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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 93 94 [95] 96 97 ... 134
Spin Zone / Re: Happy Birthday, Chuck Yeager
« on: February 13, 2019, 02:07:09 PM »
Great pilot, great man.  Supposedly a real asshole too.
Totally true, from what I’ve heard from
People with direct personal knowledge.

It's a start.  It can be built in phases, but yeah they are in a testicle free zone.
We could have had the entire Taj Mahal Wall built in full if Paul Ryan wasn’t a petulant dickhead and McConnell started to act like a majority leader and got rid of the unconstitutional cloture rule.

yea republicans....................... ???
I am so fucking sick of these republicans. Fucking goddamn pussies.

Spin Zone / Re: Green New Deal
« on: February 11, 2019, 09:24:34 AM »
“To a small extent” is true ... but most of us interact with thoughtful questions and comments. Sometimes we even agree with liberals. Some liberals, like asechrest, interact thoughtfully.

If you’re truly honest with yourself, you can see that most liberal policies are awful. Indefensibly awful, even. So are some conservative policies, which we roundly criticize! We tear politicians of all stripes to shreds!

But with Steingar, for example, when questioned, it’s always back to Trump Trump Trump, grade school style insults, and vanishing. I’m still waiting for answers to thoughtful questions posed to him recently and in the past. If he would answer them thoughtfully, we would understand liberals better.

I would love to understand liberals better. Unfortunately, for the most part they seem unable or unwilling to try and enlighten me in reasoned discussion here or anywhere else.

Insult hurlers are a part of life. They suck, but I ignore them so the gist of the discussion can carry on.

Pilotspin exists because liberals at POA couldn’t stand the heat of actual discourse.

Change my mind.

I’d especially like to hear (I asked him weeks ago) why Steingar says he “hated himself” for giving students the poor grade they themselves earned. If he would answer that, I might understand liberals better. I sometimes feel there’s a conservative inside Steingar struggling to get out. Otherwise, why would he venture here, where discussion can happen?
Spot on Becky. This is how I view this. The difference between asechrest and Steingar and their willingness to listen to others and engage in real debate are like the difference between night and day.

Spin Zone / LA Now a “City of Sanctuary”
« on: February 09, 2019, 01:45:55 PM »

I think we need to spend $100 billion to wall off Criiminal California from the rest of us.

Even the original Star Trek. "A charming Negress."

And Uhura says, "Why should I object to that term? In our century we've learned not to fear words."
God, isn’t THAT the antithesis of THIS century?  Words trigger over half the population into irrational, unhinged behavior. In a world where “Make America Great Again” is treated with revulsion, we are truly screwed, and need to go back to square one. And I think square one means never, ever any longer allowing the snowflake minority to dictate the terms of a debate by how they characterize the person saying something deemed offensive.

It would be great to get this run on college campuses again. That alone would melt enough snowflakes to make the seas rise.

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 06, 2019, 03:23:31 PM »
Here is my take on the democrat and MSM reaction to this speech.

Everyone on the left expected DJT to be apologetic and conciliatory about....everything. About the shut down. About the wall. About the foreign policy. About race. About women. About abortion. About LGBTQRSTUV matters.

My evidence is how they approached this speech. The tampons sitting in a group (that’s was my daughter’s characterization) were CLUELESS as to what they were supposed to do. AOC was out of her league, yet they put her in tampon row#1. She had no idea when she should sit, stand, frown, clap, or fart without seeking out what other tampons were doing.

Pelosi looked like she was ordering the veal off the late night menu. Her shuffling of those papers was meant to put the focus on her, and away from Trump. It didn’t work.

Schumer and the other pro-infanticide members of Congress didn’t think Trump would go where he went with respect to abortion. You could tell by the satanic grin he had at that topic, as if he got caught with the bloody hangar in his hand.

No one though that Trump was capable of making them look ridiculous. But that’s what the American people thought. Not standing or clapping for record employment of blacks, Hispanics and Asians showed the democrats contempt for “those people.”  They are supposed to be THEIR house slaves, not examples of success under Trump.

Lastly, to my original point, democrats and their MSM co-conspirators cannot accept that an American could have felt good about that speech. They expect everyone supporting our president to be embarrassed, apologetic, self-flagellating and if they had their way, self-immolating. They can’t deal with “us.”

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Approval Rating 48%
« on: February 06, 2019, 09:55:14 AM »

 But when a conservative takes the fifth, the dims and their MSM start the narrative of "Ah Ha!!, what's he hiding!!  Guilty!!!"   Of course, when a liberal uses the fifth, he/she is "protecting their rights".
Yep. Just look at Steingar. He thinks Mueller’s smoke means there’s a fire.  In reality, Mueller’s smoke is a smoke screen because he’s got nothing else.

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 05, 2019, 08:21:43 PM »
Is Nancy ordering off the late night menu?  “I’ll take the veal.”

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 05, 2019, 07:32:05 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: February 05, 2019, 06:24:13 PM »
Stan, I admonish you for tastelessness. Let’s get into a big old sniping forum kerfluffle about how much more tasteless you are than me. And how I totally misread your intent, and how my comprehension skills are poor.
Becky, you and your fellow republicans are so childish. Why I was just talking to my lefty friends about how racist and homophobic, and now AGEIST republicans are, and damn if they don’t think the exact same way. So clearly Republicans have about 2% of the public’s support, so when y’all wish for the painful death of RBG, you are casting all conservatives in a bad light, and you will pay for it at the ballot box.

Hey, this is fun! 

Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: February 05, 2019, 04:45:56 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Approval Rating 48%
« on: February 05, 2019, 12:51:09 PM »
Watch liberal/progressive heads explode.
Heard on the radio that on this date for Obama’s 2nd SOTU his approval rating was 46%. 2 points lower than Trump. Didn’t verify this.

I never understand suicide pacts, whether personal or in this case electoral. They are handing their EVs to California. It will mean nothing to vote in any of these states. Maine is the latest I think.

This idiocy will continue until this scenario happens:  Dems nominate a batshit crazy for president. Normal, middle of the road people (or classic liberals) will realize socialism isn’t the way to go.  They will conclude that better to vote for the devil you know (Trump) vs the devil you don’t know.  Trump will win the popular vote, and all these states’ electoral votes, including California, will go to Trump. This interstate compact will end in a nanosecond after that happens.

Don’t think that’s possible?  In 1982-1984 Ronald Reagan was so vilified by the democrats, marginalized by the press, and ridiculed by the public that a win by Mondale was a slam dunk. But the real people, the voters, had a different idea. Reagan won 59% of the popular vote with a 16,900,000 PV margin, and 525-13 electoral votes. The people spoke.

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