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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: February 05, 2019, 04:45:56 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Approval Rating 48%
« on: February 05, 2019, 12:51:09 PM »
Watch liberal/progressive heads explode.
Heard on the radio that on this date for Obama’s 2nd SOTU his approval rating was 46%. 2 points lower than Trump. Didn’t verify this.

Spin Zone / Trump Approval Rating 48%
« on: February 05, 2019, 11:23:16 AM »

I never understand suicide pacts, whether personal or in this case electoral. They are handing their EVs to California. It will mean nothing to vote in any of these states. Maine is the latest I think.

This idiocy will continue until this scenario happens:  Dems nominate a batshit crazy for president. Normal, middle of the road people (or classic liberals) will realize socialism isn’t the way to go.  They will conclude that better to vote for the devil you know (Trump) vs the devil you don’t know.  Trump will win the popular vote, and all these states’ electoral votes, including California, will go to Trump. This interstate compact will end in a nanosecond after that happens.

Don’t think that’s possible?  In 1982-1984 Ronald Reagan was so vilified by the democrats, marginalized by the press, and ridiculed by the public that a win by Mondale was a slam dunk. But the real people, the voters, had a different idea. Reagan won 59% of the popular vote with a 16,900,000 PV margin, and 525-13 electoral votes. The people spoke.

You're right you completely missed it. 

The phrase is "suggesting that the president...", not "the president did".  It is about a suggestion made in this thread that the president perform an action which no president is authorized to do.

Wrong again Lucy. 

Is this a tantrum because you can't post stuff that is correct?  I told you that I hadn't even started with you yet...having fun?
Ok internet tough guy. 

I know it will take a long time to unfold, but I’m pretty excited to see pushback to the leftist media and its sycophants. This video shows exactly what came down, and while I’m no lawyer :), it seems pretty damning to me.
That video is a game changer for anyone who cares about the truth. Sadly, most don’t any more.

Spin Zone / Re: Baby Dem Socialist Not Getting DEnough Attention
« on: February 04, 2019, 08:27:33 AM »
Like, I don't even know like what "Cisgendered" is, like is it a new fashion, or type of I Phone?  It sounds like something I would like support, but I can't, like, you know, just like know what it means off the top of my head.
Can you even imagine her first SOTU in January 2025? 

“The state of the union is like, well
Unions help people, and like what’s a state?  Aren’t we all Americans, and like what about the immigrants who don’t have a union let alone like their own state or something!”

Spin Zone / Re: 2020
« on: February 04, 2019, 08:12:21 AM »
Spartacus is in!

Unity, love and bipartisanship my ass.
His ability to pull that off will show with whether or not he abandons identity politics and the politics of personal destruction. That means with how he treats Donald Trump as well as the next nominee for SCOTUS.

I don’t see any of that happening.

Spin Zone / Re: Limbaugh: We're Watching the Democrat Party Commit Suicide
« on: February 03, 2019, 10:05:33 AM »

This is a party that is self-destructing.

Now he claims he is not in that picture. That must mean the other person and whoever took the picture are dead and thus can not verify he was in the picture.
So the photographer knew Hillary Clinton?  ;)

I find it sad and pathetic that the push for this guy’s resignation is coming from a decades old yearbook picture, and not of his endorsement of a law permitting infanticide. 

This is what my country has become.

Spin Zone / Re: An enlightened society kills its young
« on: February 02, 2019, 12:33:54 PM »
A fetus with Downs is considered viable, so the scenario you posit doesn't seem legal, at least for third trimester.
I believe most genetic anomalies can be detected very early simply by examining the fetal chromosomes, so abortions for such reasons would normally occur in the first trimester..

Though rare, some of the Trisomies other than Downs lead to death within days or months of birth; this has a quick explanation:

Frankly though, the controversy seems predicated on an outlier oddity - what woman would suffer through nine months of pregnancy only to try to invent some reason to abort at the last minute? And manage to get the approval of a doctor who must provide a medically justifiable account for his/her decision? Such decisions are normally made early in pregnancy and the change in the law doesn't seem to affect those abortion decisions.

