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Messages - Mase

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Spin Zone / Re: The world is FLAT not ROUND
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:31:55 PM »
Jonesy, good to see you!!

Spin Zone / Re: Socialism Explained
« on: February 04, 2016, 04:26:50 PM »
The reason we have seen a "march to socialism" as Dave says is not because of capitalism failing.  It is due to our government making it too difficult to actually exercise capitalism.  We don't have capitalism anymore.  We have regulations, and taxes, and more regulation, and taxes.  In addition we are dealing with a cabal of government/media/education which has been indoctrinating people for the last fifty or more years to be essentially communists.  The urban centers are taking over entire states and dictating their politics just by sheer numbers.  We are becoming a Blue country due to the urban centers and their corruption.  Combine that with the indoctrination by our institutions, and you get what we have now.  Fascist Failure. 

Spin Zone / Re: A Conversation with a Liberal Friend
« on: February 03, 2016, 01:21:30 PM »
I have a similar friend. Growing up we rode dirt bikes together, went to races, from middle school on until about mid-way through college. We were roomates freshman year in college. Somewhere in there, he went from being kindof moderate and apathetic about politics, to drinking liberal cool-aid hardcore. I could definitely see him writing that letter. Fast forward a few years and we haven't really hung out much. No falling out between us., just different set of friends as he was hanging out with some hipsters. They were okay, I would go to parties with them occasionally but its not really my crowd. Anyway about 2 years ago he sends me a text, haven't seen you in awhile, want to meet for a drink someteime? Sure, I arrange to meet him at a bar after work to get some wings and drink beer.

We avoided talking about politics, but it was kinda lame, not much in common.. he tried to hit on these two girls sitting next to us and failed, we talk about work, he hates his job, does not make much money, long hours, boss is a dick... then asks if I have an extra room at my house for him, because parents want him out and he can't afford his own place. I kinda gave him the .. well dunno.. kinda like living by myself, but i'll let you know. Then the fucker thanks me for the beers, explains he can't pay for it because his paycheck does not come for another week, and leaves!

I have other die hard liberal acquaintances, but I avoid talking about politics at all with any of them like the PLAGUE. You know these people, the ones who post a bunch of liberal crap on social media. I will gladly talk politics and policy with other people but NOT the ones who I know are hardcore left. Because I know it won't be a conversation as they are not open minded people.

I can't say i'm completely open-minded as I think socialism is cancer, and anyone who is a socialist is an idiot. Though I am open to some progessive ideas, i'm somewhere between libertarian and conservative.

Oh and I don't post political stuff on social media. When your facebook could double as Hillary's talking points for tomorrow night's speech, you have gone too far!

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 01, 2016, 09:51:26 PM »
See... this is where you can actually follow up with your perspective instead of a one line sentence that leaves us- wonder what that might be???.

Really, Dave?  I thought we might leave this crap over at POA.  You expressed an "opinion" that "It is another election cycle with terrible choices."  It wasn't a fact, it was your belief. 

I did something similar.  I expressed an "opinion" that it isn't an election cycle with "terrible choices" from my perspective.  I'll bet most people here probably understand what I was conveying.  I'm sorry you missed it.  So I'll explain it for you.  These aren't terrible choices on the GOP side.

Spin Zone / Re: something even worse than a hillary presidency
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:30:50 AM »

Honestly, yes.  It is OK to politicize our Founding Principles.  The issue with Progressives is that they aren't honest about it.

If you want to repeal the first amendment, go ahead and propose doing so.  Don't say "We need to get money out of politics." (McCain-Feingold attack on free speech) or "We need to get religion out of politics." (Attack on the Free Exercise clause)

I actually have a lot more respect for Sanders because he's up front about being against the economic system that built the country.  I think he's wrong, and that his "solutions" would be devastating to this country, but at least he's honest about what he wants to do.  Unlike Clinton who wants to tear it down, but is dishonest about it.

Back to the original point. I don't believe in having "sacred cows" that cannot ever be challenged.  And that applies to the founding principles too.  The framers were not perfect men, and they understood that, and provided a mechanism for correcting errors (hint to's Article V, not Article III).
Bold added
Sacred cows make the best hamburgers

Spin Zone / Re: Will This End the Clinton Candidacy?
« on: January 24, 2016, 12:29:39 PM »
I think everybody does that. The document is only about 4500 words. That's like a 22 page 8 1/2" x 11" booklet to run the USA with. People say, if it's not in the constitution, then it's not legal, but there really isn't that much in the constitution, so it's more like everything is legal until the SCOTUS says it isn't.

Actually, the "If it's not in the constitution, it's not legal" is a federal thing, and is explicitly stated:
Amendment XThe powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

So, if it doesn't say the feds can do it, by the express terms of the Constitution, they cannot.

Spin Zone / Re: Will This End the Clinton Candidacy?
« on: January 22, 2016, 06:54:02 AM »

Whichever one that would be, it would not be Cruz who has no understanding of the separation of church and state.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

What specific language do you feel Cruz has violated, or shown a lack of comprehension?

Kristin, I'm sorry if you misread the syllabus in law school and you thought your C-law class section on the First Amendment read "Freedom From Religion."

Spin Zone / Re: White Christians need to act more Christian than white
« on: January 20, 2016, 11:41:00 PM »
Honestly, I was going to post a whole big long rant that would go down the page with all kinds of foul words. I went away and came back and I'm better now.

It's not about black and white. The sooner we get past that garbage the better. It's all about culture. It has been for ages now.

