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Messages - Dav8or

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So do you really think that Trump meant that Obama and Hillary called a meeting and sat down with a bunch of Islamic radicals and drew up the plans for ISIS?  That is the way the media is trying to portray it. 

Hardly. Trump just found out what ISIS was earlier this year. Trump says stupid things to shock people and get free air time. To direct attention to him. What is nauseating is that it works so well and that there are all these lame Trump supporters who have to try to explain to the world what Trump really meant when he said X, Y and Z. To Trump the presidency is just a reality TV show with him as the star. I am shocked and dismayed by the number of people that actually think Trump would be a good president.

At the same time,they are giving Hillary a pass on every lie she has told.  At what point does that get nauseating to you?

All the time, but I guess at some point the media doesn't give her a pass because somehow you know that she is telling lies. How do you know that? My guess is the media told you. Everybody, including nearly all Democrats know that Hillary lies and is self serving, but Donald Trump is all that and more. He's a disgrace and a disgusting human being.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Debate Preview
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:24:27 AM »
More typical liberal deflection. LOL.  ;D

You forgot to include "typical" so I fixed it for ya.

It's kind of nauseating to read the Trump apologists. Trump is a master at yanking the media's chain. Say something really stupid and suddenly the news is all about him from every side and everybody is talking about him. The problem with this strategy is, it's getting old and formulaic. It's really not going to help him in November.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Debate Preview
« on: August 13, 2016, 08:08:07 AM »
How lame, and pathetic.  "You will be quoted".........

Typical liberal threat to attempt to control the dialogue.

You don't think. You just type, don't you? Your responses just have to start with "typical" include "liberal" and some nonsense. It's simple formula and makes posting easy. I don't think post counts matter, do they?

Spin Zone / Re: What is a "weapon of war"?
« on: August 13, 2016, 07:57:22 AM »
You really need to learn history.  Because your knowledge is flawed, your entire post is invalid.

The M-16 is a modified AR-15.  The AR was the first gun, built and designed prior to the Vietnam War.  The ARmalite company sold the AR publicly and then sold the design to Colt who turned it into the M-16 and made it the weapon of the US Army.

Now, using your newly acquired knowledge, go back and read what you wrote.

Hey professor Dipshit, you really need to learn actual history not just fantasy history. Because your knowledge of history is fabricated, your critique of my post is invalid.

Armalite designed and built the AR-10 for the military but it was not accepted by the US military, however some foreign militaries did buy it. The AR-10 was always selective fire. At the request of The US militry they redesigned the AR-10 to use the Remington .223 round and the AR-15 was born. It was always a selective fire weapon. Armalite never sold either weapon to the general public.

Armalite was forced to hand the designs for the AR-10 and the AR-15 to Colt manufacturing because they had no large scale manufacturing capability to satisfy the military. Colt's only real change to the design was to change the location of the charging handle from under the carrying handle to the back where it is today. The AR-15 was always selective fire and Colt did not add that. The new design with the rear charging handle was adopted by the US military as the M-16.

It wasn't until 1963-64 that Colt would modify the original AR-15 design to be semi automatic only and sell the rifle to the civilian market. The AR-10 and AR-15 was never, in any way designed to be a civilian rifle. The idea that it was a civilian rifle that the military just happened to like is utter fabrication and a lie. It is most certainly the other way around.

Now that you have actual history, you and Lucifer can go back read what I wrote. If you guys demand citations and links, go look it up yourself. Google "AR-15 history" Lots of factual history there.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Debate Preview
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:54:10 PM »
All of these wet dreams of Trump quitting or dropping out of this and that are just that, wet dreams.

If by "this" you mean the debates, rememberer you will be quoted on this in the future. I also believe he will not debate, or that her will not do all the debates. He has proven this already.

Spin Zone / Re: How did the Spin not have this posted.
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:46:32 PM »
Instead, you used two fairly bombastic reasons as to why the cops may have been shooting:  in "celebration" - seriously??? - or to "disburse the crowd."  Again, you can't be serious.

Sure. Seriously. I like to think that the cops wouldn't just shoot at people, but that's a possibility too. Who knows what happened? I don't, but the cops are not above suspicion.

Spin Zone / Re: What is a "weapon of war"?
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:39:27 PM »
Well, except for the select fire feature which is pretty important in the weapon of war business over the last 60 years or so. 

Otherwise, all those "characteristics" are cosmetic, and thus rediculous.

Yeah, sure, if you say so, but IMO, the pro gun movement (which I am a member) needs to be more honest than this. Those other characteristics are much more than "cosmetic". They are actual improvements in the weapon's effectiveness at killing people. At some point we need to change the conversation away from the "The AR-15 and other's like it is just the same as Grandpa's old gun" argument and towards the facts and the true meaning of the Constitution.

