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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: When Communism Inspired Americans- NYT
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:04:37 AM »
I've often wondered that myself Anthony.  It is mind boggling to me why a Jewish person would favor collectivist economies, and socialist systems when Hitler was such a socialist.  And liberal democrats who want to disarm populations when disarming the citizenry allows such like the Holocaust. And the Democrats are SOOOOOOOOOOO anti-Israel. And so reluctant to fight Islamic extremists who more than any group on the planet hate them. What are they thinking to side with Democrats???

But I think you hit the nail. I really believe people's politics are - more than anything - a result of cultural upbringing.  VERY FEW people actually apply critical thinking skills to politics, most just follow their circles of friends, family tradition, and local communities. And maybe even more than that, what media they consume. So if you're of Russian extraction and NYC is all you've known of America, you don't have much hope of being anything but a liberal.

That applies to all of us; conservatives aren't much better. If you've grown up fundamentalist Christian in rural flyover country, chances are you're going to be a conservative whether you understand anything about free market economics or not.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 06:09:04 PM »
What I've been told by people who've studied this (and have no source to back myself up) is that first generation immigrants do cost our society (social services and whatnot), but that it is well made up for by their second and third generation.  The idea is these folks aren't generational welfare recipients.  To be honest, I question whether any of them are long-term welfare recipients.  Problem is the issue is so politicized that I don't trust very many sources to give me unfiltered information.

This might be a good point, I hope it is true.  It certainly has been true that immigrants from Asia for example tend to become extremely productive citizens.  I agree that the issue is so polarized it might be hard to get actual true data, either way.


First, I would happily stand band let anyone steal anything from me.  I consider it folly to risk my life to protect insured property.  My insurer would much rather I keep paying my premiums rather than die protecting my property.

This attitude is what emboldens criminals to step up their game. Especially when anti-gunners disarm citizens so that they are safe to steal from you.  Your attitude can only encourage people to steal from all of us. By being willing to use violence against theft you reduce the incentive to steal. You are hurting everyone by refusing to fight thieves with violence.

A border is nothing more than a line drawn in the dirt.  It corresponds to no natural law I can identify. 

In nature, it is not even a line in the dirt, it's completely invisible, yet it exists most definitely. Any number of species mark territory with urine or scent glands, or howling noises, and so on.  The territorial boundaries are very real, and as according to natural law as anything in existence. For others to violate natural territorial boundaries risks a fight, often to the death. Mankind is NO different.  Because we mark ours with fences, or just lines on a paper map (symbolically) doesn't make them any less real and we have every right to enforce them as virulently as any other mammal, reptile, insect, etc.

Those who enter illegally victimize no one.

That is my own take on it.  Yours might be otherwise, and that's fine.  My point was not to make these folks instant citizens, that isn't right and even I agree.  But I think we could figure out some penalty that they had to pay in order to rectify their transgression.  There are all sorts of crimes where the perpetrator pays a fine in lieu of some other punishment.  Most motor vehicle violations are handled this way, for example.  The punishment has to fit the crime, or course.  That's why I actually ask how bad a crime is it?  I think not so much, you think its tantamount to murder.  I'd like to think that we as Americans could come to some sort of compromise, a collective view that could be put into some sort of law making a path to citizenship for these folks.

I would consider a path to citizenship only because of the logistics of trying to kick that many people out. Our mistake has been allowing it to happen all these decades. But that's no reason to continue the mistake.  It's not true that it victimizes no one. It victimizes all the legal taxpayers, insurance premium payers, etc. in this country.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 07:17:18 AM »
The citizens of the United States, the taxpayers of the US.

That is correct.  For example, illegal alien woman goes to ER in America and gets free OB care to deliver her baby. Or any illegal going to any ER for any reason gets free care, and all of the rest of us pay for it in higher medical costs.

There are also benefits from having illegals. You can get a maid to clean your house for $60 when the local blond American won't do it for less than $200.

