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Messages - Dav8or

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Spin Zone / Re: How did the Spin not have this posted.
« on: August 12, 2016, 11:01:24 AM »
I think the driver was texting, or playing Pokemon-Go.

And if that is the case and he didn't intend to kill the guy, he isn't guilty.  He was just extremely careless.

Really? Why do you think that? Even if you are correct, they are still guilty of involuntary manslaughter and felony hit and run. BTW, you left one out, the driver may have been drunk off their ass and never even noticed a mob in the street. Does that make them not guilty too?

Spin Zone / Re: How did the Spin not have this posted.
« on: August 12, 2016, 10:55:47 AM »
"Whoever ran that guy over committed murder, or intended to"

"To assume and place blame given the just the video is biased."


and, what police training tells them to fire shots to disperse a crowd?

Since you're hand picking what you want to quote from me, I'll add back what you neatly skipped over-

but I might be wrong as it's just a video.

As to police training, I have a factoid for you. Police officers are human beings. We have not yet created Robocop, so we have to rely on human beings. Human beings are not all that reliable. Cops may be trained one way and yet do another. Do you think this is just impossible?

Spin Zone / Re: Debate Proposal
« on: August 12, 2016, 10:48:44 AM »

We have had just too many candidates on stage to be able to hold any sort of debate.
Find some way to determine who really has no chance, and "flunk them out".

Get the number of debaters down, and let the remainders follow the procedures suggested in the video.  In this past election, there were 16 virtual clones and Trump, so the voters really only had two choices:  Trump or one of the others.  In that scenario, Trump can't lose.

This is why I proposed a long time ago that we hold the debates like a sporting event. Divide the candidates into two "leagues", then within those two leagues, have two candidate debate only each other. Later it would be determined who was the winner of the debate and who was the loser. The winners would move forward and debate another winner. Eventually it would be down to two winners from each league and they would go at it for the championship.

It would require 8 nights of debates, so it would be like "Wednesday Night Debates". Each night would feature one debate from each league. The length of the debates would have to be worked out. Maybe 45 minutes each and a half hour post debate wrap up commentary for a total of a two hour show. A scoring system would have to be worked out as well.

Americans love a competition and this might engage more Americans in politics and would give all the candidates a real shot to get their message and personality out. As it was this year, many of the 16 candidates never got much air time as the network decided who gets to go and who gets asked what. It's rigged, not fair and not really a debate.

Spin Zone / Re: What is a "weapon of war"?
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:42:42 AM »
so, IEDs would be "weapons of war", yes?

A blunt instrument would be a "weapon of war"?

A hunting rifle?

A 1911?

Yep, those are potential weapons of war. However I believe the Liberal definition is a weapon that is specifically designed to make war on other human beings. A sword is a good example of this. A sword is made to kill people. Nobody hunts with a sword and a sword really can't be used for much else. It's design and construction is made with one purpose in mind, to kill, or maim people.

Now apply that to modern day weapons. An aircraft carrier is a weapon of war, a tank is a weapon of war, an F-16 is a weapon of war and now in the firearms world, an M-16 is a weapon of war. Why?

The M-16 was designed to do one job, kill or maim people. It was not designed for hunting animals, it was not designed to shoot paper targets and it was not designed for personal protection excepting of course on the battlefield. However, it just happens that the M-16 can be used for hunting small game, it can be used for shooting paper targets and in some instances it can be used for personal protection.

However a Liberal would say that secondary uses do not excuse it from being a weapon of war as defined as being a machine specifically designed to kill or maim people. I'm just saying this is how they see it, don't shoot the messenger. (With or without your weapon of war!) 

Spin Zone / Re: How did the Spin not have this posted.
« on: August 11, 2016, 10:36:25 PM »
With the mob firing shots after the accident, would anyone rush in there?

In all fairness, from the video it is unclear who is firing shots or where they are coming from. It is very possible that it is someone in the mob all pissed off and acting out, but it is also possible that it is another group that opposes the protesters and ran over one of their members.

Whoever ran that guy over committed murder, or intended to. It's pretty obvious because there is no attempt to slow down or swerve. A deer, or even possum gets more consideration than that. Given the speed in the video, I'm convinced it was murder, but I might be wrong as it's just a video. That person may have had accomplices that may have been nearby ready with guns.

It is also possible that it is a cop firing the shots in possibly celebration, or an attempt to disperse the crowd to resolve the situation. To assume and place blame given the just the video is biased.

Spin Zone / Re: A case for McMillin
« on: August 11, 2016, 10:25:28 PM »
...or even destroy or impede the leftists.

