
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:53:57 PM »
I am not sure that the Tea Party would support Reagan today as I don't think he fits the definition of "True Conservative".  However, if another Reagan shows up, I will vote for him like I voted for Reagan . . . twice.

I think the TEA party would support Reagan today.  TEA = Taxed Enough Already, and make the Constitution matter.  That's it.  Don't buy into the media demonization. 

Spin Zone / Re: An IRS what if........
« on: March 17, 2016, 04:50:10 PM »
Power vacuums get filled.  If you want to prevent a dictatorship you might elect a Congress that passes a few laws, or maybe a budget or two.


Spin Zone / Re: Medicare for all.....
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:23:13 PM »
So is the right to keep and bear arms.
RKBA doesn't require someone to treat you, or pay for your healthcare.  Bernie's healthcare "right" requires someone to lose something so can have that "right."

Spin Zone / Re: Any hillary supporters here?
« on: March 11, 2016, 02:30:01 PM »
So far I've been called a parasite on this board because of my chosen profession (which in an ironic twist I chose for its altruistic elements).  i can only imagine the invective when i say that I very, very grudgingly support her for POTUS.

The supposed "felonies" that Conservatives have been crowing about remind me of the Obama birther nonsense.  The situation vis a vis the Clinton Foundation was a legal as it was distasteful.  The Email scandal is a reminder of her extreme arrogance.  I'll never forget her "coming under fire in Bosnia". I don't like her one bit.

All that said, she was once a force in the White House.  I suspect she has a keen sense of what can be done and what can't.  She served as Senator in New York to wide praise from her colleagues on both sides of the aisle.  Please don't tell me it didn't happen, I recall it at the time with some amazement.  She served as Secretary of State.  You will all say that she was a huge failure, but I recall her at the time praised by a number of world leaders, again to my own incredulity.  At least we didn't go to war on her watch.

The problem is anyone with any record in public service will have bad things in their past.  It is utterly unavoidable.  That's where Trump gets ahead, he has no record of public service.  Obama's was so limited that no one could really point to anything he'd done wrong, he wasn't in it long enough to do anything wrong.

Trump has no idea what can and can't be done in the Oval office.  None.  He is frighteningly naive.  He is also quite bright, and could probably figure it out.  But there would be lots of teething pain.  Sanders can be described likewise.  Most of his plans smack of fantasy, and are not likely to get through a divided Congress.  Kaisich is the best of the bunch which is sad, because he'll not get the nomination.  That, and I hate him as governor.

And then there's Hillary.  Arrogant, nearly reptilian.  And enormously capable of doing the job.  Married to the best ex-president we have.  Maybe we'll get Bill for Secretary of State.  Wouldn't that be a hoot.
While we won't necessary agree with each other, I do appreciate you taking time to outline your thoughts.

Spin Zone / Re: Any hillary supporters here?
« on: March 10, 2016, 07:48:54 PM »
Oh, and as far as Bills women scandals.  Were I married to her I could imagine carrying on with Monica Lewisnky.  Hell, I could imagine getting it on with Rosie O'Donnell.  Gotta feel for the guy.

Spin Zone / Re: How Can We Fix Our Nation's Financial Ills?
« on: March 09, 2016, 04:40:07 PM »
Well, I was talking about the deficit, sorry... US budget deficit, so I thought it kind of obvious that it would be about raising tax revenue. There are differing ways to raise tax revenue and among them is raising tax rates. It is likely that any real solution would incorporate raising tax rates as well as a host of other schemes. We have a lot of debt to pay down.
There are a lot schemes we can use to cut the deficit.  But first among them is to reduce deficit spending.

As they say, "When you are trying to get yourself out of a hole, the first thing you have to do is stop digging".

Spin Zone / Re: Romney, the real reason.
« on: March 05, 2016, 06:37:51 AM »
It's really too bad Romney didn't come out against Obama in 2012 the way he's going after Trump.

Spin Zone / Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: March 03, 2016, 09:20:45 AM »
Let me see I have this right. The media, educational institutions and the government have brain washed half of America with poisonous ideas with nefarious intent of destroying America and the other half of America just knows what is right and true. So if we want a united people, we just need to force the media, the educational institutions and all the branches of government to espouse only what is right and true, then the misguided half of the country will come around and join the "right" side of the country.

"Special interest" groups seem to be the boogie man to people until it's one of their special interests, then it's a collective voice on capitol hill speaking for the people. Why would people need these groups in the first place? Now I see how unification works for conservatives, just get everyone on the left to think as they do and we'll all be unified. No compromise required.  ::)

Since the beginning of this country, there have been people on the left and people on the right. The founding fathers fought and argued all the time. It is believed that the majority of the people in the colonies in revolutionary times took the conservative position of sticking with the king and remaining royal subjects of the crown. It is those that we hold dear now that were the lefty progressives of that era. What a radical and dangerous idea, that people should have a say in government!!

I agree that the media and particularly the internet, has amplified and increased the intensity of our opinions. They do this because there is good money in conflict. Ultimately though, it is the people that choose to be divided. If there were no TV, radio, newspaper, or internet, we would still have differences of opinion, but likely be much closer together as our positions wouldn't be so extreme and inflexible. There are millions of people in the country like this now. They avoid politics and the political media out there and they are much more open to other ideas. They are those annoying swing voters, or worse yet, those that don't vote at all.

How in the world that a single individual is supposed emerge and overcome the power of the media and all the rhetoric to bring the country together is beyond me. A very tall order for a mere mortal that was placed in that position by practitioners of partisan politics in the first place.

If you can't see that Obama is the most divisive president in my lifetime, and has purposefully and willingly stoked the flames of racial, class, economic and social divides, you are delusional.

The fact that he has an accomplice media and sycophantic supporters in government and among the electorate is simply a bonus.

The president has the ultimate bully pulpit. Unfortunately, Obama used it to further the divides, not bridge them.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Receives Another [Almost] Endorsement
« on: March 01, 2016, 12:02:51 PM »
In other news, Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan has invested $10 million with in financier by the name of Henning to investigate "European Banking Interests'" control of the US financial system. 

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