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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: NV/SC
« on: February 22, 2016, 07:08:55 PM »
What's your argument going to be when the President does nominate someone and the Senate either doesn't hold hearings and a vote or begins voting down every nominee the President sends?

The Senate has that constitutional right.  Checks & Balances sometimes work as designed.

Spin Zone / Re: NV/SC
« on: February 22, 2016, 10:07:28 AM »
I really like that idea.  Cruz would be a much better Justice than President (IMNSHO).

And unless everyone else drops out soon, Trump will be the GOP candidate and Hillary will be President (unless she gets indicted, but I don't see that happening).
Don't accept the hype - Hillary is no more likeable than Trump and if you think Trump has been hard on his GOP competition I predict we haven't seen anything yet if he gets to the General.

I also predict that Trump more than any Republican candidate in 30 years has the 'opportunity' to pull votes from the other side precisely for the very reason some die-hard conservatives don't like him - he is not a doctrinally pure conservative - but the dirty little secret is that nobody who has run since Reagan has been a doctrinally pure conservative, the difference is in the marketing and that's where Trump is at his best.

Republican turnout in the primaries has been epic, in both closed and open primaries, the people are moving and if we have to take a non-doctrinally pure outsider to put a stake through the heart of the RINO establishment that's a price I am willing to pay, especially if it clears the decks for better non-establishment/non-scion candidates in the future.

I wonder though if we won't have Dem-Bush levels of Trump Derangment Syndrome but within our own side (I am no longer a registered Republican, they spat in my face one too many times, that ship sailed a couple years ago).


Spin Zone / Re: Who knows what was in my head?
« on: February 21, 2016, 01:22:36 PM »
Gimp, I respect your posts, but I think you're off base here. Jeff is seeing what many conservatives are seeing or believing about what I see is a Trojan horse candidate in Donald Trump.

Except for his strong immigration stance, I see and hear every one of his current positions, including the Second Amendment, to be in direct contradiction to positions that he had previously taken, including those taken fairly recently. Take any topic - the Gulf War, assault weapons, waiting periods, pro-choice, abortions, late-term abortions, Obamacare, the individual mandate, taxation, governmental spending - he is currently one standard rate 1 minute turn from where he used to be.

Worse, he is holding some positions that are simply NOT conservative positions.  See eminent domain.

I am as passionate about this as anyone, and make no excuses for it. I don't think Jeff should either.

So to point these things out is not out of line in this debate in this election year. Nor is it out of line for Pilot Spin.
The idea of Trump, or anyone really, being able to pull off a 'trojan horse' candidacy, in the modern day, is laughable in my opinion - tinfoil hat kind of stuff.

It honestly bugs me that I end up coming off as an apologist for Trump, not because I don't respect him since I do, quite a bit after following his career/public life since the Art of the Deal, but moreso because it strikes me odd that some people seem to think he needs 'protection' or explanation.  I don't say he is a Conservative, never have.  I acknowledge that he has has held and in some cases still holds positions that are not party-line, I know he has donated to Democrat as well as Republican candidates over the years.  But the sum total of his history is far more conservative than liberal, IMO, but absolutely more Republican than Democrat.

With respect to his speaking off the top of his head, I personally find it so refreshing that I give him a fair amount of latitude but definitely understand it puts some folks off.  After so many years of fake people with fake stories and so on I prefer what I perceive as a more direct honesty even if it means holding and having to explain non-party-line positions - this is why I found the outsiders attractive this go 'round - Jindal, Carson, Fiorina and Trump.

The attitude displayed in Jeff's posts and in the mainstream media and from the establishment completely miss why most folks who I do know who are supporting Trump are doing so - dismissing them as unintelligent hate-filled racist rubes - basically the same view that Democrats have of the non-Democrat majority in the nation.  I find it distasteful that we are using the same techniques and tactics we decry from the Left in describing/attacking our own.

I get people find Trump threatening on a number of levels, I know some folks don't trust him - and there are reasons for people to not support, even oppose him as a candidate for the Republican nomination - but there are still 4 other men running FOR the nomination - where is the energy to convince people to support one or more of them?  There are still two crusty old socialists running for the Democrat nomination, where is the energy pointing out the dangers of their positions, etc.?


Spin Zone / Re: Who knows what was in my head?
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:55:53 AM »
So, lacking the ability to defend his positions, the Trumpkins continue to say to his critics "SHUT UP!"
And again, I am still not a Trump supporter, I am just tired of your endless bullshit hard-on obsession and your total inability to deal with his current success in the primaries.

I don't want you to shutup because you criticize him, I just wish you'd spend even 10% of the energy on something else, anything else, underwater basket weaving, your love for Klingon opera, your budding Bromance with the Bernster, why Hillary should never be President, don't really care - just ANYTHING else. 

There is a reason that the terms One Trick Pony and One Hit Wonder are pejoratives - it gets old.

Simple fact of the matter is that Trump has garnered a substantial amount of support, across a wide audience and for a wide array of reasons and like it or not that is what it takes to win elections. 

But there's only been 3 primaries so far, never mind Trump has more delegates than everyone else put together so far, he only has 3-4% of the total delegates needed, and Marco and Cruz are not going to drop out although Kasich and Carson soon should and I predict will (although Carson may go all the way if he can keep enough donations coming in to at least pretend to compete - and for good reason I am not ascribing any deviousness to him).

You may not agree with that support but to dismiss, deride and demean it in the ways you continue to do only shows you have no idea why he is actually so popular, but you are in good company in that it is a problem you share with essentially all of the mainstream media, the the Republican and Democrat establishments, basically everyone on K street, and all of his current opponents.

