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Messages - Little Joe

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Spin Zone / Re: When was the USA at it's peak?
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:58:43 PM »
There is no good way to answer the question as phrased.  Economically, maybe post-WWII, 50s-60s, but there were serious shortcomings with civil rights, polio was taking people down, cars were built to last 3 years or 100,000 miles and spewed pollution, lakes were burning from the crap polluting them, we were hiding under our school desks from the Rooskies, women weren't getting paid properly, birth control was illegal in several States.

The 70s gave us wage and price controls, Watergate, Jimmy Carter, stagflation and 15% mortgages, Iran hostages and the Cadillac Seville.

The 80s were good economically and a lot of the other crap had been fixed.  The 90s saw huge jumps in tech and computers, airlines were in the second decade of deregulation and the greyhound trade could afford to fly.

I don't think there is any one easy answer.

What I would like to think is that we ain't seen nuthin yet.  Put someone in the White House who doesn't think the U.S needs to be brought down a peg, who doesn't think the U.S. is the cause of all the world's problems, who believes in the free market, give him a congress who understands all this, and watch the amazing things that can happen.

Spin Zone / Re: Mark Levin says it very well
« on: April 09, 2016, 08:43:06 AM »
Are you talking about Nazis, Japs, or ISIS?? If you are talking about ISIS, this concept is ridiculous. There is no bargaining table. You seem to think they will give up if you kill their women and children. Nope. They will fight on and more will join.

If you want to beat ISIS, you beat them by being smarter, not more violent. More violent is what they expect from us and what they want from us. The more violent we are, the stronger they get. The best way to beat ISIS, is to not play their media PR game. ISIS is the  newest monster of the internet/media era. It's about gamesmanship, not scorched earth.
So what does that mean "being smarter?"  Do you think turning your back on hem will keep them in the ME, never to attack Western civilization? 

I agree with Anthony. Ignore the Nazis, as the German population was not fanatical, and was more Western. But what about Japan?  After their surrender after brutal attacks on their mainland, and after the 12-year occupation, MacArthur said "The Japanese people, since the war, have undergone the greatest reformation recorded in modern history." 

I think we have a roadmap for how to change history for a brutal group of people, and it starts with beating them into submission.

Spin Zone / Re: Mark Levin says it very well
« on: April 09, 2016, 05:45:49 AM »
A vote for Trump is a vote for torture and "taking out" terrorist's families.

And harkening back to those wonderful days when executing prisoners with bullets dipped in pig's blood was a reasonable technique for fighting terrorism.

Sorry, no.

Being violent back to the terrorists is the only way we are going to stop them.  I once saw an interview with a pilot that was a Vietnam vet.  I forget what he flew, but he really was upset by the rules of engagement prolonging the war, and getting more men on both sides killed.  He said we needed to be quick, and VIOLENT to bring the powers that be on the other side to the bargaining table to end the war.   

Spin Zone / Re: Interesting Proposal for Immigration Reform
« on: April 06, 2016, 09:22:58 AM »
I would suggest more employment-based enforcement.

don't we already require too much of the employer?  The government makes the employer the collector of taxes, provider of health insurance, etc etc etc.

Spin Zone / Re: Trumpkins Explained
« on: April 06, 2016, 04:18:58 AM »
No desire to watch a video posted without comment.

But using the term "Trumpkins" in and of itself groups the user in with those using "teabagger", "libtard" and "republickers", to name a few.

Childish name calling and posting videos without context are not the hallmarks of informed debate.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama: Iran not following 'spirit' of deal
« on: April 03, 2016, 05:56:56 AM »
I'm shocked!  Shocked I tell ya!

the man is an idiot.

businesses are not snowflakes, feeling safe doesn't mean anything.  Businesses go where they can make money.

Spin Zone / The Federalist: Why I Support Trump- Timm Amundson
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:06:40 AM »

Since I consider myself a traditional conservative, many friends of mine, on both the Right and the Left, are puzzled by my unwavering support for Donald Trump.

Their bewilderment is understandable. Trump is often rude and obnoxious. His demeanor can be arrogant and dismissive. At times, he comports himself as reckless and willing to lash out prematurely, prior to fully understanding all of the facts at hand. To put it simply, he is a “wrecking ball.”

Furthermore, Trump isn’t even a pure conservative in terms of policy; he is a populist. His statements over the years regarding such areas as limited government, religious liberty, states’ rights, and abortion have been inconsistent at best, and in some cases, have steered firmly to the left.

