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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 34 35 [36] 37 38 ... 93
Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: July 28, 2023, 05:31:37 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: July 27, 2023, 06:26:15 AM »
Idiot Dems would fall over themselves to get behind a ticket like that because it’s less appalling than Biden and his slimy crime family laden with treason, scandal and debauchery.  However, I don’t think RFK/Gabbard will be allowed by the globalist cabal.

You can tell they won’t be allowed by how RFKJr is being treated by the Democrat controlled propaganda machine (mainstream media).

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: July 27, 2023, 06:15:56 AM »
Could be interesting

Idiot Dems would fall over themselves to get behind a ticket like that because it’s less appalling than Biden and his slimy crime family laden with treason, scandal and debauchery.  However, I don’t think RFK/Gabbard will be allowed by the globalist cabal. It’ll have to be a ticket taker like the gruesome Newsom. Also however, assuming a legit election, which will not happen, it’s the independents who matter, not the immovable ends of the spectrum.

Like “controlling” the climate though, all this election speculation is moot. Our best bet is to put all energy into securing election integrity to get rid of corrupt ticket takers and reset government to serving Americans.

Spin Zone / Re: The Turtle blew a gasket
« on: July 26, 2023, 02:18:53 PM »
Because it’s not a real job. Those of us who work like to retire in our 60s because work is not the most fun thing, otherwise they wouldn’t have to pay us to do it.  What these people are doing is hanging out in DC schmoozing, going to parties, socializing and getting narcissistic supply, and not only being paid for it but grifting and skimming all kinds of extra money and favors.  Why should they ever quit?

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: July 26, 2023, 12:52:59 PM »
RFK,Jr appeals to moderate democrats (those who have been abandoned by the DNC) as well as independents and moderate republicans.   This terrifies the democrat communist.

 While he may have some left leanings toward the 2A, he does respect the constitution and the rule of law.

 No candidate is perfect.  But many have some really horrible backgrounds and positions.

Respecting the Constitution and rule of law disqualifies him as today’s version of a Democrat.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate Change, the sequel
« on: July 26, 2023, 12:14:01 PM »
That makes it all totally meaningless. Which it is. Land levels and sea levels are not static and never have been, so them changing now is no indication of man made climate catastrophe.
Exactly.  The Northern US has been rising since the last ice age ended.
Removal of the ice through melting permitted the slow rebound of the crust to its
former position of relative equilibrium. Such movement, common in glaciated areas, is best documented in Scandinavia and Finland. Evidence of similar uplift can be observed in
the region of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, where old shorelines, originally
horizontal, are now raised and tilted so that the greatest uplift is to the north.
Islands rise and fall.  Land masses move about the crust.  Mountains rise and are eroded away.  There is NOTHING humans can do that will stop this.  Just like climate.  NOTHING humans can do will have any long-term impact on the climate.  Yes, we should be good stewards of the Earth and reduce pollution and such.  But because that's the right thing to do.  Not because some government entity says we must. If rising sea levels was an emergency that needed immediate action, we would see far fewer elites with coastal mansions.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: July 26, 2023, 10:50:08 AM »
what?  you mean us old white guys aren't just being handed money?

No. We worked our asses off all our lives for our measly half a million to three million net worth (the category considered “middle” in terms of being too rich to qualify for Medicaid and too poor to self insure for long term care. Most of us here are probably somewhere in that range.)  And we get the privilege of watching our lifetime savings wither away with inflation and waste, as the government prints money, pours it into Ukraine and funds endless federal bureaucracies that hate us and squash our rights and freedoms at every turn.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: July 26, 2023, 07:06:26 AM »
Quite true.  But even if Username's figure of $120million is accurate, and I'm sure it's closer to the truth than the number I found, that is a far cry from "Billions".

  We can debate billions vs millions.  But the problem here is a government employee, who has been on a government payroll his entire working life, is now worth many many times more than what most other gov employees are.   And even more troubling are his "investments".

  Dr "I am the science" used his government position to enrich himself at the cost of the citizens.  He also used his position to make his cohorts fabulously wealthy.   Add in that he participated in gain of function research by funding it, and he dictated policies that caused thousands upon thousands of deaths.

  That little motherfucker is nothing more than a modern day Mengele.   If we had a functioning country he would be facing the gallows for his crimes against humanity.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: July 26, 2023, 05:04:50 AM »

That’s not funny.  It’s an accurate portrayal of the current culture’s sick views of what women and men are respectively.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: July 26, 2023, 04:55:20 AM »

Pilot Zone / Re: What I Am Doing on my Summer Vacation
« on: July 25, 2023, 05:59:21 AM »
Waco has a new throwback LSA.  Very cool!  (And mostly affordable.)

I believe this is true.  I don’t think there is any way to fix it from the inside. Trump is aware and wants to drain the swamp but even if he wins the WH next year there is only so much he can do. Others who get it, was it Ramaswamy who recently said he would fire the whole FBI or something?  They will be blocked from getting elected by the deep state.  In fact anyone not approved by the Uniparty will be prevented from entering the WH. Congress is lost. The SC is targeted. They’re trying to bring charges against Clarence Thomas and are working to have term limits for the justices and change the make up (“pack” the SC).  That’s it, that’s our three branches of government. Gone are “checks and balances”.

  FedGov is bloated beyond belief.  Agency after agency that duplicates other agencies.   The founding fathers never envisioned, in fact didn't want, a huge federal government.   Their intent was that the states would have their own governments with limited federal intervention.

  A good example is the EPA.   Most states have their own EPA or version of it.  Why do we need a federal version?   Same goes for education, or even further the FBI.   

  We are there because we have lost our representative form of government.   Our congressmen and senators no longer represent the citizens.  Our government is suppose to be of the people and for the people, which it no longer is.

  We are watching federal agencies openly defying congress.  The executive branch is over riding the judicial and legislative branches and empowering government agencies to enact regulations beyond the reach as approved by congress.   The executive has become a government within itself accountable to no one.

  Most Americans believe congress is corrupt and ineffective, yet when a citizen is asked about their congressman or senator, the reaction is "well he's ok, it's the rest that are bad".   Voter apathy has led to career politicians.

  Right now there are two paths out of this quagmire.  First is a convention of states.  We've discussed this before.    Second is outright secession.

I believe this is true.  I don’t think there is any way to fix it from the inside. Trump is aware and wants to drain the swamp but even if he wins the WH next year there is only so much he can do. Others who get it, was it Ramaswamy who recently said he would fire the whole FBI or something?  They will be blocked from getting elected by the deep state.  In fact anyone not approved by the Uniparty will be prevented from entering the WH. Congress is lost. The SC is targeted. They’re trying to bring charges against Clarence Thomas and are working to have term limits for the justices and change the make up (“pack” the SC).  That’s it, that’s our three branches of government. Gone are “checks and balances”.

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