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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 418 419 [420] 421 422 ... 714
We need to STOP appeasing the snowflake social justice warriors who have hurt feelings or thinks things are inappropriate. Fuck them. The fact that this SJW thinks that is things said by white supremacists is on HIM, not on the baker.

Spin Zone / Re: My Grand-daughter, the Progressive
« on: January 27, 2019, 10:06:52 PM »
Same here. I want to vomit when I think of how much we paid in taxes over our marriage, and now being forced into early retirement, I am LIVID that we don't have everything WE worked for all our lives.
Yep. Besides income taxes, look at the government (fed and state) take on a gallon of gas. It is massively larger than the cut earned by the retailer, or the manufacturer. It is a sin.

Don't worry. The unregistered rate of the white vs. black population is about the same. So someone else can load up folks from the poor white areas if you think that will help. Also, rewarding voters with anything is illegal.
I don’t believe you’ve ever answered my question as to how your “automatic” registration maintains an accurate registry of eligible voter residencies.

Spin Zone / Re: My Grand-daughter, the Progressive
« on: January 26, 2019, 08:38:18 PM »

Thanks Stan. She attends Long Island Global University on a full scholarship.  She spent last year in Costa Rica, last semester in Spain and this semester is Florence Italy. 

From what I can glean she is getting a lot of the “this is why America sucks” education.
You’ve got some work cut out for you, grandpa. But she’s starting out from a position of passion and intelligence, not passion and ignorance. You’re ahead of the game. Good luck.


I still can't understand why showing an ID before voting is such a bad thing. It seems that you need an ID for everything else. Just prove that you are who you are and make your mark.
Whoa there. Listen to asechrest’s plan before you concur. Your plan isn’t what he has in mind.

Spin Zone / Re: My Grand-daughter, the Progressive
« on: January 26, 2019, 06:40:24 PM »
Did Eppy's granddaughter compare the Republicans and Trump to Nazi's?  I skimmed the blog, but must have missed it.  Yes it was well written, she's a smart, but misguided kid politically.  But, many younger people have been indoctrinated by public, and private schools, then universities.  Sad.
Yes misguided, no doubt. But for a young person to travel to places and learn some history, and write about it, is an awesome start. Given the number of public school victims out there that know nothing about WWII or the Holocaust, kudos to her.

Spin Zone / Re: My Grand-daughter, the Progressive
« on: January 26, 2019, 02:49:57 PM »
I've mentioned before that my grand-daughter is a progressive. Nothing exemplified it more than this quote from her latest blog entry.
What saddens me is her not seeing the vast difference between the rounding up and killing of the Jews vs the United States, a vastly diverse culture where no one is being rounded up.
Despite most comments being spot on here, especially Rush, your grand daughter made a nice travel log. She’s a good writer. Congratulations. 

Spin Zone / Re: Shutdown ended for three weeks
« on: January 26, 2019, 12:43:52 PM »
I like Andrew McCarthy. As you noted, highly experienced and he’s balanced on the law.

Sorry, I could give a shit less about Shapiro. He has showed his ass one too many times.  If you want to read or listen to him, go ahead.

And I’ve never been impressed by French.  If we had guys like French and Shapiro running the show, we’d have a President Romney in the WH.

My opinion.
Thanks for the permission.

Spin Zone / Shutdown ended for three weeks
« on: January 26, 2019, 12:02:20 PM »
I’ll disagree.  He’s all in to self promotion, which is fine, but I don’t follow it.

He’s also made a fool of himself lately, first with falling for the NYT hit job on Rep King.  Then he began attacking the Covington kids before having the facts.

I put him and French right in there with Will and Kristol.
Nope. Not even close on that. Will and Krystol are petulant anti-Trumpers suffering from chronic butthurt due to Trump’s continued existence.

Shapiro makes excellent pro-conservative, pro-freedom arguments that all other conservatives should emulate, but most are incapable or unwilling to do. He is not anti-Trump, and has been largely supportive.

David French was a military lawyer and has a good legal take on most things. He is also not an anti-Trumper, though he was for a while, as was I during the primaries.

Neither have the legal experience of Andrew McCarthy. Not even in the same neighborhood, despite the law schools that they went to.

Spin Zone / Re: USSC Sides With President Trump on Transban
« on: January 26, 2019, 09:09:08 AM »
You know how I have said more than once that liberals (the left) will state a visible falsehood right to your face? Like the sky is red when everyone can see it's clearly blue?  The emperor has clothes when clearly he is naked?

