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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 307 308 [309] 310 311 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: Election Strategy Going Forward
« on: July 14, 2020, 07:58:19 AM »
I think that is exactly where Bob was going, and guess what?  He may be right.  That wasn't even on my radar screen, but you never know.  How more could Biden show he's woke than with a Black, Tranny man-woman-bear-pig?
Oh, so you’re speaking about “Michelle.”  Got it.

Spin Zone / Re: Atlanta D A under investigation
« on: July 14, 2020, 07:36:42 AM »
Nice!  I hope he fries!
Same with the St Louis DA. Oh wait, she’s of the right jersey and is backed by Soros. My mistake. Nothing to see here.

Spin Zone / Re: Election Strategy Going Forward
« on: July 14, 2020, 07:35:08 AM »
Are you sure the DNC VP pick will actually be a woman?
It’s a little early for day drinking, isn’t it Bob?  Lol

Spin Zone / Re: Election Strategy Going Forward
« on: July 14, 2020, 07:34:08 AM »
I'm waiting for his VP pick to be the lefts wet dream of a president. Then if he gets elected, he will step down and let the new president destroy our country even more.
She will be swapped on the ticket at the dnc convention. Just watch the shit show.

Spin Zone / Re: Where do they think money comes from?
« on: July 13, 2020, 09:11:02 AM »
The Court will decide, but Governments get paid first.  I am assuming they are CH 7 liquidation?  The money will come from the assets they sell off.  If there is not enough to cover the severance and health insurance premiums, then they are SOL.
In a normal world, yes. But Not when brain dead senators get involved. They want every employee to be protected whether they are unionized or not. In fact that’s the goal - increase unionized workforce. This will be a political football, once again.

Spin Zone / Re: Mask
« on: July 13, 2020, 08:50:08 AM »
Made the mistake of turning on the local TV news this morning.  More Virus doom and gloom talking about huge numbers of cases now, spikes and second and third waves.  It is relentless pounding of the airwaves of this propaganda.   The next story was about a cop in Allentown that had his knee on the neck of some Black guy.  The feigned outrage and racial divisiveness was sickening.  All hate Whitey all the time.

The Media is fixated on:

1.  Virus panic and societal/economic destruction is the "New Normal". 

2.  America has epidemic Systemic Racism.

This is almost ALL they talk about constantly.
My wife and I have given up. Except for Tucker Carlson, literally nothing else is watchable, including my evening local news.

We’ve been recording old episodes of The Office, M.A.S.H., and other old shows.

MeTV is a network that just shows classic shows. Good stuff.

Spin Zone / Re: Were people forced to reopen businesses and go out?
« on: July 13, 2020, 08:35:02 AM »
What a pathetic, scared of our own shadow society we've become.  No, I am not talking about anyone here.

Spin Zone / Re: Mask
« on: July 13, 2020, 08:29:41 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Dreamers
« on: July 13, 2020, 08:24:04 AM »
It’s like using a laser pointer with a cat.
I continue to see Trump playing 3D chess while the democrats continue to play tic tac toe.

Of course they will.  They'll get to leak his tax records and then let whispering campaigns run wild on how many "illegal" tax dodges he is using.  The general public...including the NY attorneys, you and maybe me...have not the first clue what a billionaire's taxes look like and how many programs provided for by Congress he is engaged in.  I say maybe me because I did study tax law in bschool for two semesters, so I might have a first clue, but I'm still far from being able to understand it.

This has never been about a suspicion of wrongdoing.  It's about new fodder for feeding the ignorant "news" about how much Trump is cheating them on his taxes.
I’ve been a tax CPA, and I have worked on returns of very high multi millionaires. (No billionaires that I recall, but the concepts are the same.)

I guarantee you there will be absolutely nothing that they can glean from his returns that can damage him. I saw his entity structures (multiple) on his financial disclosure in 2016, and it is so extensive it would take a team of forensic accountants weeks to unwind it.

None of that will be on his return. His return would only show the items of income that reach him personally; kind of like the portion of the iceberg that is above the waterline. Everything below the waterline won’t ever appear on his return.

So I will say with 100% certainty that anything they come up with will be complete fiction.

Hard cases make bad law. I doubt the State of New York will get anything out of it, I doubt very strongly Trump was doing anything at all illegal. He was making bank on his reality tv and his golf courses. Also, perhaps I’m mistaken, but aren’t the returns in question his State tax returns that he filed in NY?
I believe it’s a federal prosecutor in New York, so I presume she’s demanding Federal tax returns.

Spin Zone / Re: Mask
« on: July 10, 2020, 09:57:06 AM »
I didn't realize that was a serious question to which you actually wanted an answer.

Risks are relative.  I feel the risk of which you speak is small and manageable.  The only time I ever had a moisture problem on a mask was when I was cleaning out a dusty warehouse on a hot and very humid day.  I was sweating and breathing heavy.  There was no viral or bacterial threat, but I changed masks anyway as the moisture mixed with the dust to clog it up.

I look at it the same as I look at people that don't wear seat belts because they heard of a crash where the non-belted occupant was thrown clear of an exploding car.  Had he been belted in, he would likely have died.  But compare that to the number of lives SAVED by seat belts and that risk seems insignificant.

Yeah, a lot of people wear crappy masks and bandannas, and a lot of people wear the masks incorrectly (below the nose) and they fidget with the mask, and THEY EVEN TAKE IT OFF AND PUT IT BACK ON every time they get in and out of their car.   But overall, masks reduce the rate of transmission of the virus.  It's just cheap, but admittedly imperfect, protection against a potentially fatal disease.
You honestly don’t think you build up moisture by breathing through the mask? 
I wear glasses. Every single breath I take the mask fogs up my glasses. Every single breath. Where is that moisture coming from?

You’re a pilot. What do you think those fog molecules consist of? 

You don’t sweat in Florida? Especially if you KEEP YOUR MASK ON IN THE CAR? (Just mimicking you’re dramatic capitalization about people who have the audacity to take a mask off in the car.)

You may think the risk to the wearer is remote. That’s a subjective opinion based on no science nor observable fact. Sorry, I’ll take my health more seriously.

Spin Zone / Re: Mask
« on: July 10, 2020, 09:06:28 AM »
Just in case you are being serious, I think you know that he means you can transmit the virus before you (know you) have it.

It appears to me that the idiots on the left that want to shutdown the economy and destroy our way of life are just as bad as the idiots on the right that believe the virus is a hoax and that we shouldn't take any precautions because some of them aren't perfect.  And they all scorn those of us in the middle that think a little bit of precaution is called for, just in case it might protect a few people.

Why does it have to be all or nothing with so many people?  I think wearing a mask is a small price to pay to possibly mitigate a bit of the risk?  The "No Masker's" remind me of the anti-vaccine crowd; "To hell with the millions of lives it might save, vaccines aren't perfect and might have rare side effects on some people so nobody should use them."
You have yet to acknowledge or respond to now two posts regarding the risk to the mask wearer that the virus can wick onto the moisture area of the mask, allowing you to breath in the virus for a long time.

Who’s the denier?

Spin Zone / Re: phrases I don't want to hear anymore
« on: July 09, 2020, 10:37:13 PM »
"It's just a ride in a cattle car. For your safety"

You guys are correct, a much better analysis here:
John Roberts is such a fucking pussy. He is treating SCOTUS as an extra appeals court, instead of the final court.

This was a perfect opportunity to create a landmark ruling on the separation of powers. Instead, he kicked it down to the Appeals Court again.

He has done this time and time again. Pussy.

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