Fact- The AR-15 is nearly as good of a killing machine as the M-16. Automatic fire is used mostly for suppressing fire. More often than not, carefully aimed shots get the kill. Fact- The Constitution is about arming the people with the means to counter their government if need be. The AR-15 is a good match for the M-16. Fact- AR-15s and similar "assault rifles" are not used in many homicides, or gun crimes. Fact- Domestic terrorists can get easy access to the AR-15 and it's popular with them.

These are issues that need to be discussed. To say that the AR-15 is just a regular ol' gun, nuthin' to see here, move along... is disingenuous. It is not your grandpa's gun. Rather we should be emphasizing the reasons we should have the AR-15 and why a ban is not needed.

Spin Zone / Re: A Place Where the World Isn't So Polarized
« on: August 12, 2016, 07:23:14 PM »

From the article-

Now fast forward nearly 20 years to Oakland, California. On Martin Luther King Day 1994, a science teacher took a group of about 70 students, mostly black, to see Schindler’s List. In an early scene, when a Jewish woman is murdered by the Nazis, a group of about 10 youths laughed it up. The projectionist actually turned off the film and made them leave. And, oh my, what a tsunami of crap rolled forth, not apologies but apologists.

I was actually at this showing!! I still tell this story to people. They actually stopped the film three times because of bad behavior and after the third stoppage, they refused to finish the film and tossed everybody out. We all got rain checks to see the movie again and some other sort of compensation. I don't remember what now. We did go back and finish the film on a different day.

The author of this OP ed is a little off. While there were some apologists and people trying to defend the kids behavior, there were lots more people on the left and on the right that were very vocal in the media. Steven Spielberg was personally horrified and went on a campaign to educate kids about the holocaust including the kids that saw it. It turns out that many of the kids in attendance didn't understand it was a telling of a real history and thought it was just made up. Most of them had no knowledge of WWII, the Nazis or even Jews. To them it was all fiction.

That does not excuse their reactions though. There is a serious failure of education in poor neighborhoods and mostly due to bad parenting. IIRC, a few of the kids that were kicked out became interested and actually did learn about the holocaust and were horrified. The problem was, the holocaust was committed by white people and it just further reinforced the idea that white people do horrible things.

Over all, the author of the attached OP ed is correct IMO and I agree with it. I just wanted to comment on this bit.

Spin Zone / Re: How did the Spin not have this posted.
« on: August 12, 2016, 05:00:10 PM »
Further, does that EVER happen, in the US, in the 21st Century?

I certainly hope you were being sarcastic with your last paragraph.

Didn't say they did or didn't as it was just a theory as to where the shots came from, but can you say with 100% certainty that a cop did not fire their gun just from that video? I don't think you can. Who are the only people in the video that we know for certain to be carrying guns? The cops. I think it is unlikely that they were shooting their guns, but I see no reason that they should be above suspicion based on that video.

Spin Zone / Re: What is a "weapon of war"?
« on: August 12, 2016, 04:53:55 PM »
Phew. That clears that up. Since an AR-15 is most decidedly NOT an M-16, can we now dispense with the idiotic foolishness that an AR-15 is a "weapon of war"?

And an AR-15 is a M-16 modified so it's sales would not be restricted by the NFA. There have been further modifications over the years to get around various "assault weapon" bans, but they are silly and minor. We can dispense with all the silliness we want but the Left will not. They will argue that the AR-15 still retains nearly all of the characteristics that make the M-16 a great weapon of war.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary's health
« on: August 12, 2016, 11:32:34 AM »
This makes our choice easy. Which do you want for president, a person with MS, or a person with Tourette's? Maybe instead of their tax returns, we should have full disclosure of their medical files!  ;D

Spin Zone / Re: How did the Spin not have this posted.
« on: August 12, 2016, 11:25:51 AM »
The driver stopped. Watch the video. There was no mob in the street, just one invisible pedestrian. Watch the video.

Yep. I watched the video again. He stopped only after he ran the guy over for a few seconds and then drove off. I tried to see the invisible pedestrian, but could only see the guy in the street holding the sign that got run over. You're right, the invisible guy is really hard to see.

Spin Zone / Re: How did the Spin not have this posted.
« on: August 12, 2016, 11:20:07 AM »

But why would you think a cop was trying to fire shots to disperse the crowd?  Does anyone think that would be a smart thing to do?

I don't per say. I just put it out there as one possible explanation for the shots. There are three possibilities. It was one of the protesters, it was one of the cops, or it was a third unknown party. Impossible to tell from the video.

Spin Zone / Re: A case for McMillin
« on: August 12, 2016, 11:09:18 AM »
People are not born with a political affiliation and the problem is not left and right, it is extreme left and extreme right.

I would disagree, but that would be an interesting study by psychologists if they haven't already. People are born with certain character types and nothing their parents do can change this. Certain character types gravitate left and some gravitate right and with all things in nature, there are many, many shades of grey in-between.

Actually, I just Googled- "Are political leanings determined at birth?" and got lots of hits on the subject. Here is just one.

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