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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: I got my stimulus money today!
« on: January 02, 2021, 01:30:12 PM »
I’m just worried when those people in Cambodia, Burma, Yemen and the Sudan will get their money.  I’m also concerned when the illegals in the US will get their checks, you know, that are 3 times more than the citizens got. 

Spin Zone / Re: Antifa vandalizes Pelosi’s San Fran home
« on: January 02, 2021, 08:03:49 AM »
The dims have, once again, created a monster.  They haven't figured out that once the monster is created, they must keep it fed.   Don't fed the monster and it will eat you.

 The dims sure love their hate groups though.  Oh, excuse me, they are the party of "unity".   They just need their hate groups to enforce the unity.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: January 02, 2021, 07:12:05 AM »
For Georgia, here are the numbers of ballots not conforming to federal and state law.   And never mind that the ballot rejection rate dropped  from 3.5% in previous elections to 0.34% in 2020.

And never mind the surveillance video tape showing fraudulent ballots being run through the tabulators multiple times after the room was cleared.  And disregard the Dominion forensic audit clearly showing votes being flipped.   And no reason to look into why a warehouse of ballots was suddenly being emptied when the state legislature wanted to see the ballots and audit them.

Absentee ballots applied for too early.

Underaged votes.

Failed to reregister moving from one county to another

Voted in GA but changed address before the election.

Dead people voted.

Registered in another state but voted in GA

Ballots send to voters too early.

Felons voted illegally.

Unregistered voters

Voted in GA, but registered in another state.

Ballots registered too late.


Spin Zone / Re: Investments?
« on: January 01, 2021, 11:21:05 AM »
Through their cheating schemes that no one seems to want to or can do anything about, the Xiden administration will have both the house and senate to play with.  I'd rather have a stable country with a conservative government.  I did what I could by voting and encouraging those around me that conservative is best but ultimately that failed. 

Since I can't change that I may as well profit from it. Where should I put my investments so that I have as much income as possible to insulate myself and profit from the chaos that is to come?   I need SOME hope for the new year.

 Shipping, amazon, google and facebook are going to be strong, and stronger.  Same for WalMart

Spin Zone / Re: Investments?
« on: January 01, 2021, 11:18:16 AM »
tax lawyers - anticipate more and more loopholes to navigate

Avoid anything with fossil fuels, especially anything that would increase source/supply of fossil fuels

Is there a way to profit with more and more people out of work?

You could think really long term and buy up as much ammo and as many guns as possible for the time (and stash them away somewhere secure).

 Until it becomes a felony to sell such items without the proper licenses and of course the proper registration and the proper tax documents.

 The way to circumvent the second amendment is through the regulatory process and taxation.

Spin Zone / Re: Looking to the future
« on: January 01, 2021, 10:15:40 AM »
Part 3.

 The Second Amendment.

 The leftist along with their CCP counterparts now need to rid the country of the guns.  The easiest way is to begin with taxation.  Expect to see a large gun tax be passed using some really lame focal point.  The taxes will be also attached to ammunition and gun parts.  The gun hobby will become very expensive.  Gun Shows?  Not exempt, and will be strictly enforced.   Sales between individuals?  Here's your required forms to be legal.

 Next, look for more regulations on ammunition, such as manufacturers to come up with a way to trace ammunition.  This will be costly both to manufacture and to sell.  Government sales of course, will be exempt.

 Reloader?  Look for a ATF license requirement to buy reloading material, along with regulatory requirements to track each cartridge.   

Spin Zone / Re: Looking to the future
« on: January 01, 2021, 09:29:22 AM »
Part 2.

 Look for an escalation back into Afghanistan this year.   The Xiden Administration will blame it on Trump for drawing down troop levels, and say it left the country vulnerable.   The reality is Afghanistan is the cash cow of all cash cows for the MIC and they desperately want that gravy train back.   Afghanistan is the perfect ongoing war to feed the machine.

 Also look for more military involvement into Syria, another opportunity for the MIC and the establishment.

 Look for our NATO partners to start sending less of their money to NATO resorting back to having the US foot the bill. 

