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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 105 106 [107] 108 109 ... 134
Spin Zone / Re: Gaming disorder
« on: January 03, 2018, 02:37:32 PM »
Yes that is interesting.  Can we at least agree that outside of work hours on our leisure time, interactive gaming might be more valuable than sitting on the couch watching TV?  But not as good as being outside playing a sport.
Of course.

It's so true.  Here are some more:

  • Beauty and the Beast - Bestiality (woman and lion/dog, ban it
  • Pinocchio - Pedophilia, ban it
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarves - Abuse of the Handicapped (Dwarfism), ban it
  • Alice in Wonderland - Use of hallucinogenic drugs, ban it
  • The Little Mermaid - Again bestiality (man and fish), ban it
  • Three Little Pigs - Promotes vandalism, ban it
  • Alladin - Flying outside FAA regulations, ban it
Would Pinocchio be abuse of rare species of wood? 

Bambi - Promotes hunting and killing of forest creatures.

Spin Zone / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR
« on: December 31, 2017, 07:46:47 AM »
Dear God,

I promise I will no longer complain and will begin to like the mind-numbingly long game of baseball if you would just, with Your grace, turn the heat back on.

Your servant, Stan

Spin Zone / Re: Gaming disorder
« on: December 28, 2017, 12:12:56 PM »
There’s a commercial running on a conservative talk radio station in Milwaukee where a woman keeps inviting another woman to dinner, bridge, etc., but the other woman is too busy playing some video games on a site where you sign up for a monthly fee and you can play hundreds of games.

Think about that for a minute. They are targeting adults to turn them into basement dwelling millenials who would rather play video games than go out with friends.

We are doomed.

Spin Zone / Re: I hate the health care industry. Hate, hate, hate
« on: December 20, 2017, 03:15:09 PM »
An interesting twist here - the new tax bill included a repeal of the individual mandate from the ACA.  You can no longer be punished if you don't buy health insurance.
Starting January 1, 2019. So there’s one more year of taking it up the ass by FedGov.  Love those brave Republicans.  They sure know how to be spineless pussies.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: December 20, 2017, 11:35:22 AM »
Made up numbers? The hurdles are great. But we're already planning missions to Mars. Launch costs continue to drop. I believe we'll see a manned Mars mission before I die. I could be wrong, of course.
I have 535 people in mind that I’d like to send on a one way trip to Mars. Where can I get them signed up? 

Spin Zone / Re: Will it pass? Tax reform.
« on: December 18, 2017, 08:40:31 PM »
Since he’s unpopular his votes on killing obamacare and other things, i wonder if his sudden illness is his way of voting NO without voting...
I was thinking the same thing.

I enjoyed the cartoon at the beginning of the article.

Even if one accepts that man made climate change is real and is a significant problem, I don't see how declaring it a national security threat will do anything except take away money and resources from dealing with actual national security threats.

I'm actually interested in what Steingar has to say on this. I'd like to know what steps he thinks we should take by declaring it a national security threat.
Duh. The obvious solution is to raise a carbon tax or otherwise increase money coming into FedGov so they can just “Do SOMETHING!” about MMGW, such as paying money to good democrat donors’”green” companies. And that will get a pleasing nod by the UN MMGW propagandists too. Winning!

Spin Zone / Re: Will it pass? Tax reform.
« on: December 14, 2017, 06:05:38 PM »
The Republicans have already screwed the pooch. In an effort to just “get something done”, they have cobbled together a giant pile of shit. Just yesterday things leaked out about JCT agreements on things that weren’t in either the House or Senate Bills, such as a 37% individual rate.

I met with a client today and basically just told him they are making this shit up as they go along.

The ONLY thing that is happening is maneuvering as to how this can fall within the Byrd rule so they don’t have to use 60 votes to pass it.

If anyone says this is simplification, I’m going to kick them in the ass. This is anything from it. It is also NOT the panacea tax cut the republicans are frothing over. Yes, businesses will get the lions share of the benefits, and it will be paid for by tax increases on the people making $100k - $400k that don’t happen to own a business. No one is talking about that.

