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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 523 524 [525] 526 527 ... 1347
Spin Zone / Censorship is the new normal
« on: December 09, 2020, 09:33:51 AM »
Now the overlords of YouTube are going all in on censoring content.

Spin Zone / Re: Republicans show their true colors once again
« on: December 09, 2020, 09:32:14 AM »
don't know.  I've got a few other things to do than look it up (not being snarky)

oh, and I may have left the wrong impression.  I did vote in each election... well, the national ones every 2 years, since 1978

Voter apathy allows these blue states to be dominated by the progressives.   Take Michigan.  Whitmer got elected to Governor with a record low turnout and by Wayne County.   Had the republican voters bothered to get off the couch and go vote, she would have been easily defeated.

The blue states are full of apathetic voters who say "It doesn't matter, the dims will win anyway" then don't bother voting.

Glad you vote.  Just wish the apathetic idiots would get off their ass.

Spin Zone / Re: Republicans show their true colors once again
« on: December 09, 2020, 09:17:59 AM »
I'm in maskachusetts, it doesn't matter who I vote for.  :-/

What was the percentage of eligible voters that turned out for the elections in 2016, 2018  and 2020 in your state?

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 09, 2020, 08:00:23 AM »

President Donald Trump on Wednesday vowed to intervene in a case brought by the state of Texas before the U.S. Supreme Court to throw out the voting results in four other states.

Trump, writing on Twitter, said: "We will be INTERVENING in the Texas (plus many other states) case. This is the big one. Our Country needs a victory!"

He did not specify whether it would be his presidential campaign or the Justice Department that would intervene.

He also played down, in a separate tweet, a case filed against Pennsylvania's election results in which the Supreme Court rejected a emergency action:

    "This was not my case as has been so incorrectly reported. The case that everyone has been waiting for is the State’s case with Texas and numerous others joining. It is very strong, ALL CRITERIA MET. How can you have a presidency when a vast majority think the election was RIGGED?"

Ah......It's "Trump's fault!"

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell claimed his repeated criticism of President Trump could have played a role in why a recent report regarding his connection with a suspected Chinese spy was leaked.

Swalwell, whose relationship with Christine Fang, a Chinese national believed to be working with China’s Ministry of State Security, lasted from 2011-2015, said he believes the "timing" of Axios's reporting should be considered during a subsequent interview with Politico on Tuesday. He was not the only target of Fang’s interest, although he was among her “most significant targets." Fang reportedly also had sexual relationships with two unnamed Midwestern mayors.

“I’ve been a critic of the president. I’ve spoken out against him. I was on both committees that worked to impeach him,” Swalwell said. “The timing feels like that should be looked at.”

Just imagine this story if a simple name switch was done.   Instead of Rep Swalwell, replace him with, oh let's say Nunes or Jordan.

If it was either Nunes or Jordon this story would be leading, and democrats would be demanding investigations and resignations.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 09, 2020, 06:50:48 AM »

1585 pages outlining significant evidence of fraud.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 09, 2020, 06:37:19 AM »

December 9, 2020
How to Steal an Entire Country
By Donald Finley

It's been over a month since the election, and all is not well in Mudville.  The home team fights round the clock to prove that the challenger cheated, and the challenger makes no effort to calm fears or address concerns — just continues naming cronies and planning not just to take over the ballpark, but to change the rules for the entire sport.

For those who care, the internet still exists, and there are more sites than Twitter, Facebook and news services out there where the truth actually matters.  So why does anyone have to search for the truth?  Investigations and impeachments have been blasted forcefully into our faces for years, thanks to the author of the MSM's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Joseph Goebbels, of Third Reich fame, who said, "The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly — it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. ... A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."  It appears he also wrote the SOPs for Facebook, one of which is clearly "propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will."

Now, all across the MSM, Biden's "victory" consequences are given the fait accompli treatment.  We should all just behave and accept reality.  It sounds and reads like this: "Trump is baselessly contesting the results."  "Trump campaign court cases have been thrown out due to baseless claims."  All the "doing" is from the Trump side, and it's wasting everyone's time.  The Democrats haven't done a thing, obviously.  They are the innocent victims, once again, of Trump's craziness.  "Meanwhile, President-Elect Biden saw his shadow again today."

There is nothing baseless about what happened.  It's clear the Democrats planned this for quite some time, focusing on the battleground states, and centrally synchronizing and executing their Transition Integrity Project war-gamed plan.  They prepped the battlefield with lawsuits all across the country to remove any teeth in election laws, thus making the commission of fraud much easier and its discovery much harder.  And here is what they did.  And here.  And here.  And here.  More here.  Just check it out.  I recommend getting a head start and caring now; otherwise, it will be a big shock when you care later, and you will certainly care later.

So there's a growing mountain of evidence that President Trump was re-elected.  If the election had been conducted according to existing laws, there would be no question.  If only legal ballots were counted, there would be no question.  If the Democrats hadn't fabricated so many illegal votes, there would be no question.  But there is a question, and it's this: how are we going to make this right?  This is no conspiracy theory; it's a real conspiracy, across many states, involving the highest levels of Democrat elected officials, down to hapless election volunteers just following directions.  It was a conspiracy to steal the federal election for Joe Biden or, in other words, to remove Donald Trump from office, something Democrats have been openly trying to do for at least four years.

All the guilty Democrats believe that if they act the propaganda out, it will actually happen.  Why don't they call for transparency?  Because they don't want it.  It will expose them for what they are.  Don't they want to eliminate the cloud of illegitimacy in the election?  No, because they built it; it's about power, not legitimacy.  What about their reputations in being associated with a fraudulent election?  They don't care what we think of them; they want their shot at wielding power and getting rich from taxpayer dollars, book deals, and speaking fees.  There is no MAGA in what the Democrats did, nor in what they plan to do.  If they are allowed to do it, there will be no America left to make great.

