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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 416 417 [418] 419 420 ... 714
Once again with the ignorance.  Stop it, please.

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled 2 years ago that States could count all people living in the state for the purposes of apportionment of Congress.  This wasn't close, every single justice agreed that they be counted.  So then you're misrepresenting it.

Again - are you stupid or just hateful?  Because what you posted shows complete ignorance of the topic you're posting about.  Is that your MO, to just write crap and never bother to even wonder if it's factually correct?

Oh yeah, I'm not even started with you yet...
Wow, you’re an internet tough guy now?   

Shouldn’t that be every CITIZEN counts? How is the census integrity helped by not knowing how many CITIZENS our country has?
I think I said that in this thread or somewhere else. Becky, we are in a war for America. I’m very, very worrieda out our country.  Camala Harris is the enemy of America.

Spin Zone / Re: South Dakota constitutional carry
« on: February 01, 2019, 05:36:10 AM »
Well done, Kristi!

This was the temperature when I woke up this morning.

If it wasn’t for all the alleged carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing the seas to rise, exactly how much colder would today have been? 

Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: January 31, 2019, 03:51:37 PM »
That requires a Moderator Meeting according to the current by laws.
I’ll bring some Wisconsin beer, you bring some Yuengling, and Lucifer can bring...well he can just leave that Lone Star crap in Hell.

The transition is the hard part, really. Long-term, if the system is done correctly, we could know factually who is and is not a citizen.
If the democrats succeed, it will be another 10 years before we can ask again. And they will fight it in 10 years again. It’s fatiguing to continue to fight for facts when they fight for their right to be ignorant of facts.

Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: January 31, 2019, 02:47:16 PM »
Because I'm not embedded in right wing culture.  I've gotten comments from friends on the left who think that republicans are salivating over the prospect of RBG dying quickly, exactly over comments like the ones that opened this thread.  It isn't my perception.  When you're in the middle of it all, it's easy to miss how you're being perceived.  Republicans do not come across well when they talk about RGB dying.

I call it like I see it.  You're free to disagree.  The only reasons I can think of for this thread are ignorance or malice.  I would like to assume ignorance, but the opportunity to answer that has been dodged twice, I suspect because of ego.

I'm open to hearing a different reason.
Your really are insufferably petulant today.

We all greatly appreciate your advice to republicans, and when we have our Pilot Spin Conservative Action Committee Convention will take it under advisement.

In the mean time, you may not want to take what your lefty friends are saying at face value, because of what they are ALLEGEDLY hearing. The MSM are the masters of PROJECTION, and they project what they think republicans/conservatives/Christians/whites are thinking or doing with ZERO PROOF WHATSOEVER. They do it every day, they do it over and over and over and over and over, so that it becomes such an alleged truth that a conservative et. al. has to open up their argument by refuting what is being said about them, and are called a liar for doing so.

The left is INSIDIOUS about this. They know that a lie told often enough eventually becomes the truth , and when they own the mouthpieces to tell it, they own the argument.

And you in your ignorance or malice perpetuate such lies by repeating what your lying lefty friends tell you. So which is it?  Are you just ignorant, or are you malicious? 


Well, I'm glad they made it clear...we wouldn't want to think that they would support a conservative judge.

Regardless, they don't really have the power to stop this if Republicans choose to push them forward.  Elections have consequences.
Well they do if McConnell continues to allow this ridiculous “blue slip” rule to continue.  That rule worked when there was some level of fairness among senators. That is now gone forever. Get rid of the blue slip rule, and there is nothing Dems can do to stop it, at least without pulling 4 republicans to their side.

Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: January 31, 2019, 02:11:50 PM »
I would agree that I have never seen it before now.

However, there are many conservatives who are looking for RBG to die and some that will cheer when it happens. It is wrong and in the origins of this thread I see it.

RGB is on schedule for recovery. It is premature to ask why she isn’t back at work. In fact I think it will probably be premature before the beginning of March because these things do not go on a time table.  Anyone who has had an elderly parent get injured knows that.

The doctors said mid-late Feb.  Weird would be if she was back now.
You have never seen it before now. But NOW you know that conservatives who’ll cheer when she dies because ... you’re so smart? 

