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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Guccifer: "It was easy" to breach Clinton server
« on: May 05, 2016, 07:01:23 AM »

I remember that.  They put "Pajama Boy" out there to lie again for Rice and Hillary.  Dude....STFU!

Spin Zone / Re: Now Kasich is out
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:59:33 AM »
Beck is a loon.  I used to like him too, but that was many years ago.  I can't stand him now.

I used to like Kasich also, when he was a guest host, and commentator on Fox News, but since his campaign, I don't like him anymore.  He seems to be an establishment closet, liberal/progressive.  Another get along to go along with the expansion of government, and liberal policies. 

Spin Zone / Re: The media campaign for the lying ....
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:54:29 AM »
CNN, MSNBC, NBC/Comcast, ABC (Stephanopoulos), CBS, PBS, Yahoo, Google, MSN, AP, Reuters, NYT, Washpo, LATimes, etc are all in the tank for Hillary, and will demonize Trump.  Teachers, and professors in education will preach Democrat/Socialist/Hillary rhetoric, as they have for decades, and our children now think that is normal.  Capitalism will be further demonized and Trump painted as the ultimate Capitalist.  It is "unfair" to much of the populace now. 

We are in for a wild one.  Will the forces of evil prevail?  Many think so. 

Spin Zone / Re: Cruz Drops Out
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:49:44 AM »
It's 1980 all over again. Reagan was stupid, enept and didn't know anything, he was an actor for god's sake!  Reagan will be another Hitler.  Reagan will start WW3.  Doom and Gloom.

Exactly.  My wife thinks Trump will start WWIII and we will all die in a nuclear holocaust.  She is not old enough to remember the Cuban Missile Crisis.  I was very, very young, but barely remember the bomb shelter conversations with my parents, and their friends at dinner parties.  MAD saved us, and hopefully will save us again, but we are battling an adversary that doesn't even value their own lives, so my wife may be correct. 

I hope Trump does not allow his emotions to run his decisions should he be elected.  If Hillary is President, I just think she will get steam rolled by our enemies.  Trump will be the opposite, but maybe to our detriment also.  He is a good businessman, and good business is not done with emotion. 

Spin Zone / Re: Is Donald Trump a Democratic Secret Agent?
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:44:02 AM »
At this point, with the way America is going and the craziness of this election, and the poor demeanor (especially Trump) of all the candidates, I don't know what the HELL to think anymore. 

Yes, I will hold my nose and vote against Hillary.

Spin Zone / Re: Back to the electoral vote
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:42:13 AM »
I think Trump has a shot at swing states like PA, and OH, although PA has been trending Commie lately.  :(

Spin Zone / Re: Strangers in our Own Party
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:35:06 AM »
The cynical part in me says the same wealthy, powerful entities run both the Democrat, and Republican parties.  The Democrats are unified in the collective, consolidation of wealth and power that these entities want.  Currency manipulation is a big part of their strategy. 

The Republicans are less unified.  The establishment is on board with the collective consolidation, growth of government, and making the populace more dependent and controlled by government, and thus its controlling entities.  Trump at least is talking against the establishment, brings up economic issues jobs, trade, currency. etc.  It may be a ruse.  I don't know yet.   

Our economic issues are the most important we have in this election.  Not terrorism, not LGBT, not "gender inequality", not race, other distracting issues the Democrats are pushing.

Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:08:27 AM »
I'm thinking of voting for the Devil.

Why choose the lesser evil?

Lucifer will be proud.  Hillary is the DEVIL. 

Spin Zone / Re: Glenn Beck loses $500,000 supporting Cruz
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:06:14 AM »
The founders distrusted a standing army immensely, and made it difficult to maintain one (ie. the 2 year appropriation cap).

Those clauses permit the military, they don't require it.

I would see very little issue with retrenchment to a National Guard type army all the time.

Even if the Russians, Chinese, ISIS, and AL Queda maintain a full time fighting force?  National Defense is one of the few things the Constitution and Founding Fathers specifically enumerated as a Federal responsibility.  Can we effectively defend the nation with a part time Guard/Reserve Armed Forces?

Personally, I think that anytime anyone talks in absolutes, they are living in a dream world.

Rainbows and Unicorns.  The exclusive theater of operation of the Liberal/Progressive.

Spin Zone / Re: Cruz Drops Out
« on: May 04, 2016, 07:41:46 AM »
If we get Hillary we are screwed on every level, so if you don't vote for Trump, we will get:

Four, far left radical anti 1A, and anti 2A SCOTUS judges.
More PC fascism.
No economic growth, possible recession, or depression, and more job killing policies
More taxes
Less freedom, and liberty due to more government regulations and fees.
More bogus man made climate change schemes, regulations, and fees.
Higher energy costs
More divisive rhetoric, and pressure to further divide us along racial, gender, ethnic, economic, and religious lines.
Less influence worldwide.
Failing military, and foreign policy.  (Think Benghazi, and Russian reset)


Spin Zone / Re: What Went Wrong for the Cruz Campaign
« on: May 04, 2016, 07:09:26 AM »
He pushed religion too much.
He's not charismatic, but kind of DULL.
The media painted him as radical right/tea party.
He is weird looking (but so is Trump) and Hillary is down right UGLY.
Neither the establishment GOP, nor the non establishment liked or supported him.

Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 04, 2016, 05:40:12 AM »

This has become a more Progressive/Democrat country, especially now that illegal aliens, and dead people vote for Democrats.  If people don't come out and actively vote for Trump, they are voting for the Democrat candidate.  So, FastEddie, you will vote for Hillary, but I think you will secretly pull the lever for her anyway. 

Spin Zone / Re: A non-existing policy
« on: May 04, 2016, 05:37:06 AM »
Shame on us for electing politicians that have allowed these agencies to have the kind of power they have.  Who ever thought we would allow unelected bureaucrats have this kind of power.

This is a huge problem on every level of government, and we have no recourse to stop the abuse.  Both parties want to keep these agency heads in power, and growing the government fiefdoms, and control. 

Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 04, 2016, 05:04:38 AM »
If you don't vote for Trump, you are voting for HILLARY.  I know what I will get with Hillary, at least with Trump we have a chance at returning to capitalism, and keeping our gun rights. 

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