Like the home title theft commercials, this is entire country and cultural theft.  Every MAGA policy will be reversed if Biden is allowed to take the Oval Office.  He will make America weak again, dependent upon others again, full of Made in China again, and friends to jihadists again — it'll be Obama II, the narcissistic pronoun president again.  "I," "Me," and "My" will dominate every speech again, which will repeatedly lecture to us, "That's not who we are," as something we absolutely are is insulted in favor of some more egalitarian socialist-globalist replacement.  Under a Democrat administration, "we" real Americans who love "our" nation and don't want "our" prosperity given to China so Hunter Biden can get rich again will slowly watch "our" Constitution, freedom, history, democracy, tradition, and independence chip away.

Because the Democrats are so self-centered, they have framed the governance of the U.S. as them versus Donald Trump.  They have fought everything Trump because he has fought their corruption with his promise to "Drain the Swamp."  But this is much bigger than Donald Trump, and he has openly said so.  It's not whether he wins or loses this election; it's whether the U.S. ever again holds a free and fair election.  To the Democrats, it's "Donald Trump's investigations can destroy many of us in the next four years and we'll never win another election" versus "Donald Trump goes away, and so do his investigations of Democrat crimes (and as a bonus, Joe Biden will let us do whatever we want and we'll ensure we never again lose an election)."  In framing it in such a way, the Democrats' thirst for power at all costs created the circumstances whereby they couldn't succeed without doing grave damage to the country.  That's where we are, with our election system shattered, void of the electorate's trust, and those who did the damage potentially and ironically poised as the only ones who can fix it.  The epitome of "the fix is in."

In the end, it comes down to this: what does it mean to have right versus wrong, corrupt versus honest, truth versus lies, fair versus stolen all work out backwards?  The last place on Earth the rest of the world would have thought that possible is right here.  "Our" America.  Abraham Lincoln said, "We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth."  He was talking about slavery, an evil that needed to be purged from our nation, lest we lose our nation altogether.

There are many evils, but today the foremost evil we must address is the Democrat party's corruption of our national election.  We all know what happened, and what the right thing is.  We need to fix it.  Now.  The details and the prison terms can be figured out later.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 09, 2020, 06:34:51 AM »

The Georgia Senate Republicans have heard the calls of millions of Georgians who have raised deep and heartfelt concerns that state law has been violated and our elections process abused in our November 3, 2020 elections. We will fix this.


Our state constitution precludes us from calling a special session due to the lack of a three-fifths majority in both chambers. As constitutionalists, we must respect that. Even if we could secure the requisite numbers to convene, our laws provide no avenue for us to retroactively alter the results from November 3, 2020. However, an avenue to move this matter even quicker than special session now exists and is pending before the United States Supreme Court.


As the upper chamber of the General Assembly and consistent with our prerogatives for legislative oversight:


    We are calling upon the elections officials to engage the GBI to investigate any and all fraudulent activities, including those which were brought to light during Senate committee hearings on December 3, 2020.
    We insist that all counties immediately preserve all data from the November 3, 2020 General Election in order to conduct a forensic audit. We also call on these counties to perform a signature audit. We call on the State Elections Board to oversee and monitor that closely.
    We will continue to conduct public hearings up to and through January 5, 2021 to ensure that fraud and misconduct do not taint the next election.
    We will fully fund the Secretary of State’s call to investigate out-of-state residents who attempt to move here for the sole purpose of voting in our run-off. We will make sure that these criminals are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
    We call upon the Secretary of State to immediately release a certified list of all voters in the November 3, 2020 General Election and a certified list of all newly registered voters in Georgia from October 5-December 7, 2020.
    As soon as we may constitutionally convene, we will pass legislation to reverse the detrimental effects of the consent decree which was entered into in March 2020.
    As soon as we may constitutionally convene, we will reform our election laws to secure our electoral process by eliminating at-will absentee voting. We will require photo identification for absentee voting for cause, and we will crack down on ballot harvesting by outlawing drop boxes.


Posterity and legitimacy of our Republic – guaranteed to us by our Constitution – require no less than our diligence, our time, and our utmost attention. Do not fall prey to the ploys of the Left, who would have you stay home and not exercise your right to vote on January 5, 2021. We cannot protect the Republic without you. Join the Senate Republican Caucus to ensure we get every possible legal vote cast in the run-off election. An overwhelming victory for our Senators and our Public Service Commissioner on January 5, 2021 will send a strong message!

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 09, 2020, 06:24:30 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: well, we were wrong
« on: December 09, 2020, 06:00:56 AM »
In October the CDC indicated that there had been at least ~300,000 more deaths recorded to date than recorded in previous years. Since Covid-19 as a cause of death occurred on fewer than that number of death certificates, the remaining additional deaths might either be due to undiagnosed Covid-19 or a rise in other causes of death. The CDC data says, besides Covid-19, that Alzheimer, dementia, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes have all increased as causes of death relative to previous years. The source of my info is:

 One side effect of the worthless lock downs were people who could not get medical attention due to hospitals shutting out everyone except covid patients and medical professionals unable to perform services.   This has resulted in missed medical screenings and procedures and also contributed to deaths.

 Add in the suicides and drug over doses from the tyrannical dictates of the various state despots that can add to that number.

 Truth is we will never know the actual number of deaths due to covid.    Many of those covid death numbers are people who died with covid rather than died from covid.   And even the CDC has admitted that the number of people that died from covid, that is covid was the only reason they died, is quite low.

 Figures lie and liars figure.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: December 09, 2020, 05:50:42 AM »

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