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Spin Zone / Chris Cuomo "Open" to Supporting Preisdent Trump
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:18:00 AM »
I'm sure joe will be along to smear President Trump for being alive and allowing Chris Cuomo to say he is open to supporting President trump,


Cuomo says that things are far worse for people under biden than they were when Trump was President.

"If it's Biden-Trump, look, for me—again, we survived a Trump administration," Cuomo said during the program. "Would we survive another one? Yes, yes. I don't think there's any greater risk to America with him than with Biden. And for people who are now gonna attack me and say, 'What are you talking about? Trump is, like, this crazy man,' look, you know, as Patrick says, the data's the data. Nobody was trying to kill us when Trump was president in a way that they're not now."

Spin Zone / Henry Kissinger Dead At 100 Years Old
« on: November 29, 2023, 08:05:22 PM »
Local news reporting that Kissinger passed this evening.

I can’t decide how I feel about the body of his career.

His Nixon years far exceeded the rest in terms of accomplishments,

 OPEC was his shining achievement.

The criminal jack smith, is demanding twitter turn over all interactions between the twitter account of President Trump and all citizens that responded, or liked posts on any of his accounts.

The criminal jack smith seems to think he can use his office and criminal associates to commit law fare on anyone that dared think outside the pig shit opinions of the communist democrat party.

I sent a brutally, polite email to his office outlining my objections and calling for his indictment and incarceration for crimes against the American people.

Fuck him and his fucking scumbag staff.

I say, 'Fuck the commie un and the limousine they rode in on.

Of course the un is focused on punishing American industry and pretending their concern is about the fucking mmgw scam.

united nations set to Call on Americans to Reduce Meat Consumption

The UN's Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will publish its so-called global food systems’ road map during the upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai which will kick off on Thursday and extend nearly two weeks until mid-December. FAO's first-of-its-kind document will recommend nations that "over-consume meat" to limit their consumption as part of a broader effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Bloomberg reported.

"America's farmers and ranchers are climate heroes, reducing emissions while providing abundant and affordable food, fiber, and fuel," House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn Thompson, R-Pa., told Fox News in a statement.
"Regulating producers out of business in the U.S. will not effectively address global climate change, but export production to foreign countries with hostile regimes and worse emissions profiles while harming food security and affordability. Simply put, the world needs American farmers and ranchers more than the UN," he added. Nations set to call on Americans to reduce meat consumption

Spin Zone / Commie Cluck Restaurant Closes
« on: November 22, 2023, 06:40:28 PM »
The Lexington, Virginia restaurant that became infamous for kicking Sarah Huckabee Snaders out for being Republican, has earned what it got as it shutters its doors.

Apparently the small percentage of communist democrats that support such a move weren’t enough to keep the communist cafe in business.

Fuck ‘em, I say.

Spin Zone / This Will Please Mushy Middlers and RINO's Alike
« on: November 11, 2023, 06:29:08 AM »
Cue tears of joy!

mittens romney and joe manchin are rumored to be contemplating a third party run for president.

Just think, you rino's can vote for a treasonous republican AND a traitorous democrat at the same time!!!

The thought must make you guys orgasmic!

It just wasn't enough that those two would waltz off the senate floor, never to be heard from again.

What we need is MORE rino and progressive!!!

More, more more!

I can't wait for another shadow soros committee to announce their support for a lizzy cheney - hilary ticket!

    The Senate has experienced a wave of retirement announcements over the last two months, including from key figures such as Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), sparking speculation about what the two centrist lawmakers may do next.
    Shortly after Manchin revealed he would not seek reelection, one group had already begun making moves to coax the West Virginia Democrat into joining a bipartisan presidential ticket with Romney, who announced his own retirement in September.
    The Draft Romney Manchin Committee filed with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday and plans to make an announcement as soon as next week, according to the Wall Street Journal.


It is not April 1rst.

From NEWSWEEK no less.

A Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader is backing former President Donald Trump to take back the White House in the 2024 presidential election.

Mark Fisher, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Rhode Island and founder of BLM Incorporated, said that he "personally" liked Trump before bashing President Joe Biden as a "deep disappointment" during an interview last week on The Kim Iversen Show, a streaming program on conservative platform Rumble.

Iversen, a self-proclaimed "tell it like it is, no b.s. broadcaster" who has reportedly been called a "conspiracy theorist" by former colleagues, asked Fisher to explain why he chose to go against the grain and endorse Trump.

"Because everybody else sucks," Fisher responded, prompting a chuckle from Iversen. "You know, I like Trump personally and I think right now who we have sitting in the Oval Office is just a deep disappointment ... I deeply have disdain for him and I really dislike the vice president [Kamala Harris] as well."

