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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Tiffany Smiley
« on: September 13, 2022, 12:08:19 PM »
But he's had a stroke and therefore should never be questioned and should be appointed to the senate without having to go through the rigors of an election.

If you don’t vote for him you’re a strokecist! 

Spin Zone / Re: from the no-kidding-dick-tracy department
« on: September 13, 2022, 11:00:21 AM »
The media spinning as if things are going great for Biden and the Dems:

The economic risks of a work stoppage are substantial for a backbone element of US food and energy supplies. But so too is the political risk for Biden and Democrats, who have ridden a wave of momentum from major legislative victories and signs of deceleration in record-high inflation two months before the midterm elections.

Major legislative victories?  You mean like the one that pissed off every person who paid off their own college loan plus all taxpaying working men and women who never went to college?  Or how about the “inflation reduction” bill that will spend us into massively increased inflation?

And please explain the definition of “deceleration” in the context of continuing forward velocity.

How about other Biden “victories” like getting us out of Afghanistan?  Oh wait, there’s the whoopsie of leaving $24 billion of military equipment in the hands of brutal terrorists.  And the Americans and Afghan allies trapped there.

What about Biden’s shutting down U.S. oil production and driving up gas prices?  A great victory for the Dems!

The blue cities getting a taste of being overrun with illegals, courtesy of Greg Abbot’s response to Biden’s border policies.

How about North Korea officially declaring itself a nuclear power and announcing it will preemptively defend itself with nukes if it feels threatened?  They would not have dared that if Trump was in office.

Oh the Dems are riding a wave of momentum alright, but it’s not in their favor.  It’s taking us right off a cliff.

Spin Zone / Re: from the no-kidding-dick-tracy department
« on: September 13, 2022, 10:18:11 AM »
I'm surprised CNN actually acknowledged there was any inflation.

If inflation was 9% last month and 8% this month, the media will report that inflation is “down” and celebrate that as good economic news.

Spin Zone / Re: Tiffany Smiley
« on: September 13, 2022, 08:19:02 AM »
Mostly people to lazy to work, but not too lazy to demand those who work pay for their useless degrees, because… racism.

Racism, sexism, transism, etc., so many oppressed people sitting in mom’s basement raging at the injustice of it all.

Spin Zone / Re: Tiffany Smiley
« on: September 13, 2022, 07:32:42 AM »
Yeah, that mean person.  The only President in my lifetime that actually DID what he SAID he was going to do.  And it all was good for the country, not just special interests and voting blocks.

It was good for the working class, the very people the Marxists claim to be for but who in fact despise.

Spin Zone / Re: Tiffany Smiley
« on: September 13, 2022, 06:36:30 AM »
The dems brought us the vaccines

They’ll be asked to defend these statements:

“Get the shot and you won’t get Covid.”
“Get the shot and you won’t have to wear a mask.”

The dems got rid of that mean person

You mean the mean person that had gas prices so low that fuel surcharges actually went negative?  We were swimming in extra oil?  The mean person that had historically low unemployment and a booming economy?  That started no wars and organized a withdrawal from Afghanistan that Biden managed to completely fuck up?


The dems saved people from all that horrible crushing student debt

By making construction workers and small business owners pay for the worthless degrees of college grads who can’t get jobs? 

We should mandate debates and force the left to try to defend this shit.

Spin Zone / Re: Queen Elizabeth has died
« on: September 13, 2022, 03:33:19 AM »
I hear that the lefties are besmirching the Queen because of British colonization.  Colonization in general “bad”.  But only when it’s white Europeans colonizing.  Anybody else, which is every single group that ever lived, who has invaded and dominated another group, never gets talked about. So I want to talk about a major genocide of my own ancestors which has never been redressed.  DNA test results show that I have several hundred times the amount of Neanderthal genes than Elizabeth Warren has Native American, yet no one ever talks about how Homo Sapiens invaded and killed all my Neanderthal ancestors. This was far worse than any British colonization, because while British atrocities did occur, complete extermination of the natives did not, and in fact the British colonies ended up benefiting enormously in the long run.  India for example became a powerful nation today largely from investment, infrastructure, education, etc. provided by the British.  My native European ancestors on the other hand, were completely wiped out, and my ancestral lands taken over entirely by the invaders, Homo sapiens, who to this day have not confessed their guilt or given me reparations.

Spin Zone / Re: Tiffany Smiley
« on: September 13, 2022, 02:02:04 AM »
What’s with all these democrats refusing to debate?