Still, given all of this baggage, I have my feet planted firmly in Camp Trump. But why? How can a principled, pragmatic, deliberate conservative be drawn to such a candidate? It is because I believe conservatism doesn’t stand a chance in this country without first delivering a very heavy dose of populism.

Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 24, 2016, 05:00:24 AM »
It is welfare, by definition. Just has a requirement to collect. Same as lots of welfare.

It's welfare by your definition, it's a forced retirement ponzi scheme by mine.  Welfare has no requirement to pay in before you collect. 

This is why problems don't get solved, too many people making shit up to justify their beliefs.  Just confuses and muddles the issues.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v. 1st Amendment
« on: March 21, 2016, 09:48:52 PM »
Gimp, if his statements about wanting to "loosen up" the libel laws don't give you pause for concern, then I don't know what to say.  It's his mindset that concerns me.  A mindset that he "would" do something that imperils the freedom of the press, among other things.  What kind of conservative or Constitutionalist would say that?
Again, I don't call him a conservative or constitutionalist yet you keep saying that, then saying you didn't say that, when I call you on it. 

Is he more conservative than ANYONE on the Democrat side, hell yes he is.  Is he more conservative than Cruz?  No.  I never said it, I don't think he is.  And I don't fucking care.

I actually think our press does get away with far too much bullshit, in particular when writing about political figures anywhere to the right of Che Gueverra, it is one of the primary complaints we on the right have had for decades. 

Liberal bias has been a fact in our media since Walter fracking Conkrite, perhaps longer, but it has reached a fever pitch over the past couple decades, the pinnacle (or depths) being the treatment of George W. Bush by the entire media.  And with opinion masquerading as news with no clean break it gets stickier and stickier.

Trump didn't say 'don't say or print things that aren't nice', he didn't say 'don't say or print things that aren't flattering', he didn't say 'don't say or print things he doesn't like', he said don't say or print things that are wrong, that are not true - big fucking difference and if you don't or won't see or understand that then there really is nothing else to say on this topic. 

Look, just admit it - you are unwilling to give the guy a fair shake about anything.  He isn't a big C Conservative, didn't work; he is too unpolished, didn't work; he has no details, didn't work; he is Hitler, or Mussolini, didn't work; he is an authoritarian, didn't work; he beats up women reporters, didn't work; ummm, he has thin skin and is against the 1st Amendment, no.  Just keep throwing shit at the wall to see if anything will stick.

I think the Brits have libel and defamation far more correctly defined than we do, it clearly does not keep the UK press from criticizing their power elite but it does keep things more fact based and better researched.

Demanding responsibility from the media with respect to political reporting in general and in terms of libel in particular is a start to regaining some semblance of an even discourse in my opinion.  It is along the same lines as loser-pays and tort reform, needed changes that are foundational to bringing personal responsibility back to a profession that has totally lost its compass - see Gawker verdict to Hulk Hogan.

I knew there was no purpose to reply to Jeff's post, all it begets is more of the same shit.  I actually almost deleted this.  You guys can't be even be remotely fair to the guy, which is fine.  You're not changing any minds and clearly neither am I, so be it.


Spin Zone / Re: Suicide of GOP -- or its rebirth?
« on: March 18, 2016, 08:34:43 PM »
"Whatever one may think of the Donald, he has exposed not only how far out of touch our political elites are, but how insular is the audience that listens to our media elite."

This is true, but also I think he's further exposing just how much our population has dumbed-down.  And it's not just him.  It's the fact that Hillary, Sanders, Trump, etc. are even major contenders.
I have had just about fucking enough of this.

This is the problem with the discourse, I don't agree with you or whoever and I somehow must be fucking stupid. 

I've got a damnned genius level IQ, tested.  I have a 22 year career in engineering and management.  I am a Commercial rated pilot with flight time in more than 40 different make/model aircraft.  I have started and purchased businesses, employed people, managed multi-million dollar programs in the aerospace and defense fields.

I have specific reasons for most of the choices I make in life, and that includes political choices.

This is what is wrong with us as a divided people - it is not just a lack of respect for people of differing opinion, it is an outright pathological compulsion to denigrate them, demean and dismiss them.  Call them names.  Insult their intelligence, to malign their education and to mock their choices with no respect for how or why they arrived there.

It calls to the worst in us and I am fucking sick and tired of it.


Spin Zone / Re: The problem with liberals.
« on: March 18, 2016, 01:50:39 PM »
What about not having children until you can afford them,  you know, personal responsibility?