Spin Zone / Nashville Shooter Manifesto LEAKED - All About White Hatred
« on: November 06, 2023, 11:57:30 AM »
Why are all these trannies so fucking mental?? Because trannies are all mentally disturbed, else they wouldn't be trannies... duh.

A leaked manifesto reveals the Nashville trans school shooter had a violent hatred of the “little crackers” with “white privilege” that were murdered.

First obtained and released by the Louder with Crowder conservative Rumble show, the three-page handwritten document shows Audrey “Aiden” Hale meticulously planned their last moments and the mass school shooting at The Covenant School on March 27. Three young children and three school staff were killed before Hale, 28, was shot dead by responding police.

The manifesto, written in a spiral notebook, has various screeds and thoughts scrawled down by pen.

“DEATH DAY,” Hale wrote on one page with the drawing of a target reticle and a pistol, along with the date “3/27/23.”

“Can’t believe I’m doing this, but I’m ready," Hale wrote. "I hope my victims aren’t.”

Hale later prayed to God in the manifesto to help her in the mass shooting. "(God let my wrath take over my anxiety) It might be 10 minutes tops. It might be 3-7. It's gonna go quick," Hale wrote. "I hope I have a high death count."

Hale then wrote, "Ready to Die nana" and signed it Audrey—Hale's "deadname."

On another page, Hale wrote a detailed day schedule, with a post-it calmly asking, "Lunch may be [sic] around 11 am–1 pm?"

Hale's day began at 6:30 a.m., and ran through getting dressed, breakfast and what to do with the "stuffed animals & possessions." At 9:30, Hale was to "pack up special belongings in backpack(s)."

By 10:20, Hale was to "gear up & set up guns in trunk (assembly) & get out vest (w/mags inside)." Hale was armed with a handgun, a rifle and a pistol modded to handle like a rifle.

Hale also wrote about making a "final video tape" on the schedule, though this has not been released by police or confirmed to even exist. Hale detailed a plan to leave for the Covenant School by 11:35.

Spin Zone / Another Reason To Boycott the nfl
« on: November 06, 2023, 06:48:56 AM »
If their repugnant affair with blm and kneeling for the National Anthem weren't enough, the fucking nfl stood silently while the philadelphia eagles tore down an American / Israeli flag and removed a luxury box holder for displaying it.

I've ignored the fucking nfl since their cock sucking, mother fucking, scum bag players decided with full league approval to kneel for the National Anthem as an intentional insult to Americans and American veterans.

Just when people are starting to soften their boycotting of nfl games, the fucking scum bags double down.

Fuck the nfl.

Fuck the eagles.

Fuck hamas , blm, and antifa, along with the democrat party.

I've included my feelings about yesterday in my weekly note to the fucking low life, asshole, roger goodell.

This is a primer on how to piss off big government/communist/democrats.
Telling the truth is largely illegal these days, and telling the truth on big government communists is grounds for extermination.

I'd look for SWAT and the corrupt pigs of the fbi to immediately start proceedings to 'neutralize' this 'THREAT to democracy,' as soon as possible.

‘The WEF, the WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill Gates all advocated a global humanity injection by a bioweapon, injecting nano lipids into 5.7 billion people... We can no longer tolerate any entity that promotes poison to be injected into humanity.'

Pascal Najadi, the son of World Economic Forum co-founder Hussain Najadi, called for the arrests of those responsible for the forced COVID-19 “vaccinations” of 5.7 billion people around the world, saying the injections are a bioweapon leading to “democide.”

“Democide” is a term coined a few decades ago that refers to government mass murder and extermination of civilian populations via either direct action or indifference.

“Everything evil in the world related to democide, unfortunately, comes from Geneva,” Najadi said as he listed the global organizations headquartered in Geneva that played major roles in mandating the COVID jab, which has proved deadly to an estimated 50 million souls around the globe and medically debilitating to tens of millions more.

Among those organizations based in Geneva are the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization (GAVI).

Spin Zone / This Too Shall Pass
« on: October 30, 2023, 11:28:33 AM »
Town Hall published the most interesting article today, by Alan Joseph Bauer.

Unlike the left wing, communist-democrats, when an actual journalist writes an opinion piece, it is not assumed that the lunatic fringe leftist horde of assholes will adopt it as the gospel. The article clearly states it is an opinion piece.
The writer makes so many important points that I can't begin to list them all, but a couple are included below.

Please read the entire piece and see how carefully he makes his point.

When he related that the Saudi's sent burial dress with the aid package, meaning "DROP DEAD," it tells you how the arab world feels about the parasites of hamas.