And my take is not lib talking points. It comes from reading the bills, and seeing notices come to my email every two hours.

Spin Zone / Re: The People Have Spoken
« on: December 13, 2017, 05:37:21 PM »
Plain and simple, McConnell owns this one.  He torpedoed Mo Brooks, then he torpedoed Roy Moore.  When it looked like Roy Moore was going to overcome the allegations, McConnell's trolls started the "write in" campaign to split the vote, and it worked.
Yep. Even my favorite feminist Tammy Bruce last night said that she truly believes that McConnell wants to be the minority leader and is willing to lose the Senate to prevent Trump from having a successful presidency.  I shit you not.

Spin Zone / Re: Franken resigns in disgrace
« on: December 08, 2017, 02:22:10 PM »
Not sure how old you are, but 40 years ago phones had wires.  And if there wasn't a phone jack in the room then one needed a long extension to get a phone in the room.

 And many homes only had one phone and one phone jack.  Our phone was in the kitchen, just like everyone else phone back then.

 As far as these tales by these women being credible?  Not in a long shot.  This is a political sex smear from the word go.
Exactly. I was 17 years old then. Maybe that’s why dating was more common. You couldn’t just hang in the kitchen chatting with your girlfriend while your mom made meat loaf. So you went out, as often as possible.


That people will commit violence because the US is recognizing Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel and is putting our embassy there, is PRECISELY why we need to recognize Jerusalem as the Capitol and put our embassy there.

Those that commit violence for a symbolic move need to be shunned from the world stage, not coddled like they have been for 70 years. 

Spin Zone / Re: Really Mueller?
« on: December 06, 2017, 08:38:38 AM »
Disagree on stopping it. If Trump didn't do anything impeachable, let them dig. We want to drain the swamp, well getting rid of an admitted liar, even if he's in the conservative side - he's part of the swamp. Manafort as well. I really don't care where the shit splatters, let them all be cleaned out - both sides.
I disagree. I’m for draining the swamp. But this is a partisan political witch hunt to overturn the results of an election.

To borrow a term, a ham sandwich can be impeached. Democrat members of the House are saying that a high crime and misdemeanor is whatever they say it is. Consequently, it is impossible in this political environment to say Trump didn’t do anything impeachable.  You can say, and I believe, that he has done nothing illegal, but that is not the standard for impeachment. 

In looking at the partisan team that Mueller has put together, including Clinton sycophants, I believe even more so in what I stated in the first paragraph.

What I meant was I foresee this getting voted down at the last minute.
It looks like this provision is out, and that Corker and Flake are also out, but they should have 50 votes in the Senate to pass a bill. Ron Johnson became a yes vote overnight.

With McCain and Collins apparently becoming yes votes, I’m scared to death to see what they gave those two libtards.

The estate tax is the funny one.  The Founders put it in themselves, its old.  The reasoning was (at the time) that they didn't want landed aristocracies like the ones they left in England.  As it is the tax only hits a tiny minority of households.  But hey, bring on the Aristocracies!  After all, they all contribute to the Republican cause.
The Founders were around in 1916?  Damn, they aged well.

As for aristocracies, screw you. Who are you to say how much people should be able give to others? 

My widower father-in-law died 18 months after he retired in 1998. Back then the estate tax exemption was $625,000, with a top rate of 55%.

He was a professor in the college of education at an Illinois University.  His aristocratic estate included a debt-free ranch home on a quarter acre lot, two vehicles, modest life insurance, and a vested balance in the State University Retirement System.  The SURS amount was his defined contribution retirement plan. It was also income taxable to his heirs - my wife and her sister.

After massive income tax and estate tax on the sum of those assets, the girls received less than 50% of what he owned. Probably 45% after state income taxes. He made me executor. It was one of the most painful thing I’ve ever done.

I’ve had cash-poor clients have to sell their farm land or businesses just to pay the estate taxes. The estate tax is effectively a forced leveraged buyout of taxpayers assets.

The estate tax is immoral and is designed to enrich the government, not stop aristocracies.

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