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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Do you think I will get banned...
« on: December 04, 2018, 02:04:33 PM »
They didn't, though they did say something about a militia.  I've never met a member of a militia.  Anyhow, like I said, calling assault weapons "sporting rifles" jus seemed a bit of a stretch.
They are more sporting rifles than anything else.  No soldier would take a semi-auto rifle into battle when an automatic or select-fire weapon is available.

The fact that they look like M-4s or M-16s are both cosmetic and functional. The design vastly minimizes recoil, making them easy and not fatiguing to shoot. The modern style permits complete customization.

A .556 round is underpowered and inhumane for deer. But I know people who hunt deer with an AR-10 in 7.62. AR-15s are excellent varmint rifles.

All of which is completely irrelevant. The term “Assault Rifle” is a made-up term that is used ad nausium by gun control proponents. A “Sporting Rifle” is much more descriptive and accurate.

^^^^^^^^^^I think you are over thinking it.  Acosta is not rebelling.  He is being intentionally disruptive to deny the President the ability to articulate his message and substituting his own message in an aggressive manner.  If Acosta wants to protest and rebel, he can do so on the air, on any street corner, or public square.  This is the Presidents Press Briefing.  It's his show.  Not Acosta's, nor CNN.  So I think your entire premise is BUNK.
I totally agree, which is why this lawsuit fails on First Amendment grounds.  Acosta is demanding a right TO BE HEARD.  That right doesn’t exist.

People falsely claim that the right of free speech is not absolute. Sorry, but it is. However, in doing so you must also accept the consequences to that speech, so the old canard about not being able to shout “Fire!” In a crowded theater doesn’t fail on limitations to the first amendment.  It fails because the consequences of such action may lead to physical harm and disruption to others.

Spin Zone / Re: Creepy Porn Lawyer in custody
« on: November 16, 2018, 01:40:16 PM »
Oh, I forgot, you don't have a sense of humor......the whole "self righteous" thing and all.

 Carry on.
Virtue signaling may be an official Olympic sport in Tokyo in 2020.

Spin Zone / Re: I voted
« on: November 06, 2018, 05:15:02 PM »
Mom is conservative at heart.  Devote Catholic. She voted for Kennedy but has voted Republican since then because she is anti-abortion. She also believes illegal immigration needs to be stopped, taxes should be lowered, and doesn't want men in her ladies room. If you ask her point by point she will tell you these things.  But the only news she reads is that damned liberal rag and it's got her so screwed up and confused.

It's like the healthcare proxy and durable power of attorney.  I have to make decisions for her because she is getting more and more confused, but I make those decisions in HER best interest, the way I think SHE wants.  I view these voting questions the same way, if she insists on asking me how she should vote, I will tell her in accordance with what I know HER values are, not try to convince her to my values. 

It didn't used to be that way.  I used to try to debate with her and turn her to my point of view, but that was when she had a quick mind.  These days I feel it's my duty just to help her feel confident and at peace that she is voting in line with her values.

But how many people do it that way? And how many just talk the old person into voting however THEY want them to?  Because a lot of people do that I have thought that you are right, people should not be allowed to vote when they get all old and confused.

For that matter, I think confused young people shouldn't vote either.  Teenagers are by definition confused.  Oh if I were king, you wouldn't vote until you've had to support yourself with a job for at least five years, and passed a general knowledge test heavy on economics, history, logic and science.
Add geography and a basic government or civics class and I’m with you.

Spin Zone / Re: My Governor
« on: October 29, 2018, 02:01:39 PM »
Two things come to my mind quickly though there were other tings as well.

1. When he stated right after Obama was elected POTUS that his main objective was to make Obama a one term president.   That should never be any senator or congressman's main objective.  Their main objective should be to pass legislation that will make America better.  Their objective should not be sabotaging the president.   BTW, I was not an Obama supporter but I found that statement reprehensible.   

2. His blocking of Merrick Garland's nomination to SCOTUS.  I'm not saying he should have been confirmed but I believe that any presidential nominee for any office should be heard by the relevant committee and then put to a vote before the full Senate.   It's supposed to be the advice and consent of the Senate, not a single senator.  The idea that a president should basically be forced to abdicate one of his duties in the last year of his term is ludicrous.   Until the Kavanaugh debacle, I had never seen a SCOTUS nominee treated so wrongly.   Both nominees were treated very poorly.
Garland’s life was attempted to be destroyed by partisans, through accusations of rape, assault, and other behavior?  I guess I missed that.

