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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 414 415 [416] 417 418 ... 714
Nice to know you think its OK to put kids in prison for being brown.

Personally I think they should be left with their parents.  Obviously you all think otherwise.
Like I said, you’re a sick fuck. Exactly how do you know that they are their parents?  Have you not listened to the stories of coyotes “renting” children to get into asylum status?  Have you not heard of the human trafficking problem, again with people posing as children’s parents?  Have you not heard of kidnappings of children, rapes of women and children on their journey to the border?
Are these facts uncomfortable for you? 

I'rather ignore immigrants than take their children away and put them in concentration camps.
Hyperbolic. Perfect example of why you can’t be taken seriously.

And of course ignoring them means you’d release these kids into the US with their coyote “companions,” human traffickers, and sex slave masters. You’re a sick fuck.

Ice separates these kids, and cares for them, until their status and the legitimacy of their parents can be verified. Ignoring them is cruel and sick.

Spin Zone / Re: The Crazy Train will leave the station today
« on: February 08, 2019, 09:11:09 AM »
I think my 19 month old is smarter than her.
I’m sure your 19 month old would be smarter than AOC. She took a full month on this job to come up with a plan to turn the US into a socialist country. It’s easy to do when you can plan the nation’s future on the back of a napkin while sipping lates at Starbucks.

I’m laughing my ass off that Warren, Kamala and Booker signed on to this. The Crazy Train is at maximum capacity.

And these three think they are serious presidential candidates?  Smh.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: February 07, 2019, 10:29:10 AM »

Oh man. That’s a CLASSIC!  I miss Monty Python. It would be great now but the humorless masses would not understand it.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump tax cut, no personal exemption
« on: February 07, 2019, 10:25:20 AM »

Personal exemptions are suspended for 2018 - 2025. That’s when these lower rates and other things expire and revert back to the scheme that existed in 2017, unless made permanent or otherwise changed by congress before then. Only the 21% corporate rate charge is “permanent”, meaning that it won’t expire.

If your mom is 65 before the end of 2018 and single, she should be able to get an additional standard deduction of $1,600.

The theory of itemized deductions was to shape behavior of Americans, and to mitigate adverse life matters to some extent.

Medical expenses were deductible over a high threshold and really only applied if someone had extraordinary medical expenses.

Mortgage interest and the deduction for property taxes were designed to encourage home ownership, a laudable goal for Americans.

Similarly the deduction for charitable contributions was designed to help encourage philanthropy.

And on and on.

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 06, 2019, 03:23:31 PM »
Here is my take on the democrat and MSM reaction to this speech.

Everyone on the left expected DJT to be apologetic and conciliatory about....everything. About the shut down. About the wall. About the foreign policy. About race. About women. About abortion. About LGBTQRSTUV matters.

My evidence is how they approached this speech. The tampons sitting in a group (that’s was my daughter’s characterization) were CLUELESS as to what they were supposed to do. AOC was out of her league, yet they put her in tampon row#1. She had no idea when she should sit, stand, frown, clap, or fart without seeking out what other tampons were doing.

Pelosi looked like she was ordering the veal off the late night menu. Her shuffling of those papers was meant to put the focus on her, and away from Trump. It didn’t work.

Schumer and the other pro-infanticide members of Congress didn’t think Trump would go where he went with respect to abortion. You could tell by the satanic grin he had at that topic, as if he got caught with the bloody hangar in his hand.

No one though that Trump was capable of making them look ridiculous. But that’s what the American people thought. Not standing or clapping for record employment of blacks, Hispanics and Asians showed the democrats contempt for “those people.”  They are supposed to be THEIR house slaves, not examples of success under Trump.

Lastly, to my original point, democrats and their MSM co-conspirators cannot accept that an American could have felt good about that speech. They expect everyone supporting our president to be embarrassed, apologetic, self-flagellating and if they had their way, self-immolating. They can’t deal with “us.”

