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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 53
Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: Today at 08:05:46 AM »
It has been my observation that those screaming racist, bigot, homophobe are the most bigoted, racist,  intolerant people on earth.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Debates
« on: May 15, 2024, 07:43:29 PM »
I would actually like to see a studio, not affiliated with a major network and let citizens ask each candidate the questions. Let the broadcast be carried on networks if they choose.

These networks are way too biased and are too eager to work on behalf of the DNC.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 15, 2024, 02:31:04 PM »
The resident Marxists didn’t like that I suppose

It’s funny how the fucking Marxist lefties can insult the rest of us any way thy wish, but cry like pussies the moment someone responds.

Spin Zone / Re: Weather In Florida
« on: May 14, 2024, 06:01:17 PM »
I flew east today. Weather enroute. Landed at RDU about 2 pm and it was a bumpy approach. Pilot had mentioned “low ceilings” and nobody had their window open so I was in a closed off box and couldn't see outside and had no idea where we were and so feared a missed approach the whole way until I felt a big “bump” and realized we had touched down. Yay, I get to live another day. First class roast chicken was good. I will NEVER fly in the back again. All they do in first class is treat you like a human.  Been raining cats and dogs here ever since. My Uber driver was named Mohammed. He was actually a righteous man, we had a good conversation about how to do right by your spouse.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 13, 2024, 05:49:41 PM »
liberal talking points with no basis in reality. 

which is redundant

Spin Zone / Re: PoA Dumpster Fire
« on: May 13, 2024, 07:22:19 AM »
The ignorance on display is astounding.   Nothing but liberal talking points.

Her parents need to go and get refunds on her education.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 11, 2024, 07:31:07 AM »
Ukraine should be spelled Vietnam II

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 11, 2024, 07:04:04 AM »
It's almost like somebody WANTS there to be endless proxy wars between the two biggest superpowers.

  The US Military Industrial Complex, war is big business.   Buy enough DC career politicians and make an alliance with the numerous US Intel Agencies and it produces an unending income stream.

 Now we are watching the Ukraine Clusterfuck which is in reality a huge money laundering scheme.

Spin Zone / Re: More Ukraine Clusterfuck
« on: May 11, 2024, 06:59:26 AM »
Agreed.  The simple solution is for Russia (and soon China) to stop getting them started.  But once started, what are we supposed to do?  Appeasement doesn't seem to work: Let's give them Ukraine and then they'll stop.  Let's give them Taiwan and then they'll stop.  Honestly, I don't know the solution.

  The solution is easy.  Stop trying to be the world police and the world supplier of free money.   Stop meddling in other countries politics.  Stop trying "regime change" as a policy.

 Also show strength in the world, not weakness.   If we do go in to a conflict, go in with brute force and a plan to win.  And don't rebuild the mess.

I had a thoracotomy in 2005.  For several years following the surgery, I would occasionally have the distinct sensation that the skin on my stomach was wet.   a strange sensation...

When my feet are bare I still feel like I have socks on.  I was recently told I have moderate peripheral neuropathy in my feet and can't feel cold sensation anymore so I bet that's what's going on there. The doctor wants to put me on a ZERO carb diet. No low, zero. I still don't have diabetes, just pre-diabetes but apparently that can cause PN too.

Spin Zone / Re: another one bites the dust
« on: May 09, 2024, 07:05:40 AM »
We are in the midst of a revolution and a government overthrow.   They are using the same tactics done before in other countries.  The panic is ramping up due to a fear they may not succeed in stealing another election.   That's why it's getting crazier.

Spin Zone / Re: another one bites the dust
« on: May 09, 2024, 05:49:51 AM »
But that would prevent the pussifying of America!

This is part of the purposeful weakening of our former country, now merely a border less territory.  Climate change nonsense, Covid, Gender identity, destruction of Maleness, installation of Marxism, government corruption, etc. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: May 09, 2024, 04:04:54 AM »
Makes me wonder if they are just satisfied to play second fiddle and cash in.

Exactly.  Go along to get along and get payed off to keep your mouth shut and actions ineffective at best.  Trump is their only nemesis.  Both parties hate him as he will upset the apple cart of corruption and bribery,

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: May 09, 2024, 03:03:21 AM »
Watching the SOTH smiling about being saved from removal for surrendering to the fucking democrat communist party, made me rethink how I perceive him.

Johnson is just a younger version of cocaine mitchie, not as ascerbic as kevie, and not as criminal as the whore, nancy.
Its a shame when we have to say that about our top leaders.  "They're not as bad as the other guy".

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: May 08, 2024, 05:37:10 PM »
Yes she did unfortunately. I don't understand the political inemntnest and misunderstanding optics in our warped world. She's allowing the Uniparty to win.

That’s what republicans do.  They’ve never learned to fight back.

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