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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 24, 2017, 05:52:42 AM »
My question remains: how many of you participate in discussions at DailyKos or other liberal controlled discussion sites?

I don't typically participate in purely political websites.  I prefer to participate in forums where I have something in common with the people there.  Flying, and airplane ownership are very demanding, and I appreciate the views of others that have gone through this brain damage.  I do also participate in a few Second Amendment oriented forums that discuss politics, rights, etc. as I am a gun owner, and proponent of 2A rights. 

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 23, 2017, 01:36:46 PM »
I find myself not posting because most of the times I do I find myself and my profession insulted.  Moreover, I truly feel more like a gadfly than a valued contributor.  I therefore bow out most f the time.  I suspect that many of those with opposing points of view value the echo chamber far more than discussion.

Well you shouldn't be insulted, nor should your profession. 

Spin Zone / Re: Cable News Ratings Upheaval
« on: May 23, 2017, 11:58:51 AM »
When he injects his personal beliefs, he can come across as a loon.  His church is called Latter Day Saints, with latter meaning last.  So there is a world view that things are falling apart and that colors other things. 

But he does better research and presents more in depth analysis that is factually based than anyone else in the industry.  It requires you to adult and shut out the garbage, but when he's on, Beck is brilliant.  I'd split his stuff as 50% brilliant, 35% loon and about 15% humor.

Oh, I used to like him.  For me he started going down hill with his stint at Fox.  I liked him when he was on Headline News (CNN), and on the radio, pre-Fox.  He was funny also, and I though that was good, and a bit different than the others.

Spin Zone / Re: The “I’ve paid in all my life” fallacy
« on: May 23, 2017, 11:40:14 AM »
It is amazing what we pay into this slush fund that our politicians steal from, and then submit IOU's.  It is criminal. 

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 23, 2017, 11:37:00 AM »
Maybe they get tired of the fact that a vocal subgroup of conservatives would rather discuss their psycho-analysis of liberals (e.g. this entire thread being an example) than whatever point the liberals are trying make?

Guess I hit too close to home, huh?

Spin Zone / Re: Google Bias
« on: May 23, 2017, 10:14:55 AM »
Liberals often use demands for "proof" to shut to avoid losing an argument, or risk the truth scoring points against their 'feelings.'

That irks me also.  It is why I like to post articles that give the background, but there too you have to be careful.  Heaven forbid they are from Fox News, or Breitbart, because you get the "Faux News" thing, and "consider the source" even if CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Huffpo, Washpo, NYT etc has the same story. 

Spin Zone / Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 23, 2017, 09:53:06 AM »
Interesting dynamic here.  I've been thinking why the Spin Zone, on POA was so active with "opposing" viewpoints, and have come to this theory.  Liberal/progressives don't want to discuss topics because often their arguments are rooted in emotion, and not fact.  Eventually, that comes out, and often they resort to accusations, name calling, or just throwing a hissy fit.  I'm not saying the fine people here do that, but in general, I do think that happens.

So, on POA a liberal/progressive may come into the SZ, and do a quick hit and run on occasion, just well because they are there.  Here we are much less likely to have these hit, and run visits, ala what AP used to do, I guess to make herself FEEL better.  We saw what happened to some of the folks here after Trump won the election.  They vanished.  Do liberal/progressive just not take losing an election, or an argument well?  Guess not. 

Another thing, while I am on my little rant.  Does anyone see the hypocrisy of participating in an avocation that requires independent thought, responsibility, and the burning of large amounts of fossil fuel all mostly for pure pleasure while promoting the liberal/progressive agenda, and voting Democrat?  My head just has never been able to wrap itself around that one.  I am on a few firearm related web forums, and there are a few of those on there also.  They like the shooting sports, and even the element of being able to defend oneself, then vote for people who believe just the opposite, and reduce their rights or even take them away altogether. 

I don't get it.     

Pilot Zone / Re: Cessna TTx
« on: May 23, 2017, 09:11:31 AM »
I guess I am a bit of a traditionalist also.  I have never flown a Cirrus, or a Columbia/Corvalis/Cessna TT.  The Cessna looks amazing however, and I applaud new designs from these companies.  I do think Cirrus, and Diamond have done a lot to offer something new to the prospective, high end buyer.  However, I find myself not thrilled with either choice.  Maybe I should fly them.  I have flown Mooneys, and Bonanzas, and do like both a lot.   

