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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 131 132 [133] 134
Spin Zone / Re: WOW - POA MC is really touchy
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:01:57 AM »

FC, you mean Aunt Peggy ?
If so, true dat.
I imagine he means Everskyward.

Some frail men feel threatened when a lady is in charge.

GOD this is liberating.

Bullshit.... It has nothing to do with her plumbing.  Throwing out the gender card every time someone from the squatting segment of the population is criticized is... well... bullshit

"Squatting Segment" - winning! :D

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 02, 2016, 07:16:51 AM »

See ya. You should be protected from having hurt feelings or hearing ideas that didn't come from HuffPo over there. Enjoy.

That's a good point.  Liberal/Progressives don't like to have their ideas and views challenged because ultimately they can not defend them so resort to emotion and name calling.  Their "hurt feelings" caused POA to close SZ.

It's even worse than that, though. Look at how the liberal progressives seek to shut up, shout down, and physically disrupt opposing voices. It's NOT ENOUGH just to turn off Rush, not attend an Ann Coulter or Michael Savage speech on a college campus, switch the channel from Fox or The Blaze, or not go into the Spin Zone. They seek to SHUT THEM ALL DOWN.

And in the case of POA, the liberal/progressives have succeeded.  Cowardly fucking pussies.

Spin Zone / Re: WOW - POA MC is really touchy
« on: January 01, 2016, 09:54:14 PM »

If anyone remembered the "America is Great" thread in POA Hangar Talk - the thread just got deleted.  Not closed, no warning about politics.  Just suddenly POOF - gone.

Wait. I thought killing the SZ was supposed to make things easier for the poor overworked MC.


Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next president? [December 2015 poll]
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:53:39 PM »

Ted Cruz is the only logical choice.

And, he's a Texan.   ;D

Kenny!  Welcome old friend!  I wanted to thank you for packing that spiral bound instrument book with cardboard on both sides. That prevented the mail nazis from bending it to fit in the mail box.

Fellow Pilot Spin members:  you should buy your pilot supplies from Austin Flight Check. Ken has a great aviation supply company, and has prompt service. I endorse this business.

Now back to the topic:  I agree on Ted Cruz. Anyone else will be a lesser conservative. That especially includes Trump.


Wasn't busting your chops, but if you take a look around, they've already been accepted and anyone who doesn't accept them is disfavored and in some cases suffers loss of financial resources, which I think is a shame.

They have?  Maybe in your cloistered leftist world, but everyday Americans aren't accepting people who can't figure out what sex they are, or are willing to mutilate themselves because of it.

Just because Bruce Jenner and the Kardashian freak show is on all the tabloids doesn't spell "acceptance" in any way, shape, or form. 

Spin Zone / Re: Syria: War of Deception
« on: November 21, 2015, 09:33:51 PM »
Now I know where Henning gets his crap ideas.  ::)

Bingo.  I actually made it 2:30 into the video - and that's time I'll never get back. 


Spin Zone / Re: Chicken
« on: November 18, 2015, 09:36:28 PM »
Speaking for what is certain to be a vegetarian minority...

...I think mushrooms are a rough equivalent in our world.

No need for snarky, sarcastic comments on vegetarianism, but they seem pretty inevitable.

I have been a vegetarian for 25 years.

I'm sorry.   :(

Spin Zone / Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: November 18, 2015, 01:04:44 PM »
FC!  Nice to see you!

Spin Zone / Re: Politico and Ben Carson
« on: November 07, 2015, 06:38:28 AM »
It was a hit piece. And you're right; I'm not sure what Politico changed in the body of the story, but they removed the word "Fabricated" from the headline. Interesting.

To his credit, Carson has faced this head on, and addressed it in multiple venues, including a press conference.

The Daily Caller addresses his campaign response pretty well:

Some may say that this "vetting" is necessary. Yes, sometimes. But making a federal case about one word - "scholarship" - in a book written 25 years ago, about his recollections from the age if 17, is over-the-top "gotcha" journalism.