The benefits are part of what drives keeping the effort to stop them only lukewarm at best. But IMO the biggest problem is Democrats knowing they will eventually be Democrat voting citizens if not themselves, their anchor babies will.

There is a mix of good and bad. In the long, long run, I mean evolutionary timescales, it will be good. Mixing different genes into a species gene pool tends to be beneficial.  But in the short run, we have a country founded on certain laws. I don't care what we're like 10,000 years from now. I care what this country is like pretty much only in my lifetime and that of my children's children.  And as far as I'm concerned illegal entry has a net NEGATIVE.

It may be viewed as only a misdemeanor by those entering illegally but crossing borders illegally has always been viewed as the gravest of deeds by nearly all human groups. We are a territorial species. It's our evolutionary instinct to kill on sight unwelcome strangers.  Man must go through formal procedures to establish trading or marrying rights into neighboring tribes.  They are breaking natural law as well as written law.

The only reason they view it as only a minor violation is because it has not been punished or enforced. They know deep down the seriousness of the crime, but between the stick of bad conditions at home and the carrot of possible better future in America, with the low risk of consequences, they go for it.  I don't judge that; if I were them, I might do the same. I've never walked in their shoes in their pathetic homeland. But I'm not them, I'm a tax paying citizen of the U.S. so it's my right, and duty, to protect my own "tribe" if you will.

I don't have time right now to fully respond to OP's original question. My entire house is flooded, I need to go meet the insurance adjuster.  But I will say this, I believe immigration is a GOOD thing, but must be legal and controlled. No one should be allowed to enter who is criminal, or who cannot pull their own weight in the economy. All illegals raising children here are a burden on public schools and other "free" entitlements.  I am not yet convinced they contribute equal or more to the economy than what they take. As a general rule, the worse our economy is, and the more socialist it becomes, the more of a burden an illegal population is. The more free market and strong we can bring back the economy, the better chances immigrants have of getting real jobs and contributing in a positive way.  I want to see our economy recover first, by removing government regulations and obstacles, such as minimum wage laws, and a return of more jobs than we have workers, then we can welcome LEGAL immigrants.  But to continue to allow illegal crossings is not a sustainable policy, and will continue to erode our culture. 

Because I see that as one of the biggest problems with entry into the U.S. today:  failure to assimilate into our culture.  Without loyalty to the idea that founded this nation, we are not gaining U.S. citizens, we are being invaded.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 01, 2017, 06:40:31 PM »
With luck I will stop posting here altogether, but I did want to share the one and only soapbox I did with my Genetics class.  It was absolutely the only time, and the only time I have ever discussed my political views with one of my classes ever.  But the subject matter was highly relevant to what we were discussing, and the subject has been a hot-button issue.

I was discussing population genetics, and the effect migration has on allele change under Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.  We had just done a genetics problem showing an allele change to my own home town by a population of immigrants.  The change in allele frequency was substantial, far greater than could be obtained by mutation, genetic drift, or selection.

My class has a number of foreign born students, and I asked if immigration to the US was facile or difficult.  Those with the relevant experience said it was extremely difficult.  I asked if they thought it was easier to immigrate illegally.  Most thought not, due to the geographical and law enforcement barriers to entry.

I then asked what enabled a person to overcome such difficulties.  Most of my students mentioned something about determination and ambition.  I asked if those were good traits for Americans, and my students answered as a body yes.  I then mentioned that many personality traits, such as perseverance and ambition, are genetic in origin.  Those people are bringing in damn good alleles.

I then invoked the principle of selection, which biologists in the lab and breeders in the field use to isolate desirable alleles.  You set of some sort of barrier to survival or fecundity, say by putting an antibiotic in bacterial medium.  Only those bacteria resistant to the antibiotic can survive; this is the nature of drug selection.  Immigration here has never been very easy, hence we've inadvertently and accidentally set up a selection for alleles promoting perseverance. 

