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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Donald Trump Wins GOP Nomination on First Ballot
« on: July 23, 2016, 01:57:14 PM »
Stop trying to guilt me, especially when I've said I'm still on the fence. I've made it clear that I will not vote for Hillary nor do I want to see her as president.

LOL!  No one is trying to "guilt you".

Just a straight up question.  So let me see if I have this now, you will write in a candidate that has zero chance of winning, but you don't want to see Hillary getting elected either........Right?

 So the reality is there are only two people who will have the real chance of becoming the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.  That is a fact.

 So if you don't want to see Hillary get elected..............What's the real choice?

Spin Zone / Re: Bush Speaks in Dallas
« on: July 14, 2016, 05:45:00 PM »
He could have cut his speech by more than half, and still have made his points.

Why would he need to go to a memorial service to "make his point"?

It's a memorial service for 5 cops who were gunned down, it was not a political event.

Spin Zone / Re: Why not a teen wage?
« on: July 11, 2016, 08:06:20 AM »
Why not just remove wage controls and let the market dictate the wage?

Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 10, 2016, 07:23:45 AM »
One can hardly blame a cop in a situation where someone who is armed can dispatch him in a matter of seconds.  Unless you've been in a situation where the other person has a loaded weapon and could possibly shoot you it's hard to Monday morning quarter back in these situations.

 One major problem in our society is the black culture where glorification of violence and killing is mainstream.  How many Rap and HipHop songs are out there glorifying killing and killing of cops?  Black youth listen to this garbage and also watch movies where thuggery and killing is glorified and sold by the same Hollywood elites that demand gun control.

 Cultures take time to develop and a lot longer to eradicate. This culture of violence, thuggery, murder and drugs in the black community has been developing for decades and it's not going away overnight.  And the solution is not to disarm law abiding citizens or create a national police force as suggested by the current resident in the WH.

 Let's be honest here.  The recent killings are being promoted by a terrorist group known as "Black Lives Matter" that is being sponsored by radical progressives in an attempt to create a bigger divide in race relations.  Some can deny this all they want, but it's there in plain sight.  And since we are constricted in the culture of political correctness it's considered "racist" to call out the perpetrators of this movement and we have a MSM too eager to promote them in the name of ratings and to further their progressive agenda.

Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 08, 2016, 10:14:20 AM »
There appears to be a plague of black men gunned down by police officers.

 If you watch the MSM outlets, yes, they make a point to emphasis this.  Just as Rham Emmanuel once said "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

Here are five key statistics you need to know about cops killing blacks.

1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force," according to MacDonald in a speech at Hillsdale College.

Some may argue that these statistics are evidence of racist treatment toward blacks, since whites consist of 62 percent of the population and blacks make up 12 percent of the population. But as MacDonald writes in The Wall Street Journal, 2009 statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties.

"Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force," writes MacDonald.

MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks "commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime" in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city's population.

"The black violent crime rate would actually predict that more than 26 percent of police victims would be black," MacDonald said. "Officer use of force will occur where the police interact most often with violent criminals, armed suspects, and those resisting arrest, and that is in black neighborhoods."

2. More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks. According to MacDonald, 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide deaths were due to police officers, while only four percent of black homicide deaths were the result of police officers.

"If we’re going to have a 'Lives Matter' anti-police movement, it would be more appropriately named "White and Hispanic Lives Matter,'" said MacDonald in her Hillsdale speech.

3. The Post's data does show that unarmed black men are more likely to die by the gun of a cop than an unarmed white man...but this does not tell the whole story. In August 2015, the ratio was seven-to-one of unarmed black men dying from police gunshots compared to unarmed white men; the ratio was six-to-one by the end of 2015. But MacDonald points out in The Marshall Project that looking at the details of the actual incidents that occurred paints a different picture:

The “unarmed” label is literally accurate, but it frequently fails to convey highly-charged policing situations. In a number of cases, if the victim ended up being unarmed, it was certainly not for lack of trying. At least five black victims had reportedly tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. And two individuals included in the Post’s “unarmed black victims” category were struck by stray bullets aimed at someone else in justified cop shootings. If the victims were not the intended targets, then racism could have played no role in their deaths.

In one of those unintended cases, an undercover cop from the New York Police Department was conducting a gun sting in Mount Vernon, just north of New York City. One of the gun traffickers jumped into the cop’s car, stuck a pistol to his head, grabbed $2,400 and fled. The officer gave chase and opened fire after the thief again pointed his gun at him. Two of the officer’s bullets accidentally hit a 61-year-old bystander, killing him. That older man happened to be black, but his race had nothing to do with his tragic death. In the other collateral damage case, Virginia Beach, Virginia, officers approached a car parked at a convenience store that had a homicide suspect in the passenger seat. The suspect opened fire, sending a bullet through an officer’s shirt. The cops returned fire, killing their assailant as well as a woman in the driver’s seat. That woman entered the Post’s database without qualification as an “unarmed black victim” of police fire.

MacDonald examines a number of other instances, including unarmed black men in San Diego, CA and Prince George's County, MD attempting to reach for a gun in a police officer's holster. In the San Diego case, the unarmed black man actually "jumped the officer" and assaulted him, and the cop shot the man since he was "fearing for his life." MacDonald also notes that there was an instance in 2015 where "three officers were killed with their own guns, which the suspects had wrestled from them."

4. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers. This is according to a Department of Justice report in 2015 about the Philadelphia Police Department, and is further confirmed that by a study conducted University of Pennsylvania criminologist Gary Ridgeway in 2015 that determined black cops were 3.3 times more likely to fire a gun than other cops at a crime scene.

5. Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops. This is according to FBI data, which also found that 40 percent of cop killers are black. According to MacDonald, the police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black than a cop killing an unarmed black person.

Despite the facts, the anti-police rhetoric of Black Lives Matter and their leftist sympathizers have resulted in what MacDonald calls the "Ferguson Effect," as murders have spiked by 17 percent among the 50 biggest cities in the U.S. as a result of cops being more reluctant to police neighborhoods out of fear of being labeled as racists. Additionally, there have been over twice as many cops victimized by fatal shootings in the first three months of 2016.

Anti-police rhetoric has deadly consequences.


Spin Zone / Re: D.L. Highly talks about Police Violence
« on: July 08, 2016, 05:38:21 AM »

While you all were here talking about "Doormat" or other such events, I was having conversations about police assassinations of Black Men.

I honestly felt it was a bit insensitive to not even see a mention on the site as I checked a couple times today. Nobody asked how I felt- nobody cared.

Well, mark my words...were one day closer to "Fuck It" like I said in another post about a week ago. See the link above- I hope you can watch the entire 9min video. Maybe you'll give a shit.

 Why didn't you care about all of the murders in Chicago over the last weekend?   Why don't you care when it's a black murdering a white? Why don't you care when it's black on black murder?

Spin Zone / Disney is Anti-Semitic!
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:10:39 AM »
OMG!!!!   Disney is anti-Semitic!!!!

How dare they!!!!   What's the hidden meaning in this???

Spin Zone / Re: Appearance of Impropriety
« on: June 30, 2016, 11:58:54 AM »
Lynch will get a high pay position with the Clinton Foundation after she leaves office. Watch for it.

So they can make it but can't drink it?

Only if the go to Bahrain..... ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Fact Checking Fail
« on: June 26, 2016, 01:26:26 PM »
Barbara Bush has class. 

Hillary is a low life lying and conniving bitch. 

Big difference.

Spin Zone / What a Lady
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:24:50 AM »
1) "Where is the God damn flag? I want the God damn fucking flag up every morning at fucking sunrise". Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day 1991. From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 244

(2) "Fuck off! It's enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day! I'm not going to talk to you, too! Just do your Goddamn job and keep your mouth shut." Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good Morning." From the book "America Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p.90

(3) "If you want to remain on this detail, get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags!" Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident. From the book "The First Partner" p. 25

(4) "Stay the fuck back, stay the fuck back away from me! Don't come within ten yards of me, or else! Just fucking do as I say, Okay!!?" Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail. From the book "Unlimited Access" by Clinton 's FBI Agent-in-Charge, Gary Aldridge, p.139

(5) "Where's the miserable cock sucker?" (otherwise known as "Bill Clinton") Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer. From the book "The Truth about Hillary" by Edward Klein, p. 5

(6) "You fucking idiot" Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event. From the book "Crossfire" ~pg. 84

(7) "Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those fucking sunglasses! We need to go back!"  Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One. From the book " Dereliction of Duty" p. 71-72

(8 )  "Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can't fuck her here!!" Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female. From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 243

Spin Zone / Re: Brent Scowcroft endorses Hillary
« on: June 25, 2016, 06:00:51 AM »
Be careful.  I got roundly scolded on here when I suggested it was a binary choice.

But these endorsements don't surprise me too much, coming from established career politicians/bureaucrats.  The Trump movement is a repudiation of the status quo.  Those that created the mess we have on our hands feel threatened.

Let's see, Mr. Scowcroft is a "strategic partner" with Torch Hill Investments, a company that is heavily involved in various government contracts.  Having a pal in the WH will certainly benefit him there.

 Then he is a director of Enron Global Power, so having a friend in high places will be an asset also considering the international business they are involved in (TPP will also be a huge boost to this company).

 Then he is also a director of Quallcom Spinco, so that WH connection will com in handy there as well. He's even a director for Pennzoil-Quaker State so again, a WH connection will help grease the skids.

 So please tell me again how this is not financially motivated?

Spin Zone / Re: If the GOP denies Trump the nomination . . .
« on: June 19, 2016, 06:41:16 AM »
Who do you suppose they would nominate?

Would it be one of the "Good Old Boys"?

Might they choose some prominent businessman?  Some outstanding military officer?

Would they stand any chance at all of winning in November?

What kind of repercussions could we expect from such a move?

It would be the final nail in the coffin for the GOP and it would guarantee an easy victory for the democrats.

Spin Zone / Re: Reasons to Vote for Trump
« on: June 15, 2016, 07:09:40 AM »
The only buildings he built for which I've seen any accounting were the casinos in Atlantic city.  And in fact he stiffed most of the guys who did the building for him in bankruptcy.  Drove most of them out of business.

 I guess this website is a hoax then by liberal standards:

 I find it amazing liberals attack Trump's wealth, which was created by capitalism that creates jobs for thousands and contributes to the US tax base, but in turn they don't acknowledge Hillary Clinton's wealth ($200+million) that was created by the Clinton Foundation which provides but for a very few and derives it's money from companies and countries intent on buying influence.

 The liberals also won't acknowledge that if the Clinton Foundation gets a donation of $1 million say for Haitian Relief that approximately 6% of that money goes for relief while the 94% goes to the Clinton Foundation for "administrative fees".   So for the math challenged that means $60,000 to Haitian Relief and $940,000 to the Clintons.

 And speaking of the Clinton Foundation, isn't it amazing that Hillary says she is a proponent of women's rights while accepting millions of dollars from countries that openly deny women's rights?  And those countries also take a dim view of gays as well, even going as far as having them sentenced to death.

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