Moral equivalency doesn’t cut it here. Neither for the high tech lynching of Clarence Thomas, or the “Borking” of Robert Bork.

All Garland got was being turned down for an interview.

Spin Zone / Re: Current suspicious package issue
« on: October 25, 2018, 08:12:44 AM »
I’m not sure how any of you can be so certain this was not someone on the right.  Both left and right have deranged folks on their side.  And to say that the right isn’t violent is simply not true.  Neo nazis, KKK, abortion clinic bombers, abortion provider killers, thugs who beat up gays, etc. are all examples of people on the right who are and have been violent.  Do they represent a mere fraction of folks on the right? Absolutely!  But it’s the same with the loonies on the left.
We know with certainty that these are coming from the left. It has all the tell-tale signs of Democrats and their operatives. The prime indicator is that none of them actually work.

Spin Zone / Re: 1980's Snapper
« on: October 23, 2018, 09:34:39 AM »
I have a Stihl chainsaw and a Stihl brush cutter and they both went TU this fall. These POS machines couldn’t even make it to 25 years. I bought them both in 1994. Stihl simply doesn’t make some engine and other parts any more.

Of course I kid. These are the most reliable tools I’ve ever owned. Bulletproof. They survived ethanol-infused fuel, and heavy usage.

I’m replacing them both with Stihl products.

Spin Zone / Re: Standing up to invaders
« on: October 19, 2018, 12:47:15 PM »
Patrol with Humvees with .50 Cals.  Kind of an updated "Rat Patrol".
Ha. I had a Rat Patrol metal lunch box when I was in grade school. I like it!

Spin Zone / Re: Why Are Democrats So Violent?
« on: October 19, 2018, 09:23:46 AM »
This is absolutely true. The parallels are uncanny. This is how you take over an unwilling populous. You spread lies and propaganda and if that doesn't work you resort to violence. For them to win though, they'll need to disarm the people and I don't see that happening.

I'm surprised there hasn't already been an assassination attempt on Trump, maybe the Pence factor is preventing it.
I’m also surprised that they haven’t picked on the wrong person willing to defend himself with a firearm - yet. Read about Reginald Denny, who during the LA riots was pulled from his dump truck and nearly beaten to death, with several hood rats slamming his skull with bricks, and attacking him with a claw hammer. His skull was broken in 91 places.  He has permanent brain damage. He lost a lawsuit against the City of Los Angeles.

Don’t tell me that Antifa of BLM mobs are incapable of the exact same brutality.  Trust me, if I get stopped and feel my life is at risk, my vehicle is going to be moving, regardless of who or what is in front of me. If I’m on foot and get attacked by a mob, I’m not going down without defending my life by whatever means necessary.

Spin Zone / Re: DNC Party Platform
« on: October 19, 2018, 08:14:12 AM »
The “BIG LIE” of this season is the liberal attack against virtually every GOP candidate for ANY state or local office saying that “John Doe (R) supports/has voted for/will vote for elimination of the protection for pre-existing conditions.” 

Every GOP vote to get rid of the ACA retains the protection of ore-existing conditions.

Of course that doesn’t matter to the ignorant masses.

Pilot Zone / Re: Ooops. Oh well, lets just keep flying.
« on: October 18, 2018, 09:11:28 AM »
Oh, Indians from India.  Not 7th Cav type Indians.  Got it.

Spin Zone / Re: Murder for hire by Saudi royal family
« on: October 17, 2018, 10:51:32 AM »
Trump is actually just being consistent, he ALWAYS pushes wanting to have info before making decisions/statements about 'facts'.

If it comes out the Crown Prince is behind this there will be hell to pay, somehow.

If the Saud family wants to go to economic war this is the wrong President to do that with.

It is just as possible that this was actually an interrogation gone wrong as deliberate murder, but we don't actually know anything yet.

Waiting to pass judgement is the right thing to do, IMO.

I agree completely. And if the Saudi’s want to play the oil game like back when OPEC actually mattered, I could see Trump exponentially increasing our drilling and fracking to drive down oil prices so the Saudis take it in the shorts just for threatening us.

Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 15, 2018, 02:55:49 PM »
The only Indian in Elizabeth Warren is if she has eaten Tandoori Chicken or similar.
I prefer to call her “Squats with Unions”.

Spin Zone / Re: Hurricane Michael
« on: October 12, 2018, 08:12:08 AM »
Mom got through to the neighbor who went to check on her. She's ok. She had turned off her cell phone to conserve the battery. And trees knocked out the landline phone line. All is well, appreciate the help.
Good deal. 

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