I then put in the one and only of my own personal views.  I truly believe that what has made America the most powerful nation on Earth has been the election for these alleles.  There are nations just as large, like Brazil, just as many natural resources that have never achieved what we have.  I believe that it is because they never had the selection that we inadvertently set up here.

My one and only soapbox (beyond making the least bit of fun of the POTUS from time to time, but I make far more fun of myself).  Like I said, most of it is based on very well understood science.  Admittedly the last bit was my own thoughts.  Those of you worried about immigration should worry about something else.  So long as there are strong barriers against it immigration, whether legal or illegal, will bring us the sort of superlative alleles that will keep America and Americans great for generations to come.

I think you're on to something. Some of the same characteristics that drove the original Pilgrims to cross the Atlantic are in those who attempt to get here illegally, and those characteristics make American people strong and contribute to our greatness as a nation.  Plausible.  And you are suggesting maybe those alleles may be a good addition to keep our population strong.  Not saying I agree or disagree but worth pursuing.

I also agree though that does not justify excusing breaking the law, forgiving getting here illegally.

What might improve the genes of Americans over time might not necessarily outweigh the damage done by forgiving illegal entry. So I will not take a stand on what we "should" do about it, not at this time anyway. I have lots of thoughts but just came home from a three day vacation to a completely flooded house. Broken water pipe.

Spin Zone / Re: ESPN - the impact of promoting far left ideology
« on: April 28, 2017, 07:03:42 AM »
My wife dragged me to see Dave Chappelle, it was abominable. Not funny, unless calling every man nigger, every woman a bitch, and left leaning/right bashing tickle your funny bone. I wasn't amused, but most in the house thought it great. *shrug*

Yep. Dave Chappelle was one of the Netflix shows I tried to watch. Couldn't make it past the first few minutes.  I gave him a chance in the first place because he had said some sensible things when the recording of Trump's locker room talk came out.  At least he sees some things realistically, but he still held his nose and voted for Hillary, according to this.

I can't remember what turned me off to the show but I couldn't watch it. It may have been the N***** word.  It offends me when whites use it to slur blacks but it also offends me when blacks use it all over the place in reference to themselves and then claim whites cannot do the same even in jest and friendship. It's a double standard and it's hypocritical.

Spin Zone / Re: ESPN - the impact of promoting far left ideology
« on: April 27, 2017, 09:13:07 AM »
Musicians and comedians do it all the time. It's taken the enjoyment out of going out for some entertainment.

As far as I'm concerned comedians have destroyed their art with their constant left leaning blather. I don't watch them anymore. With a new comedy routine you can almost bet money it's going to bash Trump/Republicans/Conservatives and/or be heavily focused on feminism/racism etc. etc.  I open a new Netflix comedian and hear this crap within the first few lines and I just shut it down, I'm not listening anymore. Even the TV trailers for late night acts like Samantha Bee and Conan usually have an anti-right cut in their 30 second ad. I'm sick of it. It's driving me away from TV in general.

It's creeping into movies and miniseries, even historical ones.  Some female heroine in the supposed 1700's going around spouting feminist nonsense. You cannot have a black character without hyper focus on racism.  The whole entertainment industry (except a few independent filmmakers) cannot tell a story without it being through a 2017 leftist lens. 

Intelligent Moderate?  You think about your positions?

A thought on the original topic - Socialism is doomed to be defeated by the forces of economics.  Under socialism, everyone is basically equal, so every person has an equal claim on resources.  However there will never be enough to go around, so not everyone can have what they want.  The result must be shortages and therefore misery.

Ergo, socialism is an inferior system.