Pilot Zone / Re: Settle this Rusty Pilot debate
« on: September 12, 2022, 04:55:52 PM »
Only if he's a Doctor.

That’s what I was going to say.

Pilot Zone / Re: Settle this Rusty Pilot debate
« on: September 12, 2022, 10:52:48 AM »
The FAA would see it that way no matter who you agreed was “PIC”.  Or maybe both would be on the line but the CFI has the higher ratings and it is admittedly an instructional flight.  He’d be held the more responsible.

In fact, if John goes under the foggles in VMC or they encounter IMC then the CFI automatically becomes legal PIC, even if he never manipulates the controls, and can log it, if I understand my PIC-logging vs PIC-legal correctly.  Assuming the CFI is instrument rated and John is not.

John can also log the instrument time because he was on the controls, but lacking an AI rating, he cannot remain legal PIC while under the hood or in IMC.

Pilot Zone / Re: Settle this Rusty Pilot debate
« on: September 12, 2022, 10:31:02 AM »
I wouldn't really argue over who's right. More like the CFI isn't comfortable with that arrangement, and that should be good enough to end the debate for me. We as pilots are ingrained early on that if you don't feel comfortable, for whatever reason, you don't make the flight. And with the finger pointing, litigation happy world we live in, I wouldn't want to be a CFI instructing in an FBO plane you aren't familiar with and don't have a working relationship with. Something goes wrong, the CFI's ass is the one on the line.

The FAA would see it that way no matter who you agreed was “PIC”.  Or maybe both would be on the line but the CFI has the higher ratings and it is admittedly an instructional flight.  He’d be held the more responsible.

Spin Zone / Re: Eco-lunacy unintended consequences
« on: September 12, 2022, 10:27:41 AM »
…while enriching the climate change oligarchs and their cuck politicians.

Yep, those at the very top pushing this don’t believe it themselves.  Otherwise they wouldn’t buy beachfront property and fly around in private jets burning fossil fuels, and live in giant mansions requiring tons of electricity to upkeep.

Pilot Zone / Re: Settle this Rusty Pilot debate
« on: September 12, 2022, 10:23:52 AM »
John needs to buy his own airplane.

In the meantime, I agree with Username, I would not try to convince the reluctant CFI.  It may be legal but it seems the CFI has a gut feel about it that he may not be able to articulate why, but that might nevertheless not be wrong.

Spin Zone / Re: Eco-lunacy unintended consequences
« on: September 12, 2022, 10:10:40 AM »
I'm very happy with people working to preserve the environment, protect the planet, and all that.  I visited LA recently.  I hadn't been there since the 1970s.  I was pretty amazed that the mountains were so close.  Never saw them way back when.  So something is working.

BUT those people should leave me out of their mission.  Do what you want, leave me alone.  I love shooting.  I don't insist that everyone own a gun to cut down on crime.  Same thing.  And until they start doing something about the carbon and pollution coming out of India and China they should leave me alone.  If the US dropped to zero carbon it wouldn't matter a bit.  But it would transfer a lot of wealth to the climate junkies.  Which I guess is the point.

This.  Pollution is a local thing and related to the ramping up of industry as an area moves from third world into first world status.  There are growing pains!  The smog of London during its industrial birth pangs is infamous.  My own husband spent a lot of time in China selling pollution control equipment to power and manufacturing plants.  Of course, they had issues of followup, being under inefficient centralized and corrupt government control.  On the other hand, a lot of it is that we exported our manufacturing and attendant pollution over to them, so there’s that.

Spin Zone / Re: Eco-lunacy unintended consequences
« on: September 12, 2022, 07:21:40 AM »
Here's the thing:   These Eco Lunatics are a MINORITY, a very small one at that.   Why in the hell are we constantly bowing to and trying to appease a small group of lunatics?

 Same goes with the democrat communist, another small group that demands to be the majority and we all bow and obey their every whim.

 It's time people treat these looney tunes for what they are.

It’s an incorrect extrapolation of the false belief last century that the human population explosion would overrun the planet with trash, pollution, and use up all the fossil fuels.  Now we know that the opposite is happening.  The world’s population is now headed for a collapse.  Even if we do nothing to address trash and pollution, it’s going to be self limiting.  And it is very likely we will never use up all the fossil fuels.  We will go extinct first.

So all this drama over environmentalism is now badly misaligned with reality.  Aging hippies from the 60s are now the leftists in power with an ossified and outdated world view.  You can’t change them, and they’re brainwashing the young into thinking the planet itself is on the precipice of death.  They couldn’t be more wrong. 

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