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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 820 821 [822] 823 824 ... 897
Spin Zone / Re: State Department Faults Clinton For Emails
« on: May 28, 2016, 07:34:40 AM »
"At this point, what difference does it make?"

Hate to see such horrible generalizations about young people.  They're no different from old people or anyone else.  There are ones dedicated to making themselves and the world around them better, and there are ones who are somewhat less dedicated.  Its been the same since the invention of young people.

Not true.  The game changer has been technology, and social media.  It has been very destructive to the last few generations as they lack a lot of problem solving skills, and social capability.  This is NOT your Hippie generation Michael. 

I think that was a calculated move to pander to the Democratic base.  If he thought he would get more votes by attacking her, he would have done so.  Remember, that was early in the primary that he said we were sick and tired of hearing about her email and he was still testing the waters.

He still won't address her email scandal, Benghazi, Bill, and others.

Spin Zone / Re: Students Too Busy Demonstrating To Study...
« on: May 28, 2016, 06:51:31 AM »
Nope. Democrats hold a broad slice of society, not all of whom are snowflakes. Snowflakes need their own party.

I would agree with that, but that broad slice of society is following BLINDLY.  The DNC/Democrat party policies, are all far left, and radical, perfectly in line with the communist, PC snowflakes.  It certainly represents, and supports the BLM/Feminazi/LGBT/Occupy Wall Street crowd.

Spin Zone / Re: "The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump"
« on: May 28, 2016, 05:33:14 AM »
New Yorker magazine?  Really?

Bernie is making a decent show, but he is also BOUGHT AND PAID FOR, so don't look for any drama at the DNC convention or anywhere else.  He won't even go after Hillary's email scandal.

You are close:

I looked it up and Arthur Laffer, Larry Kudlow and Stephen Moore are 75, 68 and 56 respectively.

Hillary and Bernie are 68 and 74 respectively.

So let's wait for Jeff to come along and tell us what fakes and charlatans these guys are, or maybe he will tell us that the Reagan economy really was as bad as the Democrats try to tell us.

How old is Robert Reich who is a Democrat economic advisor?  Cut taxes, but also CUT SPENDING!

Baltimore is just another Democrat controlled, hell hole.  What do you expect?  The mayor said to let the gangs riot, and loot.  Lawlessness was OK with her.

Spin Zone / Re: So It Was Soros
« on: May 28, 2016, 05:23:42 AM »
Try getting a conservative to speak at any college campus, and see what happens.

Spin Zone / Re: Students Too Busy Demonstrating To Study...
« on: May 28, 2016, 05:22:24 AM »
They have it. It's called the democratic party.

Which has adopted EVERY far left, radical, KOOK ideology known to Man.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump: Regulate less, drill more
« on: May 28, 2016, 05:20:39 AM »
The vast majority of regulations were put in place without lawmaking. They need to be unwritten and actual, intelligent regulation created by congress and signed by the president to avoid the never ending cherry picking of dishonest liberal politicians.

The fossil fuel industry is already overly regulated, and yes they are enforced by an out of control EPA.  If there were any environmental problems, the vast liberal/progressive media would be all over it. 

Spin Zone / Re: NRA endorses Trump
« on: May 28, 2016, 05:17:05 AM »
In the field of risk avoidance, you consider the probability of a situation in relation to the severity of that situation.

So take a situation:
Appointing liberal supreme court justices?
Attacking the 2nd A (and the 1st andothers)?
Raising taxes?
Appointing liberal heads of the various agencies (IRS, EPA, DOJ . ..)
  or any other position that is important to you.

What are the odds that Hillary will do the wrong thing?  (I submit 100%)
What are the odds that Trump will do the wrong thing?  (I submit, Less than 100%).

Where is the confusion coming from?  I think it is all just emotional, but I always thought that was a liberal trait.

#NeverHillary   ;D ;D ;D

Exactly, and well said.

Spin Zone / Re: NRA endorses Trump
« on: May 28, 2016, 05:05:52 AM »
Democrats = guaranteed loss of freedoms, and liberties, higher taxes, more control, more regulations.  Loss of 2A, and 1A at least.

Trump = ?????  But at least he is saying some of the right things

Spin Zone / Re: NRA endorses Trump
« on: May 26, 2016, 09:55:10 AM »
There is so much else wrong with the guy that this time around, you really need to be more than just a single issue voter.

I AM a one issue voter as if the candidates are against the 2A like Hillary, Bernie and the entire Democrat Party that means that is the lynch pin to take our other rights.  Loretta Lynch, Obama et al already want to take our 1A rights.  If we don't have the means to defend ourselves they can just keep doing this crap.

If you guys sit home, and don't vote for Trump, flaws and all, you are voting for Hillary.

Pilot Zone / Re: Did TSA look into my laptop?
« on: May 25, 2016, 09:11:59 AM »
Hi Anthony!!   Yep we're doing great, had to move to Texas and sell the plane though.  So now I need to fly back to NC several times a year to take care of Mom so I too am having to adjust to commercial flying after only flying GA for most of the last 30 years. :(

Good to hear!  I am also plane less for now.  :(

Great to see you here.

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