Intelligent moderate, maybe.  I do think about them, in fact, I endeavor to apply logic, facts and reality before I decide on my position on an issue, and it can change if I get new information. For example, I used to be for capital punishment. Then I found out about corrupt prosecutors and a high rate of innocent people being put to death in my state as a result of those prosecutors, so I became against it, in that context.   But in principle I am for it.  It's just that I figured out that, like in so many things, government can be stupid, corrupt and wrong when it tries to do something, and I feel strongly about protecting the innocent from wrong convictions.

Actually, I am in favor of capital punishment at the point of the crime's commission. In other words, by the would-be victim. And it should apply to any crime of personal assault of body or property.  For example, that flash mob train robbery the other day. The riders should have been armed and should have mowed down those thugs, rather than turn over their wallets and cell phones. So I have no problem with death as a penalty for crime. But whether I would vote for or against the death penalty in the context of our criminal justice system, would all depend. Is DNA technology significantly advanced that the conviction of innocent people has drastically been reduced?  Are there safeguards against corrupt prosecutors?  I don't know, I'd have to look at it when it was put before me.

So what do you call that?  You can hardly call it "moderate" when I advocate blasting to Hell a 14 year old trying to grab my purse, as my ideological position. That's pretty extreme. But since I cannot tell you how I'd vote on the issue, would you say I'm on the fence, or technically moderate on the issue?

I agree with your statement about socialism.

So where will y'all go to find that political satisfaction?  I can understand it when your choice of Party/President doesn't turn out as promised.

The President isn't disappointing me at all so far.  As for the party, I've never really been a Republican ideologically. I vote with them because in general, they are less destructive to the country than the Democrats.

Libertarian?  Maybe they don't have cookies, but do have pot!  ;)

Yes the Libertarian party probably aligns more closely with me than any of the other major parties. But lately I've not liked calling myself a libertarian.  For one thing, I disagree with the party's position on some issues, and for another, a lot of people calling themselves "libertarian" are socialist libertarians which is a contradiction in terms, and really just another version of communism.

Possibly a centrist Republican/Democrat?  That way you can criticize both sides (and take heat from both sides)??

Both sides are richly deserving of criticism. 

But I don't like the term centrist.  There are two ways to be a centrist and they are completely different. Say there were only two issues.  You could be a centrist by being undecided, or apathetic, or completely compromising, on both issues. Or you could be a centrist by being extreme right on one and extreme left on the other, and taking the average would put you in the center.

My position on any one issue could be anywhere.

Agreed. I'm done with the Republicans.

Spin Zone / Re: Hannity Goes After Debbie Schlussel
« on: April 25, 2017, 07:04:53 AM »
A great monologue by Hannity tonight.

Dang I'm sorry I missed that. Hannity can be fantastic sometimes.

Spin Zone / Re: BULLSHIT
« on: April 25, 2017, 06:59:15 AM »
Untrue. In Texas it is legal to shoot someone for robbery, burglary, and other thefts of personal property. You may shoot them in the back as they're running off with your hubcaps.

I love Texas.

Spin Zone / Re: BULLSHIT
« on: April 24, 2017, 03:54:06 PM »
But they're CHILDREN.   Can you imagine the outcry if someone had used a firearm against them?  We are supposed to just let them get away with robbery.  They are ENTITLED as a matter of fact, to be SAFE while they commit their crimes. That's today's PC world.

“Republican leaders and President Trump don't give a sh-t about the people they were trying to hurt,”

Just one more example of projection.

I don't think there is a way to achieve this. Our civilizations are always in flux and always seem to peak with excellence then go downhill until they are destroyed and replaced by something else. I don't mean to sound so pessimistic myself, but people are simply too STUPID to do those things.  Seriously, people in general are deeply stupid and cannot understand for example, why minimum wage laws lead to job loss. And they are not getting any smarter, if anything we are getting more and more stupid by the generation.

Spin Zone / Re: Average temperature
« on: April 24, 2017, 08:47:15 AM »
I'm not saying I agreed with it, I'm just saying how they ruled. They ruled based on the issue at hand.

Oh I understood you didn't agree with it. :)

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