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Messages - jb1842

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Spin Zone / Re: Nikki Haley
« on: December 27, 2023, 03:59:35 PM »
I guess people can always find a way to not like someone as long as it isn't Trump.

I have a lot of problems with Nikki, but I have a lot of problems with all of the candidates.  I think I have fewer problems with Haley than with most of the rest though.

To me it boils down to who can keep the Dems from winning again because the worst R candidate is better than the best D candidate.

Good point. But, for me personally, nothing pisses me off more than people who attempt to lecture me or want me to do something a certain way but don't do it themselves. I know it's impossible to find a candidate who isn't a hypocrite, but it helps me narrow it down somewhat.

Spin Zone / Re: Nikki Haley
« on: December 27, 2023, 10:43:56 AM »
Nikki Haley turned me completely off when she said no one should ever be anonymous on the internet.  All our activity needs to be under our real life name.  What is she thinking?  What if you want to meet online with your “Alcoholics Anonymous” group?  What if you want to make an anonymous tip to the police of some crime you know about but don’t want to risk revenge from the criminal?  I assume right now you can anonymously drop a dime to the FAA on a drunk pilot.

How about you want to make anonymous donations to some worthy cause?  What if you want to hide your activity from your abusive spouse or a psycho stalker?  You have been told you have terminal cancer and want to google research it before letting all your friends and family and coworkers know?  You just want to look at porn but don’t want a cyber trail leading back to you?  Or how about you just don’t want marketing corporations or government knowing about all the general stuff you do on the internet even though it’s all innocent but it builds a unique profile of you?

I can’t vote for her just on this one thing.

And the dumbass doesn't even use her real name! That's a big no for me, too.

Spin Zone / Re: Official Unofficial Christmas Thread
« on: December 25, 2023, 09:40:20 AM »
I’m going to stay tucked into this little corner of Texas where we don’t have terrorists. Unless they nuke Houston or Galveston or something. And I don’t discount suitcase nukes.

Merry Christmas. Seems like a lot of people are having med/family issues. My wife had some cancerous looking tissue removed for biopsy last week. 2 weeks ago her mother had her leg amputated, my mom at the same time had to get polyps removed and other cancer biopsies. And I had my own prostate scare last month and had to get the finger up the rear and get blood work (all clear here). When it rains it pours!

Anyways, I don't think Biden will let his friends nuke Houston. The white population is in the minority and it seems Houston is voting blue now. He's not going to wipe out over 1 million of his voters.

Spin Zone / Re: confusing diversity with divisiveness
« on: December 15, 2023, 08:30:13 AM »
A few stories this week in the local rag about the Boston mayor having a "electeds of color" "hoiliday party"

I've been trying to think of how anyone would think a "electeds of color" party (holiday or otherwise) would be a good thing.

I'm tending to think people are confusing diversity with divisiveness

They are confusing diversity with racism. Imagine the outrage if it was a "elected whites" only party?

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: December 14, 2023, 11:44:48 AM »
Not sure if this belongs here or the joke thread.

Spin Zone / Re: Will Britain Be the First......
« on: December 11, 2023, 02:02:48 PM »
  I lived and worked in Japan for 2 years.

I wish I took more pictures when I was there. But I do have a few when I climbed Mt. Fuji and in front of the Olympic rings where they did the downhill events. I'm too lazy too look that up right now.

Spin Zone / Re: Will Britain Be the First......
« on: December 11, 2023, 01:13:38 PM »
I miss Japan. I spent 15 months assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo from 2000-2001. And yes. You conform to their culture, language, etc. Not the other way around. I also spent 12 months on Okinawa, but even though that's technically Japan, it's almost like 2 separate cultures.

Both :)  Academic misconduct (like faking research data), sexual misconduct, or some felonies like misappropriating funds can get you removed.  Even if you suck at teaching they most they can do is give you an office in the basement and (ironically) overload you with teaching (which you suck at) until you leave.

Tenure should allow faculty to say and do research on things that are currently unpopular.  That's "academic freedom".  Yeah, she should not be in a position that represents her university and say something as stupid and wrong as she did.  She was rightly removed from that position.  However, as tenured faculty she should have the freedom to say it.  Stupid and wrong as it is.

Depends on the research and who's footing the bill. Shrimps running on treadmills or condom use of gay people in South America, no. Researching some alternative cure for cancer, yes. I also believe in free speech, but also being held accountable for your speech. Personally, fuck all these leftist "academics". For years they have been attacking conservative speakers who have been trying to speak on campus accusing them of hatred and inciting violence. Now they are trying to hide behind free speech while defending terrorists who murder babies and innocent people. They deserved to be fired.

Spin Zone / Re: FBI is busy entrapping Catholic altar boys
« on: December 06, 2023, 09:37:42 AM »
I wouldn't support banning home-schooling.  But I have seen some tragic results from idiots trying to home-school their kids.  Namely my ex-SIL and my four nephews, along with a few others.  My nephews spent more time going shopping with their mother and playing video games than studying.

On the other hand, I have seen some terrific results too.  Personally I would like to see the home-schoolers take on that job part-time when the kids come home from the other school.  Socialization and structure are important parts of education.

I'm not sure how I would feel about giving home schooled kids some sort of progress testing, even if it is voluntary.

My cousin homeschools his 2 youngest. Him and his wife are the idiots parents. His wife is too lazy to wake up in the morning to get them to school on time and likes the fact she can take them to Florida over the winter while she lays by her mom's pool and does nothing all day.

I don't know if I am the Joe you are talking about, but I never said that and won't now.
It's not BECAUSE he is such a bad person, it is IN SPITE of it.

Some people actually think that he will be able to match or exceed all the good things he did during his first term.  I am not one of those people, but I am one of the people that thinks he could not possibly be as bad for the country as another Democrat administration.

If/when he gets the nomination, I will actively support and vote for him.  But I'd prefer not to vote for someone because he is not as bad as the other guy.  I wish there was someone I could vote for that I actually trust and respect.  sigh

You pretty much summed up what is wrong with politics in our country. We don't have good candidates, we have bad or worse to choose from.

Won’t get publicity because the communist left own the media.

The media is drooling that the left can get complete comtrol of the narrative. Then nobody will call them out on their lies.

It's time we remove ourselves from the UN and kick them out of our country. The overwhelming majority of member countries hate us. Fuck them.

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: November 26, 2023, 06:47:56 AM »
I'm done with leftovers, except for pie. Had a nice juicy cheeseburger last night after 3 days of leftovers. It was so good.

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: November 24, 2023, 02:23:01 PM »
We had 20 people over, amd foor for 50. Jesus the leftovers. And I'm a side person. I ate a small piece of turkey yesterday.

Spin Zone / Re: Pray for Israel
« on: November 17, 2023, 10:25:13 AM »
I had a few kids in my school that their parents escaped from Iran in the 70's. They talked about family in Iran getting locked up for not being in lock step with the regime. Needless to say they assimilated 100% into America. All became successful and I have never seen or heard of them posting anything online degrading our country. Hell, I never heard them speak anything other than English, and none of them had any accents (except Midwest Ohio) at all.

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