There is a famous story about King Solomon, the wisest of all men. He asked a jeweler to fashion him a ring that would help him to keep his head straight at all times. The jeweler was overwhelmed by the task given him and did not know what to offer the king. With the deadline approaching, the jeweler made a gold ring engraved in Hebrew, “This too shall pass.” King Solomon was thrilled with the ring. When one finds himself in bad times, he must hold onto himself and remember that the storm will pass and a better day will arrive. When, on the other hand, a person finds himself on the top of the world, a word of caution—this too will pass, so prepare yourself for the day after.

If one watches or reads the news, it would seem that the world has gone mad. Israeli citizens were murdered, raped, and tortured in the most hideous ways possible. More videos and stories keep coming out, as do first-hand accounts of the human-looking animals who took part in the attack as well as those who were first on the scene. Just when one thinks that he has heard the worst, a new story comes out with gruesome pictures of something that one would have thought a human being could never do to another person. The depravity of the Hamas barbarians and their fellow jihadis in the Palestinian Authority, ISIS, Hizbollah, and Iran has been shown to the world, and the world wants to throw up.

Even their brethren Arabs are embarrassed by their behavior. It has been said that Egypt and Saudi Arabia sent traditional funeral gowns in their aid packages allowed into the Gaza Strip. Hamas got the message: drop dead.

Apparently rashida doesn't like being asked questions about her terrorist affiliations.

I guess the communist, violent, racist left are unaccustomed to being asked to explain their sick devotion to terror, slaughter, torture and rape of children, women and the elderly, as long as they are Jews.

In the epic exchange, Congresswoman Talib actually yelled at Ben, accusing him of “dehumanizing Palestinians” when asked, “Why do you support terrorists?” and whether or not she would denounce Iran’s proxy army, Hamas, waging war and invading Israel.
She can then be heard yelling at her staffers, “I don’t even want to be here anymore!” Bergquam reports that the pro-defunding police radicals later called Capitol Police on him for asking her questions, but he was fully within his rights. “These guys are so not used to having media that actually holds them accountable,” Ben told his viewers.
Bergquam was also on the ground in DC yesterday, and he confronted Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego with questions about the Democrats’ open borders. “Are you paid off by the cartel?” Bergquam asked as Gallego walked away, pretending to be on a phone call.
The Gateway Pundit recently reported on a demonic phone call where a Hamas animal brags to his parents that he murdered 10 Jews “with my own hands.” With tears of joy, the proud father wailed, “Oh, my son, God bless you!” The mother also cried, “I wish I was with you,” before her terrorist son responded, “Your son is a hero! Kill, kill, kill!”

Spin Zone / Arkancide is Alive and Well In China
« on: October 27, 2023, 09:57:18 AM »
Ex-China Premier Li Keqiang, Sidelined by Rival Xi, Dies ‘Suddenly’ at 68

Li Keqiang, the former premier of China, is reported to have died “suddenly” on Thursday less than a year after stepping down from his post as the country’s second-highest-ranking leader. He was 68.
A heart attack has been blamed for the death of the English-speaking economist who had once been considered a contender for the country’s top job, but was passed over in favour of Xi Jinping and then sidelined.
He was the only incumbent top official who didn’t belong to Xi’s loyalists group, the BBC reports.
State media said he died at 10 minutes past midnight on Friday despite “all-out” efforts to revive him.

Spin Zone / Former VP pence Fails To Qualify For Debate
« on: October 24, 2023, 11:27:43 AM »
The candidates for the third GOP debate to find out who comes in a DISTANT second to President Trump will have one fewer.

mikey pence, who staked his political life on opposing President Trump failed to qualify and was dropped from the roll.

If this wasn't so pathetically sad, it would be very funny.

"We're working really hard to qualify for the debate," Pence said. "Lots of people are going to and making a contribution to give us the numbers in contributions that we need to qualify.

The corrupt biden freak show, and their party of 'love Trumps hate,' shows it's utter hypocrisy and embrace of racism, bigotry, and hate AGAIN.

With traitors like joe the-big-guy biden, in DC who needs enemies?

The U.S. immigration enforcement agency hired a former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and put her in a position to determine who gets to come into the country as an immigrant or “asylum seeker.” Now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officer is repeatedly posting pictures of Hamas terrorists parachuting in with guns and writing, “F*** Israel and any Jew who supports Israel,” a Daily Wire investigation found.

Nejwa Ali worked in 2016 and 2017 as a public affairs officer for the Palestinian Delegation to the U.S., which according to its own website, served as the “PLO office in D.C.” That office was expelled from the country by the Trump administration, but Ali landed on her feet, according to a screenshot of her LinkedIn profile, securing a job at DHS as an “Asylum Officer,” where she was tasked with “applying immigration laws and regulations to asylum applications.”

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