Do you really want them to destroy the leftists? I personally do not want to see the left destroyed. They keep the right in check. It's true that they are winning right now and need to be kicked down several pegs, but to truly destroy the left, you would have to go into the hospital nursery and shoot every other baby in the head having some kind of special knowledge that would let you know which ones were to be leftists.

People are either wired left, or right, or a blend between. They are just born that way.

Spin Zone / Re: How did the Spin not have this posted.
« on: August 11, 2016, 09:11:09 PM »
That woman kept screaming- "Those cops are just sitting over there!!" What did they expect them to do? Join their demonstration? These are the same foul mouthed idiots that were cussing them out 1 minute prior to the guy getting run over. At that point they were probably calling for back up so they could go over there and help the idiot in the street.

Spin Zone / Re: Paul Ryan squeaks past Nehlan
« on: August 11, 2016, 08:17:00 PM »

However, I think Trump's economic policy/tax speech, and his list of potential SCOTUS nominees cover the vast majority of my small 'c' conservative objectives for FedGov, add in the moratorium on new reg's and withdrawal of previous Executive Orders and the platform is something I can get behind, even if the personality delivering it is problematic.


You do realize that all those things are just proposals, subject to change in the future, right?

If you think Ryan is disappointing...

Spin Zone / Re: What is a "weapon of war"?
« on: August 11, 2016, 08:10:39 PM »



a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.
"nuclear weapons"
a means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself in a conflict or contest.
"resignation threats had long been a weapon in his armory"



a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.
"Japan declared war on Germany"
synonyms:   conflict, warfare, combat, fighting, (military) action, bloodshed, struggle; More
antonyms:   peace
a particular armed conflict.
"after the war, they immigrated to America"
a state of competition, conflict, or hostility between different people or groups.
"she was at war with her parents"
a sustained effort to deal with or end a particular unpleasant or undesirable situation or condition.
"the authorities are waging war against all forms of smuggling"
synonyms:   campaign, crusade, battle, fight, struggle, movement, drive
"the war against drugs"


verb: war; 3rd person present: wars; past tense: warred; past participle: warred; gerund or present participle: warring
engage in a war.
"small states warred against each other"
synonyms:   fight (against), battle (against), combat (against), wage war against, take up arms against;

Combine the two.

Spin Zone / Re: "This is how freedom dies"
« on: August 11, 2016, 07:47:47 PM »
There are many.

Agreed. Here in the Bay Area, there are a great many who are pissed about it. Most will likely suck it up and vote Clinton, but they are not going to do so in good conscience.

Spin Zone / Re: No need to floss?
« on: August 09, 2016, 09:26:13 PM »
Where does Godwin's Law play in to this?

When the Nazis started WWII, they knew modern mechanized warfare would use up a huge amount of the world's fossil fuels. They knew that all this carbon would go up into the sky and stay there forever. Nazi scientists figured that increasing temperatures due to the green house effect would melt the ice caps and raise the sea level. Hitler figured that rising water lines would make invasion of their enemies easier by catching their shore defenses off guard due to rising water.

The Nazis knew about MMGW because they had invented a time machine and watched an Al Gore TED talk. It's just that in translation they didn't understand that it would take more than a year for the tides to rise. Ooops.

There, did that qualify?

Spin Zone / Re: Orlando Shooter's Dad At Hillary Rally
« on: August 09, 2016, 09:10:04 PM »
Hillary's functions are so tightly controlled, it is hard to believe he got there, behind the stage in full view of the audience and cameras, without someone arranging it or at least knowing about it.

Agreed. It is really curious. Which voting block do the Democrats care about most? The LGBT community, or the Muslim community? It's pretty clear they don't give a damn about the regular American community because they allowed that fucking guy behind their Fuhrer.

Spin Zone / Re: Orlando Shooter's Dad At Hillary Rally
« on: August 09, 2016, 08:51:24 PM »
He is so obvious and blatant that it can't be an accident, or coincidence. Either somebody is trying to appease the Muslim community and make the Democrats look all inclusive and forgiving, or somebody planted him there to photo bomb and raise controversy.

Spin Zone / Re: What is a "weapon of war"?
« on: August 09, 2016, 09:39:50 AM »
I hear (D) "leaders" bleating on and on about "weapons of war" but I haven't seen a rational definition of "weapon of war"

I think they mean this. These are scary. We should ban them.

Spin Zone / Re: Debate Proposal
« on: August 09, 2016, 09:37:42 AM »
Great idea, but sadly America isn't looking for substance. America just wants one liners, sound bites and a decided winner and loser at the end of the rumble.

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