You didn’t see it with Ted Kennedy, an evil man who let a woman drown to protect his reputation. You didn’t see it with Paul Welstone, who’s funeral democrats turned into a hateful political rally.  But now conservatives will cheer the death of an octogenarian?  Give me a break.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t major, earth shaking political implications to her eventual death.

And that you know so much about what her doctors are saying is ... odd.

Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: January 31, 2019, 01:21:20 PM »
You see a vastly different world than I see.

I never see conservatives rejoice in a political figure’s death. We just don’t do that. That is in stark contrast to the ghoulishness of the left’s disciples who on social media actively wish a painful death upon anyone who is Christian, conservative, or white. You see it, and if you don’t, you aren’t looking.

Further, spare me about “take conservatives over the coals.”  That is done daily - hourly - by the MSM.  God forbid a teenager wear a MAGA hat. That hat triggers the most vile, frothing, false and fraudulent narrative not just by their disciples, but by their mouthpieces in the media and the the politicians that they worship.

The MAGA term is now deemed the literal equivalent of a Nazi or a Klan member, and anyone wearing one is literally open season to the virtue signaling social justice warriors who justify their hate, and VIOLENCE, against MAGA wearers as trying to eradicate Naziism and the KKK from the earth.
A meme that pretty much proves my point.

Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: January 31, 2019, 12:35:39 PM »
Hey, I am offering an opinion from the middle on how conservatives are looking like vultures, hoping RGB dies soon.

If you’re not interested in hearing that, then let me suggest that Democrats and the media are going to take conservatives over the coals.

Contrary to what one ass here claims, this is not about virtue. Right now I prefer what Republicans are doing, but with regards to RGB, you are screwing it up. Is it critical?  No, the world isn’t going to end but do try to maintain enough decorum not to cheer when she dies. You come across just as hateful as the leftists do and in case you were counting, that isn’t a good thing.
You see a vastly different world than I see.

I never see conservatives rejoice in a political figure’s death. We just don’t do that. That is in stark contrast to the ghoulishness of the left’s disciples who on social media actively wish a painful death upon anyone who is Christian, conservative, or white. You see it, and if you don’t, you aren’t looking.

Further, spare me about “take conservatives over the coals.”  That is done daily - hourly - by the MSM.  God forbid a teenager wear a MAGA hat. That hat triggers the most vile, frothing, false and fraudulent narrative not just by their disciples, but by their mouthpieces in the media and the the politicians that they worship.

The MAGA term is now deemed the literal equivalent of a Nazi or a Klan member, and anyone wearing one is literally open season to the virtue signaling social justice warriors who justify their hate, and VIOLENCE, against MAGA wearers as trying to eradicate Naziism and the KKK from the earth. 

Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: January 31, 2019, 10:40:56 AM »
I'm just open minded enough to read more than Fox News.  Her expected recovery schedule has been talked about and I'm not the prick for knowing that.  I cannot help if you are talking about things that you are ignorant should inform yourself if you don't want to get called out for being wrong.  All on you.

Seriously guys, stop with the death watch already.  It makes you (Republicans) look like asses.  Yes, it might happen and I would not be upset to see another conservative on the court.  But I'll also be happy if RGB lives.
Lighten up, Francis.

We’re all terminal on this sphere. RBG is closer to the terminus than any other member of the court. She was gravely ill with a condition (cancer), and had an infection (pneumonia) that can easily kill people of her age and poor health. She’s not long for this earth.

We are noticing the utter hypocrisy of the left and MSM to utterly ignore the facts laid out above. It’s almost as if they are all huddled in a war room (the MSM and the democrats) devising a battle strategy to deal with the inevitable, while acting as if she’s got another good 10 years on her.  They are pathetic in their lack of desire to state the obvious.

Spin Zone / Re: An enlightened society kills its young
« on: January 30, 2019, 07:09:36 PM »
I’ve never been so disgusted with my country as I am today after these two stories came out. Disgust is the only word I can use.

I had no idea what RBF meant.  Google says "Resting Bitch Face"

Is that what you mean?                      Appropriate.
Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner!

Spin Zone / Re: Where is RBG?
« on: January 30, 2019, 03:51:18 PM »

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