Spin Zone / Re: Election Day a federal holiday
« on: February 06, 2019, 12:15:18 PM »
Making Election Day a federal holiday to me sounds like politicians that are out of touch.  First there is already laws about taking time off to vote. Second people that work in the private sector will still have to work. It will just be another government holiday were Banks and government office are closed.

Just think if the Republicans suggested it.
You would hearing about how it disenfranchise the poor vote, they can not take the bus to the voting place.
It is just another opportunity to bus AFSCME and SEIU members to the polls, while most people will have to continue to work.

Most people don’t get Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Day, and most recently Emancipation Day in DC.

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 06, 2019, 12:03:41 PM »
Someone mentioned that they had a Lake Placid moment last night. It was all greatness of America, all the time. And half the country had forgotten greatness had ever been there at all. Following the O years and decades of America battering by the left, a glimpse of America as it was conceived emerged once more last night, and people felt hope and pride.

Most sane people would hitch their wagons to the star of possibility and not stagnation. Poll numbers show that to be true.

Dems can tear this speech apart, the media can spin it, but once hearts are touched by home truths, the mind tends to follow.
Well put Becky. Trump hit the right notes last night. It’s now up to him and especially McConnell to end this gridlock by whatever means necessary. Victory to the democrats (literally the ONLY thing that matters to them; worrying about “the folks” is not even in their universe) involves denying Trump a win in anything, even if it means the American people get a win.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Approval Rating 48%
« on: February 06, 2019, 09:55:14 AM »

 But when a conservative takes the fifth, the dims and their MSM start the narrative of "Ah Ha!!, what's he hiding!!  Guilty!!!"   Of course, when a liberal uses the fifth, he/she is "protecting their rights".
Yep. Just look at Steingar. He thinks Mueller’s smoke means there’s a fire.  In reality, Mueller’s smoke is a smoke screen because he’s got nothing else.

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 06, 2019, 09:50:34 AM »
Chris Wallace sure showed himself as a never Trumper last night. He said Trump never mentioned education, yet Trump stated it was time for school choice. Maybe he fell asleep during that part.
Yep!  I saw that too, and shouted at the TV. What a fucking tool. Fox News Sunday was the only remaining Sunday show that I watched, because they had a good panel, but Wallace is making it unwatchable. I think I’m done with it.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Approval Rating 48%
« on: February 06, 2019, 09:34:06 AM »
Yes. I'm finding out through these cases something shocking. Human memory is imperfect, and open to interpretation, I thought that was a given. Apparently not. You are held to an impossible standard? If you say "I don't remember emailing that person but maybe I did and forgot. That was two years ago." And then they dig up the email, they will charge you with lying!

The only thing you can do is to refuse to talk to them, EVER. For any reason, even if they say you are only a witness they are really after someone else - that's a lie.  THEY can lie to YOU but God help you if your memory is not perfect in every detail. Is this really the world we live in? This is Communist China, this is a fascist dictatorship. This isn't the land of justice and fairness.

I don't understand why any of these people are talking to them at all. Because then they will be charged with "obstruction" or "failure to cooperate" or something. This is unconscionable. They pick a target and go after them. That's not how it's supposed to work. They are supposed to have a crime and then find the perpetrators. This is beyond out of control. And the taxpayers are funding these corrupt monsters and these empty witch hunts.
You’re exactly right. This is a crime looking for a perpetrator.

Remember how Hillary, all the IRS criminals, and DOJ accessories took the 5th when being questioned by Congress?  That’s what all these people should have done.

Spin Zone / SOTU
« on: February 05, 2019, 10:08:39 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 05, 2019, 08:21:43 PM »
Is Nancy ordering off the late night menu?  “I’ll take the veal.”

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 05, 2019, 08:21:12 PM »
Gotta love Chucky Schumer hunkered over, smirking.

He looks like a pedophile watching a playground.
Perfect visual.

Spin Zone / Re: SOTU
« on: February 05, 2019, 07:32:05 PM »

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