Spin Zone / Re: Cable News Ratings Upheaval
« on: May 23, 2017, 08:39:13 AM »
Hannity is amazing.  I haven't had that much of a chance to listen to Beck but in the past have been very impressed with some of his stuff, he is brilliant, but also have heard him say things that made me go, what??????  Can't agree with him all the time and when I don't it's major, where I usually find myself enthusiastically agreeing with Hannity.

I like what Hannity says, and find myself agreeing with him most of the time.  The consistent theme I see with the more conservative talk show hosts like Mark Steyn, Mark Levin, Rush, Hannity, etc are twofold.

1.  They ADMIT, and promote their show as not "news" but conservative opinion.
2.  They are NOT lock step with the establishment Republicans, and will criticize the Republicans when they go off the conservative reservation.

That is exactly why I think term limits are badly needed.  I think a lot of politicians start out as optimistic idealists.  But over time, the power gets to them, and the power of incumbency keeps them there forever.

I agree.  The intent was never to have career politicians, that become like royalty. 

Spin Zone / Re: Cable News Ratings Upheaval
« on: May 23, 2017, 06:18:38 AM »
I would hope not. The Blaze is having issues right now, especially after the Tomi Lahren incident. CRTV may be the better option, or a new network altogether. I'm not a fan of Glenn Beck. I'm really not a huge fan of Sean Hannity either, for that matter.

I like Hannity more than Beck, although he certainly isn't my favorite.  Beck is a LOON. 

Pilot Zone / Re: Experimentals in which you can actually go places
« on: May 23, 2017, 06:16:49 AM »
My decision was simple.  There was no way I could fit a week's worth of Mrs. Steingar's luggage in an RV.  I probably couldn't fit mine.  I bought an airplane for travel, and I don't travel without some shit.  If you mission is to bore holes in the sky, RVs are wonderful airplanes, and you can even do aerobatics on most.  But if your mission is to travel, they come up short in my opinion.  I still think the Mooney M20C/E are teh best bang for your buck in aviation.

If your big deal is you want to work on your own airplane, then yes experimental is the way to go no matter what.

All good points.  I travel lightly.  I ask whomever my female travel partner is at the time to not pack steamer trunks full of hair care products, make up, shoes, clothes for every black tie event, etc.  A bikini, a few short skirts, and a tube top is fine.  Yes, many have been high maintenance, and we've left several make-up Command Centers in the hangar because of it.  If I need to get out the scale I do.  So a two place plane that can handle a couple of small/mid size back packs is fine.  That is essentially how I used the Tiger.  Two place, and bags in the back seat.

Right now the M20C seems like the plane to beat for $$$/usefulness, only because to get a good RV is more money.  I may change my mind when I get to fly and RV.  We shall see.  Michael, you chose wisely.     

Spin Zone / Re: Google Bias
« on: May 23, 2017, 05:43:50 AM »
The liberal/progressive/Democrats have infiltrated education, media, entertainment, government, and large corporations, especially technology.  They have made their platform chic for younger people.  Communism, and non-profit are very trendy.  I do believe this is changing or will change, as people wake up to a dwindling standard of living, and quality of life.  They will get tired of working at Starbucks, and paying back their school loans for degrees in Women's Studies, or minority art history. 

Spin Zone / Re: Cable News Ratings Upheaval
« on: May 23, 2017, 05:26:15 AM »
One America News maybe?  Dunno?

Spin Zone / Re: Google Bias
« on: May 22, 2017, 11:28:51 AM »
Just doing some basic searches on Google and it becomes very apparent who their handlers are.

Google, Yahoo, Bing, and the others do it.  Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram also censor conservative content.  That is what we are dealing with.  CENSORSHIP.  The left wants the "Fair Act" which is nothing but fair, just more censorship.  It is akin to book burning like the Nazi's did.  We can't effectively argue with you so we just won't allow your ideas, thoughts, nor opinions.  They are VERBOTEN! 

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