There is also the "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002" - from Wikipedia which would seem to preclude some of the horrific scenarios being claimed:

In 2002, the U.S. Government enacted the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. Whereas a fetus may be viable or not viable in utero, this law provides a legal definition for personal human life when not in utero. It defines "born alive" as "the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles" and specifies that any of these is the action of a living human person. While the implications of this law for defining viability in medicine may not be fully explored, in practice doctors and nurses are advised not to resuscitate such persons with gestational age of 22 weeks or less, under 400 g weight, with anencephaly, or with a confirmed diagnosis of trisomy 13 or 18.
(trisomy 13 and 18 are described in the first article I linked to.)
That’s what you say, but my understanding is that the statute is silent with respect to viability or ANY conditions upon which the woman and the doctor may make the decision to kill the baby. If it did, those conditions would be the subject of the debate, not just the abhorrent act of it. I didn’t read the statute however.

Spin Zone / Re: Hypocrisy unchained
« on: February 02, 2019, 11:56:21 AM »
My only problem with this guy is his message of being willing to have his mind changed does not appear to be genuine.
Oh Jesus Christ. Seriously, THAT’S what you got out of this? 

Crowder does this to evoke discussion, something virtually absent in public discourse today. He gives people the opportunity to defend their position, and given the tenuous position of many liberal viewpoints, they usually fail miserably. They certainly seem to fail when confronted by Crowder with logic and reason, which is also tenuous with the left’s position on many things.

Spin Zone / Re: Reporter gets PTSD because he fired an AR-15
« on: February 02, 2019, 09:29:32 AM »
I love this kid!  Okay so in fairness, I looked up the reporter's side of the story (link below the video).  Because I like to look at both sides, I understand what he went through.  The first time I went to the range after I decided to buy a gun, it scared me. It's a loud bang. Humans have a startle instinct. But you quickly get used to it. For me it only took an hour or so before I was actually enjoying the bang.  But, PTSD???
That’s an old story. I think the guy was just trying to get his 15 minutes of pajama boy attention.  He tried to project the experience as being something that no shooter would ever experience, in pursuit of getting people not to try it. ARs have virtually no recoil for example. But not according to this article.  I think he said it was like a bazooka. Not sure how he knows what shooting a bazooka is like.

Spin Zone / Re: Does anyone still object to term limits?
« on: February 02, 2019, 09:15:02 AM »
For politicians AND judges?

I used to believe that term limits were best enforced at the ballot box.  But when something just doesn't work, you have to try something else.

As soon as a politician takes office, they find out that they love the power and prestige.  They also find out that in order to keep that power and prestige, they have to begin fund raising immediately, and that they need the backing of the party.

Keeping their job becomes their job.

Can anyone that disagrees try to show where I am wrong?
I agree 100%. Unfortunately, Cruz’s proposed amendments are complete nonstarters because politicians will NEVER vote to reduce their power and shorten the gravy train. Any amendment has to bypass congress and come from the states in an Article V convention of the states.

I also think there’s a deep fear of the unknown by the electorate, and even most people who support term limits claim to like their OWN rep and don’t want to replace them, just the other guy.

Jim Sensenbrenner is my representative. He’s a pretty good, solid conservative from the most conservative congressional district in the state. I had an argument with him at a town hall a few years ago when he was a big backer of swamp dweller John Fucking Boehner. After I got done making a statement, he said “People like you and Sean Hannity are doing more damage to the Republican Party than anything the democrats can do.”  Or something to that effect.

Yet he has been in the House since 1979!  He never received less than 61% of the votes in 20 elections. 5 of those were unopposed.

I would vote him out in a flash if there was a good opponent that I could support, but don’t want to fire him if a democrat could slip in there. THAT’s the power of incumbency and that’s why we need term limits.

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