Spin Zone / "With friends like this, who needs enemies?"
« on: March 18, 2016, 06:18:30 AM »
10 times Lindsey Graham criticized Ted Cruz
By ELIZA COLLINS 03/17/16 05:16 PM EDT

Lindsey Graham may have thrown his support behind Ted Cruz Thursday, but he hasn't always had such kind words about the Texas senator. Graham — who is well known for his colorful statements — once said that Cruz was so hated in Congress that if someone murdered him, they’d get away with it.

Here are 10 times the South Carolina senator — and former presidential candidate — bashed the same guy he’ll be fundraising for Monday:

1. "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody could convict you," Graham said, referencing Cruz’s unpopularity with his colleagues, at the Washington Press Club Foundation's 72nd Congressional Dinner.

2. “It’s like being shot or poisoned,” Graham told reporters at a press conference in January when asked who he preferred between Donald Trump and Cruz. “What does it really matter?”

3. At the same news conference, Graham said that “when it comes to Sen. Cruz, he's exhibited behavior in his time in the Senate that make it impossible for me to believe that he could bring this country together.”

4. In January, Graham said that Cruz’s campaign strategy played into fears, according to CNN. "Vote for me, everybody else is an idiot,” Graham said, referencing Cruz's style of outreach. "You know, this kind of very dark view of America."

5. Graham gave a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition in December where he said that Cruz’s stances on abortion exceptions will doom the party. “If the nominee of the Republican Party will not allow for an exception for rape and incest, they will not win,” Graham said. “Ted Cruz doesn’t have an exception for rape or incest.”

“It will be about rape. … It will be about the nominee of the Republican Party telling a woman who’s been raped, 'You’ve got to carry the child of the rapist,'” he continued. “Good luck with that.”

6. “I’m running to be the president of the United States. And a certain amount of honesty comes with that,” Graham said in an interview with POLITICO in September. “Shutting down the government, I think it hurts our overall cause and I don't mind telling people that. If I’m going to be a good nominee and a good president, I’ve got to tell you what I believe.”

“I’m not trying to do something to get my numbers up or to raise money. I’m trying to advance the cause,” he said, hitting Cruz for his maneuverings that led to the 2013 government shutdown over Republicans' opposition to Obamacare.

7. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in February asked Graham if he had confidence in Cruz being a commander-and-chief. "I think he’s been just as wrong as Obama, if not worse," Graham declared.

8. "I'm gonna support the Republican nominee," Graham said during the same CNN interview. But what if it is Trump or Cruz? "I'm gonna buy a ticket on the Titanic."

9. And Graham continued the anti-Cruz tirade to Blitzer: "Ted Cruz at his core is an opportunist when it comes to his political career. He has an ideological bent that won't sell with the American people. And when it came time to say what Ted Cruz has done in the Senate, what he's done is run down other Republicans. He hasn't solved any problem."

10. In an interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe in early February, Graham said a Cruz candidacy would mean the Democrats would “cream” his party in a general election. He gave Cruz’s chances against any Democrat “one-in-10.”

“The problem we have as Republicans is that we’re losing the largest and fastest growing demographic, Hispanics, and when you ask them after 2012 why they don’t like the Republican party, it’s the immigration issue and the way we’ve handled it. So Ted was for legalization no matter what he tells you, and now he says he wasn’t,” Graham said. "He’s going further right on immigration.”

“I think his position on immigration is completely out-of-sync what where the party needs to be, and he will get creamed,” Graham said.

Nick Gass contributed to this report.

Spin Zone / Re: Ben Shapiro Resigns From Breitbart News
« on: March 14, 2016, 07:05:57 AM »
This whole thing is troubling on a number of levels.  There are varying accounts of what happened, and while people do occasionally fall in the press scrum (they get pretty bumpy) this is a specific accusation.

As I said before, if the guy did actually do what has he has been accused of (deliberately pushing her to the ground) he should resign and if he doesn't resign he should be fired - but - in America we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty meaning it should be adjudicated in something more rational than the court of public opinion. 

Shapiro's resignation is a big deal, but so is the Breitbart management decision to ask their employees to stop tweeting about something that is an ongoing story that involves their own people.

Could be that Breitbart Mgmt thinks this story will not end well for Fields (turns out to be an exaggeration vs an actual assault for example) - truth is we don't know yet.

The only thing for sure is that Trump Derangement Syndrome is widespread on our side amongst the scions of the media and the powerbrokers and would be kingmakers.


Spin Zone / Re: Romney, the real reason.
« on: March 05, 2016, 06:37:51 AM »
It's really too bad Romney didn't come out against Obama in 2012 the way he's going after Trump.

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