It's just tiresome Jeff, literally has cut down on the visits I make here because between your incessant harping and Jaybird's jihad this place really isn't as fun.


Spin Zone / Re: Hillary's way out
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:38:04 PM »

I don't know if her ego will allow her.  She is obsessed with power, and becoming President even if it means doing Soros's, Saudi, China's, etc bidding.
Actually, I agree with lucifer in this case. The coughing gigs are just ... odd. Health is the #1 most graceful reason to step out and retain the belief that you would have won.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:02:06 PM »
#RealDonaldTrump when asked about JeffDG's hard-on for him....

Spin Zone / Re: NBC/WSJ National Poll: Cruz 28, Trump 26
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:43:09 PM »
National polls mean jack shit during the primaries.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:53:02 AM »
An hour and a half video?  Um, no.

I'm about half-way through, and so far it's quite enlightening.

I am not opposed to some form of amnesty, nor a long path to citizenship - people are an asset, not a liability.

But Cruz's squirming to try to explain away previous pro-amnesty statements and actions is pathetic. I'd respect him more if he owned his prior positions and explained how his views have changed over time and why.

It's clear he's just morphing into whatever position he thinks will get him elected.

And before you say, "They all do that...", maybe study up on logical fallacies and tell us which one you'd be committing.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 16, 2016, 04:06:06 PM »
Oh, it's even better than that. Apparently Code Pink is a big fan, as is Michael Moore.

Let's see. Bush is responsible for 9/11. Bush LIED about WMD and lead us to war on a known lie.

Is he running for the Democratic nomination, or is he just willing to adopt the most far left talking points and destroy the rest of the field by threats of lawsuits and retribution and lies and distortions to secure the nomination via the most despicable scorched earth destruction of the Republican Party?

EDIT:  Oh, that's right. I forgot.


So all tactics are acceptable.
Rush had a great show today about why Trump may be doing/saying some of what he is doing/saying and it has to do with the open primary in SC - some interesting points raised and a couple excellent calls that would put to rest a lot of the 'controversy' in this thread in particular.

Trump is definitely not playing by the normal rules and it really confuses/consternates a lot of folks - right, wrong or indifferent he has changed the narrative and if he dropped out tomorrow that would be the lasting impact of his involvement this cycle.  I hope he does not drop out, do not expect him to drop out because the elitist ruling class need a collective punch in the gut and kick to the teeth regardless of which side of the aisle they reside on.


Spin Zone / Re: Hookers for Hillary
« on: February 16, 2016, 08:58:19 AM »
Who says they aren't eager for Hillary's business as well?

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 16, 2016, 08:26:09 AM »
The difference was that even Democratic members of Congress saw FDR's court-packing plan as an unreasonable overreach by the Executive branch.

I see no similar scruples with today's Democrats in Congress.

The DNC, and their member Democrat politicians have embraced the far left, radical agenda they espouse.  They have learned to be successful they must be in LOCK STEP.  More like a goose step, but I digress.  There are very few if any moderate Democrats.  Look at their candidates for President.  Even O'Malley was a socialist to the nth degree.  Now Bernie, and Hillary are trying to out commie each other and promise "free" stuff that makes no sense whatsoever.  The 1 1/2 percent can't pay for it, and they know it, but the low information types lap it up. 

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 15, 2016, 03:25:49 PM »
Aside from the ridiculousness of the rape analogy when discussing the Senate's parliamentary rules, I understand your desire for Republicans to be "above the fray."  However, the Court and the Constitution are now at stake.  It is not unreasonable to withhold support, or even a vote, on an Obama nominee in this circumstance.

Harry Reid changed the rules for the filibuster. When McConnell became the majority leader, he brought the rule back, essentially giving power to the minority that was denied the GOP when they were in the Senate minority.

It's almost like McConnell is more comfortable being in the minority than the majority.
^^ THIS ^^

The Republicans no longer know how to behave as the majority party/party in control.  They have been so routinely browbeaten that they are like the proverbial elephant caged by a piece of twine on its leg - it could very easily break the twine, and the neck of its' handler, but it never tries.

F'ing pathetic.  I predict McConnell and the GOP will cave as soon as someone mentions 'government shutdown blamed on the Republicans'.


Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 15, 2016, 03:16:07 PM »
I'm just kinda surprised there's any debate on this at all - the sitting President gets to select Supreme Court Justices. Democracy in action.

If and when there's a Republican president, then he'll get to choose if and when another vacancy opens up.

It just seems so simple.
First, the President doesn't get to select Supreme Court justices, he gets to nominate them and it's up to the Senate to confirm them. There is no obligation that the Senate confirm the nominee. Second, a president doesn't get to choose if there is a vacancy on the court since they are lifetime appointments. Generally speaking, with death being the exception, Supreme Court justices try to retire during a presidency that is closely aligned to their ideology so that their replacement is also of the same ideology.

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 15, 2016, 11:59:18 AM »
Totally agree can't we say we are better than them and do thing the right way?

So when your kids get in trouble do you let them off becuase they tell you that everyone is doing it. Sure it is ok to cheat on the test everyone else did any ways.

This is a difficult one.  It's like when a football team cries foul when the refs enforce the rules, and then when it happens to the other team the same thing happens.  All I know is the Democrat/Liberal/Progressive have done a lot of wrong, and broken a lot of laws and rules because to them the ends justify the means.  They've made it an art form, and get away with it due to the complicity of the media, their partners in the Progressive agenda.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 15, 2016, 10:42:38 AM »
Me too.

You may want to read the article and sources. This is an organization that is known to be respectable by folks on both sides of the aisle.

You're the same people that call those that want to follow the Constitution as RADICAL.  Ooooh, that evil Constitution that made our Country great. 

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