Anybody ever notice how when a person with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair comes from a place like Kenya, or England, or Australia and doesn't look like they just got out of prison and speaks proper english, even if broken and with a thick accent, they are immediately accepted.

Anybody ever notice how when a person with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair goes to university, gets a degree and takes on a profession that they are immediately accepted.

Anybody ever notice how when a person with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair takes the office of City Council, mayor, assembly person, representative, senator, attorney general, district attorney, police chief, sheriff, CEO, engineer, doctor, scientist, astronomer, astronaut, fighter pilot, US military General, or President of the fucking US of A that they are immediately accepted?

This is what we have a problem with -

Trash culture that breeds more and more misery, ignorance, death and incarceration. Stupid makes more stupid over and over again.

This is what we (Americans in general) want-

Now, obviously we don't need to see folks wearing a suit all the time, what everybody wants that loves America, other than just their sorry selves is- assimilation. Do as the dominant culture does. Educate your kids. Inspire them to do better than you do. Want them to learn and not just shut their mouth when they ask questions. Engage with your children and their future. Have them be just like the smart kids in school no matter what they color are.

Millions of people with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair, have done exactly this and it has turned out incredibly well for them!!! Learn from them instead of choosing to reject them and cling to an identity that is broken and a proven failure. Don't give in to the "poor us, we have been wronged, now you owe us" culture. Step above that shit.

"Black lives matters" is a crappy joke. All lives matter. It's backward trash culture that doesn't matter and it needs to fade away. Anybody with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly dark black hair needs to work towards this end rather than defend this failed culture. At this point, it makes no matter how we got here, it just matters how we move ahead.

Skin color doesn't matter. Character does. The people and "victims" that the OP posted about, were of poor character and clung to the old culture. They ultimately fell victim to it. Crooked, murderous white cops is part of that culture. Those cops need to be punished if they are truly guilty, but the defenders of the victims have to ask themselves, how did these people get there and what could they have done to never encounter that misery?

Having said this, there obviously are hold outs to the old fucked up white culture white people have had in the past. There are those that want to cling to ideas of "racial supremacy". It will take time to completely cleanse society of this rubbish and we are working on it. It's pretty obvious is if you really look around and not just at the sensational headlines that this is so.

Spin Zone / Socialism Explained
« on: January 10, 2016, 07:43:33 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Obama's epic fail on gun control
« on: January 10, 2016, 07:42:32 AM »
I have to give serious credit to the President.

He's claiming that his executive actions are intended to make people safer.  And the reason I need to give him credit, is that they will.  By his actions, many more Americans will arm themselves in order to do so before he achieves his wet-dream of Australian-style confiscation.  By virtue of those people being armed, they, and the communities in which they live, will become safer places.

Well done, Mr. President.

Spin Zone / Re: Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower?
« on: January 03, 2016, 06:19:16 PM »
probably a few people need to understand what the Executive branch is responsible for and what the Legislative branch is responsible for.

Sadly, people seem to think now that the president runs the whole show and controls everything.
That includes the sitting President.

Spin Zone / Yes, Please!
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:34:39 AM »
This latest dust up could be the exact excuse Sanders needs to pursue his socialist revolution as an Independent, while taking his crowds with him.

Spin Zone / Re: French vs U.S. Response to Terrorism
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:43:26 PM »

I agree that the French response has been more visible and stronger. I also agree that we should have a better response. However, let's also not forget that when France passed their state of emergency they eroded a lot of citizen's rights. Part of the state of emergency powers allows the government to forbid mass gatherings, limit movements of people and increase the monitoring of people. We don't want to go down that road here. That's allowing the terrorists to win in my book.

I don't disagree, and that's a good point. We've seen that anarchy as recently as Hurricane Katrina, with gun confiscations in New Orleans.

But I think our unwillingness to fight radical Islam right here may be our existential downfall.
The President wants to be friends with everyone around the world, which clearly isn't working. I think the other part of it is that he wants to be able to end his term and say that he didn't have any terrorist attacks on U.S. soil during his time. That's why he would rather classify it as work place violence or under some other cause.

As a whole, I don't think it's the American people's unwillingness to fight radical Islam, I think it's that of a select few, those who are in or close to the current administration.
Then the response would be to select an administration next year that would support the people's desires and willingness to fight radical Islam.

Spin Zone / Re: Twenty-Six states Refuse Syrian"Refugees"
« on: November 24, 2015, 07:53:01 PM »
Starting with Michegan, 26 states have refused President Obama's scheme to resettle Syrian "refugees" in their states. Shepherd Smith at Foxnews is going apoplectic over this as well as a host of progressives in and out of government.
The President clear said that ISiS was not a danger, so why is he so firmly demanding these "refugees" are in such peril? If ISIS is not a problem, how come the "refugees" aren't being sent home?
The whole scheme is a traitorous conspiracy to move future democrat voters into states that can be changed over to insure the democrats don't get their asses kicked next November, at the peril of bringing gin tens of thousands of violent terrorists along with them.
Typical progressive logic.

Apologize if my comments repeat previous ones (haven't read them), but here they are:

1) I think that, at least, a pause is prudent.
2) 10,000 refugees is a lot, but nothing compared to what Europe is dealing with.
3) Having stated 2), it is important to note that America is the prime target.
4) It is easier to get into the US in almost any other way than as a refugee.
5) We should also look at the ISIS inspired kooks who are already here.

The locker room part is strange enough.  But let's go back one more step.  How is it possible to want to be another gender?  No one loves boobs more than me, but I want them on a woman, not myself. 

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