Here's the perfect example. Fast forward to 3:00 and stop at 16:00 if you want.  Physical upper body strength is but one of many reasons the military does not need women in combat. Another reason is women tend to quit their careers when baby hunger strikes - this is FACT. Are there women who remain full time working mothers? Yes, but they are less productive than male counterparts. They work less overtime, they take more sick leave. I'm a bit off topic from trannies though.

A great example of leftist brainwashing.

Thank you Rush. Well said. I work in a profession (Public Accounting) where the majority of hires are female, and the majority of partners are male. Yes I’m sure in the past it was the good old boys club.  But now, a driven woman is a lock for partnership if she wants it. The issue is that many don’t. Many are on flexible schedules understandably due to the challenges of working and being a mom, and we support that. It’s no longer an up or out profession because at some point we collectively realized we were losing 100% of a great female employee who didn’t want to move up, instead of keeping 60-80% of a great female employee’s time.

Yet, many if not most are inflexible in their flexible schedules. They will work x hours on y days and z hours from home.  That causes problems when clients need to be served, as it may not fit in with their flex schedule. So the burden for late nights falls on the full time people who are believed to have total flexibility even if they don’t. It’s not right, but I pity the fool who publicly complains about that.

As for trannies, I haven’t worked with any, but I just can’t see ever sending one out to a client and assuming the client will have to figure out if they have to call the person a male or female pronoun. It’s not fair to put a client in an awkward situation. They just want to manufacture widgets and go home at the end of the day without an injury in their plant, not participate in a social experiment.

Spin Zone / Re: Petty Pelosi in action
« on: January 26, 2019, 08:46:35 AM »
Wow when you look at it from that perspective, these government employees have it GREAT. No fear of losing the job like us privately employed people. So they go a couple months with no paycheck. Then, back to normal, end up collecting a PENSION after retirement. An actual check that comes in FOREVER til you die and probably even then to your spouse. Wow.
That truly is what the future looks like. I have very dear friends.  He retired with a military pension 24 years flying KC-135s, and a United Airlines pension.  His wife retired with a pension as a career air traffic controller. They both retired at 60, with three annuities for life.

I’ve worked 36 years and probably have 10 more to go. Never had a pension. My retirement is what I’ve saved through 401(k) and wealth I’ve accumulated by saving and investing.

I don’t begrudge my friends at all, but damn!  I was not that smart apparently. I should have secured a government job, or a job with a mega corporation.

Spin Zone / Re: Shutdown ended for three weeks
« on: January 25, 2019, 10:43:20 PM »
Yes, he did the right thing. My opinion of him went up today. He showed that he can bend for the sake of the country, and change tactics to break a stalemate. Presiding over a divided government, if he couldn't do that, he was toast, and I honestly didn't think he had it in him.

Unfortunately he had backed himself so far into a corner that there is no way he can spin this into anything but a defeat, and the Dems are going to do their best to rub it in. Schumer today was as blatant as can be: "Hopefully now the President has learned his lesson..." and of course, that's a big part of what this was all about to begin with.

None of this bodes well for the near future...
Interesting that you didn’t  say that the Dems backed themselves into a corner. The Dems were the intransigent ones. THEY refused to negotiate.

I think trump gave the Dems 3 weeks to grow up and act like adults. After 3 weeks, he will be taking them to the woodshed if  they don’t want to offer a bill to find the wall.

Spin Zone / Re: Petty Pelosi in action
« on: January 25, 2019, 10:35:49 PM »
Different situations.  People in government jobs know this is going to happen occasionally.  They always used to say they took government jobs because of the superior benefits, even if the pay was lower than the market.  But these days, they get better wages AND better benefits, with job protections you will never be able to give your employees.

I have a little sympathy for the newer, younger employees that haven't had time to save a paycheck or two, but that is all.

All the furloughed employees I know are either enjoying the time off, or moonlighting, picking up a little extra cash to hold them over till they get their big back-pay checks.

Its not like a private employer, such as your company, that would only ask such from their employees if there was a danger of them going under.  Government employees know their secure jobs will be there when this is over.

And if you still disagree with me, then blame the Democrats that voted down a Republican motion to pay employees even while the government was shut down.  The MSM didn't mention that much.

Slight correction. It is I illegal for a private employer to not pay their employees if they hit hard times. A private employer would be forced to fire or lay off employees. FedGov employees don’t have the fear that they will be fired. Big difference.

Spin Zone / Re: USSC Sides With President Trump on Transban
« on: January 25, 2019, 11:24:40 AM »
I did see a Gay Pilots Association booth at the NBAA convention in Las Vegas in 2017. I figured it was for drone pilots.

Spin Zone / Re: The possible national emergency thread
« on: January 25, 2019, 11:18:06 AM »
Why, I thought CNN would lend credibility!

It’s five o’clock somewhere! 

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