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Topics - Dav8or

Pages: [1]
Spin Zone / What the Republicans should do at this point. (IMO)
« on: August 07, 2016, 09:26:29 PM »
They should admit they have lost the White House this time around to themselves. It is unlikely Trump will win, but even if he does by some fluke, they need to distance themselves from him. At this point they should spend all their time, money and effort on winning as many of the down ticket elections as possible. The country will need them those senators and representatives to put the brakes on Hillary's plans and should the nut job Trump win, they need to keep him in check too although the Democrats will likely have that covered.

Basically the Republicans need to ignore him and let him do his own thing while they work on the important work. They need to deflect attention away from Trump and towards the more sane part of the party. They need to lay plans for 2020 and hope they will be around by then.

Spin Zone / Is your refrigerator running?
« on: July 19, 2016, 10:35:10 PM »
I would totally vote for it!!  ;D  Many of you may have heard this one, but just in case...

Spin Zone / When was the USA at it's peak?
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:03:56 PM »
In your opinion, when was the USA at it's peak greatness, power and strength? Or, alternately, when was it closest to the ideal America?

Spin Zone / Eye in the Sky
« on: April 10, 2016, 10:27:35 AM »
It's a fantastic new movie that is in the theaters right now. I saw it last night and it's brilliant. One of the best written scripts I have seen in ages. I highly recommend it to all Pilot Spin Zoners.

It examines all sides of what is involved with a drone missile strike on terrorists in foreign countries. In this case the story takes place in Somalia. I felt it was very, very well balanced on both sides of the debate and illustrated what a thorny issue it can be. It's not a documentary, it is an action suspense movie and will keep you riveted until the very end.

It stars Helen Mirran and Allen Rickman in his last performance as well as other familiar faces. Great performances by all. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you do. You won't regret it. It even has a little aviation in it! 

Spin Zone / Was Scalia murdered?
« on: February 16, 2016, 10:48:55 PM »
I don't like Michael Savage. He's a loud mouth blow hard with an enormous ego that likes to hear himself talk but... he does raise some very interesting points and questions in this blog post. I listened to his radio show today and there's even more. Scalia's body guards that usually follow him everywhere, were not at this ranch. He reportedly went to this ranch to go hunting, but just days earlier had MRIs done for a bum shoulder. Who wants to go hunting with a messed up shoulder?

Anyhow, neither Mr. Savage, nor I am suggesting Obama ordered a hit or anything, but it is suspicious and it could be an opportunistic left winger took a shot at changing the world.

Spin Zone / A Valentine's present for Pilot Spin!
« on: February 15, 2016, 10:06:15 PM »
A liberal extended family member had this hanging in his home when I went to visit. I thought you guys would absolutely love this! My gift to you guys!  ;)

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