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Messages - Gary

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Spin Zone / Re: Now Yellen is worried about the debt!
« on: December 02, 2017, 03:42:18 PM »
Dont you mean “WHEN BANKS WERE FORCED TO GIVE LOANS” that couldnt be repaid?

Can you provide a law, regulation or guidance that REQUIRED lenders to give loans they knew could not be re-paid?

Follow the money is a good way to understand the 2008-2009 crash.

Question for you, why did AIG go kaput when they did not hold a single mortgage?  The primary cause of the big crash was greed and ignorance, that is a characteristic spread all across the political spectrum.

No, that's not right. I think it was the one where the Speaker of the House said that it had to be passed so that people could see what was in it.

LOL!  I'm sure Nancy Pelosi would like to have that quote back.  But what happened then isn't all that much different than the way the latest tax bill has proceeded.

Spin Zone / Re: Yes, FOX News is biased, but . . .
« on: December 02, 2017, 03:27:45 PM »
Two sides of the same coin.  Each news organization has an agenda and a point of view.  Each chooses what "news" to cover and how it will be portrayed.  None are completely objective.  Anyone who gets their news from only a single source is going to have a pretty warped view of reality.

Spin Zone / Re: Vietnam war
« on: October 08, 2017, 01:08:31 PM »
Have seen the first two or three, bunch loaded up on the DVR.  Liked it so far.  Enjoyed the background history of the late 1940's and 1950's, much of which I wasn't aware of.  Didn't know the Ho Chi Min (allegedly) spent time in the US or made overtures to the US to help him against the French.  The political situation in the North was interesting, with Ho Chi Min losing influence over time and the rise of  Le Duan. 

Thought the tapes of conversations between LBJ and McNamara were revealing.  My impression was that they both believed continued involvement would be a morass, but LBJ didn't want to back down and be accused of being soft on communism.  Lot of lost lives so the President could appear "tough".

Although eligible for the draft, my number never did come up.  Did think about it a lot, can't say I was at all enthusiastic to join up and be sent there.  Lived in a small town, did have a few of my classmates drafted and sent to Nam, thankfully, they all came back.  Had some not, believe my opinion would have worsened considerably.

Don't believe this is "old history book stuff", it jogged my mind on many of the details that time erased. 

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders Shows How Socialism Works.
« on: July 26, 2017, 03:22:04 PM »
That's funny as all get out!  Question however; if the witness is to be believed, how did Bernie get into the house to begin with?  The witness clearly states he sees this "person" come out of the house and get the paper when delivered.

Spin Zone / Re: Food Stamp Use Falls to Lowest Level in Seven Years
« on: July 26, 2017, 03:15:42 PM »
Well, yeah, then there is Bill Clinton.  Teddy Kennedy, LBJ........

In all due fairness, the list is pretty long and quite bi-partisan... ;)

This is the undeniable and ultimately only possible fallout from the weaponization/criminalization/dehumanization of politics brought about by the last 20-ish years of hyper-partisan behavior, primarily but not exclusively from one side of the aisle.

Glad that you recognize that both sides are quite adept at the weaponization/criminalization/dehumanization of politics.  From my view it isn't primarily one side doing so.  Different issues and tactics perhaps.

Folks on the Left truly believe Russia stole the election and put Trump in to be their puppet, apparently the Russians are poor puppeteers given how the current relationship is fairing - they truly believe those of us on the Right 'hate', that we want dirty air, dirty water, back alley abortions, women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, and every other ridiculous, baseless and ultimately cartoonish caricature that they have been repeating in their echo chamber for the past 3 or 4 decades.

SOME people on the left do truly believe (erroneously) that Russia stole the elections.  Many more support the belief that the Russian did attempt to spread propaganda and sway the election in a certain direction.  Disagree that those on the "right" hate clean air, clean water etc..... By the same measure, those on the "left" are not all snowflake, communist, tree-hugging do-gooders as the right makes them out to be.  The "right" has certainly used their share of cartoonish caricatures to make their point.     

I don't think most average folks, but especially those on the Left and almost everyone in politics or gubmint, realize just how polarized things have become and how close we are to a real popular uprising - if the Deep State and the Radical Alt-Left-Government-Media Complex are successful in removing Trump this place is going to go up like the HMS Hood - and they continue to forget who owns most of the property, most of the guns, and who is more likely to be protected by fellow believers in the military and law-enforcement - hint, it does not rhyme with 'heft'.

Think that most "average" folks (across the political spectrum) do not see the polarization in their day to day lives as it really doesn't affect them that much. No matter what Move-on or Brietbart or Infowars or TPM say, it has a very low impact on folks doing their job, taking care of their families, paying the mortgage or buying a home.  Suspect most "average" folks do not even go to those sites.  Seriously doubt that removal of President Trump is going to cause an armed revolution.  Should that happen ( a very low probability, IMHO) a new President will be installed and life will go on.  We have been through far worse times and tend to muddle our way through.

I truly, desperately want to be wrong, I want to see us climb out of this dangerous morass and back to being the shining city on the hill but my faith in that future is fading.  Trump and the loyalists in his administration are fighting on all fronts, his own party, the Congress, the Deep State, the weaponized media and pop culture, etc.  I know he won't give up but he is facing truly bad odds.