 Israel will get it shoved up their ass by Xiden as the new administration resorts back to the Obama doctrine against them.   The Xiden administration through several of their cohorts will encourage violence in the region and to break the several peace accords passed under the Trump Administration.    After all, a divided middle east is yet more opportunity for the MIC and the establishment to profiteer off of.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: January 01, 2021, 09:15:48 AM »
A politician visited a remote little rural village and asked the inhabitants what the government could do for them. 
"We have two big needs,” said the village headman. “First, we have a hospital but no doctor.” 
The politician whipped out his cellphone, spoke for a while and then said, “I have sorted it out. A doctor will arrive here tomorrow.
What is your other need?” 
“We have no cellphone reception in our village.” 

Spin Zone / Looking to the future
« on: January 01, 2021, 07:58:29 AM »
 I do believe we are going to see some phenomenal changes in the next year.

 I think that with Donald Trump returning to private life a few things will happen.   He and his family see a huge hole in conservative news, and they will seek to fill it.  I can see them getting into a network news outlet, as well as several prominent web based portals, with the focus being on what news reporting should be, not what it has become.

 And I see the US government fighting them to stop it, or regulate them out.  Will probably result in a reemergence of the Fairness Doctrine. 

 I can see them also venture into the entertainment business, one that is not leftist content controlled, but offers once again true entertainment.

 On the political front, I already see the death of the RNC and GOP.   A new party will emerge that will take the forgotten and badly used people of both the republicans and democrats and give them a place where they can be heard and start offering a viable choice to the establishment.   The DNC will go even harder left and become indistinguishable from the likes of the CCP and the RNC will continue as the party of surrender and the establishment, with both having shrinking numbers.

 The deep blue shithole cities will keep sliding into further decline and chaos but will be on the receiving end of our tax dollars.  Billions will be pumped in only to do nothing as the money disappears with no explanations.    Look for Wall Street to finally see the light and look south to relocate and become more of a virtual entity.   Look for more major companies to seek refuge in the friendlier red states and abandon the shithole blue states.

 Look for the people in California, Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington begin to step up procedures to break away from the shitholes of LA, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle.   

 PA, MI and WI will descend further into the abyss of the leftist.  GA will go full leftist as the Gov will simply ignore the people with the help of the legislature, and of course with Dominion he will not fear the next election.   Look for recall efforts to fail on a series of technicalities.

 The free states will continue, and actually strengthen themselves on voting issues to assure the leftist cannot infiltrate and corrupt the vote.   The free states will take several lessons learned by the blue state shitholes.   There will still be problems in the free states with areas under leftist control (Nashville, Austin, Miami, Memphis, etc) but the states will start implementing more control to keep them in check, which starts at the voting booth.

 Xiden will do away with the Trump tax cuts along with support from the establishment.  As the oil and gas industry moves back offshore energy prices will rise, and as more regulations are piled upon the coal industry those prices will rise as well as a resultant downsizing putting more and more people out of work.

 ObamaCare will become BidenCare with a mandatory mandate and will essentially end the health insurance industry as we know it.   New government agencies will be created to govern and administrate healthcare resulting in a system similar to Canada and Europe.  Congress and the establishment will of course exempt themselves and there will be a small exclusive healthcare system for the elite.  We will see a huge influx of foreign medical providers who will work for government mandated wages as our skilled and highly paid medical providers retire and end their practices.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is The Proper Punishment For Election Stealing?
« on: January 01, 2021, 06:36:30 AM »
Thanks.  My bet was Fulton county would not have been able to find that batch of ballots to turn over anyway.  Supposedly, it is illegal to destroy those ballots at this time. I bet no one pays the price, if that is what happened.

The other day Jovan said they had hacked into a wireless network the poll pads were on and he said they are not supposed to be on a network.  I'm not sure how those devices could work without being on a network. They are used to scan your license or Id to verify it. At our polling place there are a couple of tables with them being used. Seems like they would have to connect to some sort of central database to function properly.

 The culpability of the Dominion machines have already been proven, over and over.   The lies of the machines (secure, no internet connection) have been revealed, over and over.

 Yet, our Justice Dept has completely folded.  The FBI immediately dispatched a plane with 15 Special Agents to investigate a supposed noose in Bubba Wallace's garage, but when it comes to voter fraud issues they are only interested in harassing those that filed complaints.

 States like Texas refused to have Dominion machines because they were shit, but the socialist democrat states embraced them.   Even right now South Michigan (Georgia) is using the same flawed machines for the Jan 5th runoff.     Anyone willing to place a bet on the winners?

Spin Zone / Re: Porkalicious!
« on: January 01, 2021, 06:15:01 AM »

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