But I'm sure Politico is going to be running a piece soon about how young, aggressive attorney Hillary Rodham was fired from the staff of the Watergate committee.

And that's the hypocrisy of the left media.

Spin Zone / Re: POTUS vs Constitution
« on: November 06, 2015, 01:11:50 PM »

So long as the Judicial and Legislative branches allow the Executive to continue unabated nothing will change unless it is to get worse.

A lawless, imperial President is the single greatest threat foreseen by the Founders and is specifically why we have separation of powers, and the Bill of Rights.

Since Congress has repeatedly abdicated their responsibility (most recently with the budget, Iran and pacific trade deals) it would be insanity to expect anything different from them.

As for the Supremes, they are part of the problem at this point having given up on any semblance of evaluating against the Constitution and instead choosing to continue to legislate from the bench.  The Roberts Court will go down in history as extremely damaging.

We are witnessing the slow death of the shining city on a hill, not as we feared from the outside, but from the inside exactly as Khruschev threatened.


^^^^^^^This!  Since the Dems have the mainstream media on their side, as well as government, and education they can get away with illegal laws, and violating the Constitution at will with immigration, Obamacare, use of government agencies to penalize conservatives, etc.  If the Republican do any of this stuff, the media would be howling, and create public outcries, and thus political pressure.  The Dems don't have to worry about that.  Double standard, and hypocricy anyone?

Yep. Remember, it's the REPUBLICANS wasting "millions" of dollars investigating Hillary's lies on Benghazi, even though it was Hillary's lack of candor, obstruction of Justice, hiding or destroying evidence, and outright lies that caused the need for hearings in the first place.

Spin Zone / Re: POTUS vs Constitution
« on: November 05, 2015, 07:55:33 AM »
But, but ... It's for the children!!

Also from the article:

"Does anyone have any further doubt that amnesty for illegal aliens is an act of pure tyranny, a direct assault on our Constitutional order and rule of law? This DHS memo constitutes a frank acknowledgement that amnesty-crazed politicians can’t get what they want through the republican process, by submitting legislation and winning support from actual American citizens and their representatives. The American people and their representatives will therefore be swept aside by administrative fiat."

If there is ever a time to pull out the impeachment card, this would be it.

What the fuck is happening to our country?

In what world is having someone with a dick walking around, changing, and showering with girls a civil right?

Spin Zone / Re: Science is Settled
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:11:02 AM »
Conservative News Room?  Pfffft. I'm not going to even read it as it's obviously Faux.


OK, that was my attempt at being a Spin Zone liberal. How did I do?

Spin Zone / Re: Tonight is the Worst Run Debate I've Ever Seen
« on: October 30, 2015, 02:27:27 PM »

At least the candidates called out the "moderators" for their antics.

Agreed. There has got to be another way to do this.

I heard on the radio this AM (haven't tried to confirm the story) that Carson's team was talking to Trump's team and a few others about taking these debates out of the RNC's hands and picking their own moderators and ground rules. That sounds like a good plan to me.
I think the RNC is the root of the problem.  They are getting further and further from getting down to the busines of what Republicans (and all people of this country) really want and need.

I'm suspecting the same thing.

With Reince Priebus being from Wisconsin, we hear him from time to time on local talk radio. I distinctly recall a discussion he had last spring with a host where he said that they are taking charge of the debates, and will not allow the type of things that happened in the 2012 debates with things like the "War in Women" BS that became the story line of 2012.

And now it's déjà vu all over again. 

So it was hard for me to take Priebus seriously when he Tweeted how upset he was with the CNBC panel after the debate.

Spin Zone / Re: Cop was Fired
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:46:26 PM »
I am not an anarchist. He was abusing her. A badge does not excuse his behavior granting her legal right to defend herself.

She refused to listen the the teacher's order.  She refused to follow the order of the administration.  Failing that, they called in the cop, and she refused to follow his orders.  When he went to physically remove her, she hit him, resulting in his use of force.

What should anyone have done?  Stop teaching everyone else while this girl disrupted the education of everyone else?  If so, for how long?  All day? 

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