Guess I'm more optimistic.  We will survive this, will things be different, sure, things always change, we are not the America of the 1950's and you can't go back in time.  Agree that Trump and his loyalists are fighting on all fronts, personally believe they are fighting for their own power and influence, not the general well-being of Americans as a whole.

Spin Zone / Re: OVER 8,400 Double Voting Cases
« on: July 26, 2017, 02:34:20 PM »
Interesting news train here.  The American Look Out link references an article in Brietbart which relies on a report done by the "non-partisan" Government Accountability Institute (GAI).  GAI was founded by Peter Schweitzer and Stephen Bannon, with Rebekah Mercer as the chairwoman.  There is a group of non-partisan, non-ideological, fair minded individuals if I ever saw one.

The GAI report presents no data, doesn't describe their methods in any detail, is fraught with speculation and is riddled with qualifiers and cautions.  They had issues with getting the data, were "unable to conduct a comprehensive review" and recognize that the "quality of the data varied and was sometimes unreliable". Right up front they mention that they "sought to only identify two votes cast with the same legal name".

The report does not verify a single voter who illegally cast a vote.

The report does show some evidence into how messed up our voter registration process is.

Fake News!  ;)

Interesting that the words "calling for a coup" came from Tyler Durban (the Zero Hedge commentator) not John Brennan.

"I think it's the obligation of some executive branch officials to refuse to carry that out. I would just hope that this is not going to be a partisan issue. That Republicans, Democrats are going to see that the future of this government is at stake and something needs to be done for the good of the future," Brennan told CNN's Wolf Blitzer at the Aspen Security Forum, effectively calling for a coup against the president should Trump give the order to fire Mueller.

Mr. Durban may personally believe that refusing a Presidential order is a coup but it is a long, long way to an armed insurrection.   The person refusing such an order may of course end up being fired. In fact, this has already occurred in the past.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 26, 2017, 01:50:08 PM »
The military isn't for everyone, whether male, female, white, black, blue, straight or "mixed".  That being said, it is true that the same mix of people have proved completely capable in one, or more, of the very different roles required in the military.

I am puzzled by the complete ban for transgender folks in the military, I can understand that certain people may or may not be suited to a particular role in the military, not at all clear why a complete ban is justified.  If one wishes to serve, I think they should be given the chance so long as they meet the qualifications of the job.

Do agree that having the military pay for a sex change operation is out of bounds.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 22, 2017, 02:35:43 PM »
So "selling the program" equals outright lies and misleading the public, and you're perfectly ok, even congratulatory about it.? 

 Guess you think Jonathan Gruber is a stand up guy as well.

LOL!!!  If a President want his policies to pass, he does indeed need to sell it to Congress and the public at large.  Obama and the Dems did that, Trump and the Republicans did not.

Seem to remember some quotes from the current President o health care... something along the lines of "best health care ever, for everyone", "beautiful health plan", "lower costs and better coverage"....  Of course the President has an impeccable reputation with stating only truth!

I take it you believe the proposed Senate health care bill meets those criteria and is an improvement over the ACA?

Spin Zone / Re: Largest Opposition Research Organization Ever?
« on: July 22, 2017, 02:11:42 PM »
Is that the one where several states (predominately democrat) are refusing to cooperate?

Yeah... guess those are the smart ones!  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 22, 2017, 02:04:48 PM »
You mean like going out and telling us "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" and "The average household will see a decrease of $2500 a year in premiums"?

Some support.

Exactly like that!!  President Obama understood the ACA did make the effort to go out there and sell the program.  Perhaps I've missed them, but did President Trump or any other leading Republican give any type of speech or meeting selling the virtues of their programs??  Do remember the President saying the House bill was "mean" - some support!

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Criticizes Sessions
« on: July 22, 2017, 01:59:39 PM »
Taking the job and then immediately recusing himself was dishonest to the President.

Don't believe Sect'y Sessions had much of a choice.  He could not oversee an investigation into the Trump campaign since he was an early and integral part of that campaign.  Don't think he had his recusal planned in advance, sort of an unintended consequence of events.

That is because you pay too much attention to the media.  Just like they said Democrats might win the last 4 special elections because it was a referendum on Trump.  How much money did they spend in Georgia's 6'th district?  How did they turn out?

Democrats still don't know why they lost, and until they figure that out, they are dead.

Might be guilty of that!  ;)  As far as the special elections, yep, the Dems had lot's of hopes, did lose, but performed pretty well, probably better than expected.  The amount of spending on the Georgia 6th election was phenomenal, last I saw something on the order of $50 million, pretty evenly split.

Agree that the Dems need to re-think how they will campaign in the future.  If they continue to drift left and can't come up with some good reasons why people should vote for them (as opposed to "don't vote for the other guy") they will have a difficult time.

I do see support shifting.  People that I know that did vote for Trump are really questioning their decision.  On a local level I see more grass root organizations getting together and cooperating with the local Democratic party to make their case and get out the vote for the next election.  News organizations that used to be pro-Trump, no matter what, now have an undercurrent of doubt and are willing to air more critical stories. 


Spin Zone / Re: Largest Opposition Research Organization Ever?
« on: July 22, 2017, 01:32:16 PM »
What he brought up that was interesting is the fact that this can be seen as opposition research for the 2020 election for the Democrats paid for by the taxpayers of this country.

Hmmm... believe the largest opinion research program underway is the Voter Fraud investigation.  Paid for by us taxpayers and run by the Republicans.

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