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Messages - CharlieTango

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Spin Zone / Re: BUFFs to Bomb ISIS
« on: March 11, 2016, 01:20:57 PM »
so do I.

Do you remember when they were moved underground?  and why?

They were moved underground to prevent the release of radio-active materials.

I pointed out that tests used to be common because you had said "Iran or NK detonating a nuke somewhere will have environmental consequences for most of the world".  It seems to me it would take far more than 'a nuke' to have that result given the many former tests didn't.

Spin Zone / Re: BUFFs to Bomb ISIS
« on: March 11, 2016, 12:35:07 PM »
hardly the same.

one whack job pulls a gun.  Assuming the others manage to kill the whack job (eventually), the survivors can go on with life much the same.

Iran or NK detonating a nuke somewhere will have environmental consequences for most of the world (even if Iran or NK were taken out without using WMDs).

I remember when nuke tests were common.

I'm an insulation contractor and my crew is not all alien.  In this part of California many trades are still mostly white.

Some trades will be aliens at one company but whites at the competitor.

The idea that Americans will not do the work is bullshit.

In recent years I have to offer $16/hour as starting pay for a trainee and at that its hard to find applicants.  There is just too much free shit to get people to work in general, its not really whites vs aliens.

When aliens take over a trade that was formerly done by American that no longer want to do this work, keep in mind the work got re-priced.

It takes a reversal of this repricing to entice Americans to want to do this work.

Consider that all Americans are not equal in there amount of need for work.  I have often gone to the prison/parole system for workers that were willing to work hard at entry level.  Different segments of our society are willing to do different levels of 'unpleasant' work.

Spin Zone / Re: The Classy Lady is Gone
« on: March 06, 2016, 11:55:32 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: USA pays to feed and shelter Cubans in Costa Rica
« on: March 05, 2016, 07:11:49 AM »
America, where Americans now come last, why is that again?

Spin Zone / Re: I cant stream the GOP debate.
« on: March 04, 2016, 06:54:06 AM »
There are no new questions being asked, there are plenty to ask.

How many of us would pay for those things?  Think of something you buy today and probably double the price, are you in?

Prices are currently irrational. 
*I'm a building contractor in an area where new homes are built for $400-$600 / sq ft 
*Stock prices for companies that send jobs overseas while losing money on operations but magically increasing in value due to stock-buy backs are priced irrationally
*Cost of building cars in the US in many cases still defers to UAW power and cause their autos to be priced irrationally, Ford and GM are both moving more to Mexico
*The price of money is irrational as we go from ZIRP to NIRP
*Price of oil fluctuates over $100 / bbl - crazy again
*Top heavy govt means much of the working population produce nothing but hinderance
*Free enterprise has fallen victim to over regulation that protects big companies
*Too big to fail remains the reality, when they can't lose they don't price rationally.
*We subsidize companies and industries that take our money and then move overseas.
*We subsidize companies and industries for political reasons that have no hope of life beyond subsidy.

I don't agree its as simple as tariffs would double prices, too many things are fucked up to allow America to be great again.  Need to head back to pay as you go, spend what you can afford, govt by the citizenry, self reliance ... etc. in order to bring back opportunity to prosper.

I have always advocated free trade and when I take a fresh look in 2016 I realize it didn't work out.

Trump is right that we are getting screwed, so as a thought exercise pretend Trump won the presidency and has a mandate to make America great again.

In a world where our focus was to again make things, most things, maybe almost all things here in America again what would it look like?  Fund the government with tariffs?

What if we moved towards isolationism looking for a reset to a healthy economy and way of life?

What jobs could we take back? 

Spin Zone / Re: What is a "Snowflake"
« on: February 28, 2016, 09:21:11 AM »

The last thing in the world the peddlers of "facts", "truths" and "information" want is for us all to get along, agree on common ground and get things done.

What is this 'get things done' of which you speak?  Forward?  Euro-model?

Seems to me anytime we get things done we go deeper in debt and even more of my money is confiscated to benefit others that didn't earn it.

Spin Zone / Re: Republican Debate 2/13/16
« on: February 14, 2016, 01:39:58 PM »
Well hell...........if RUSH has said it, it must be true!   ;D

 Besides, Reagan didn't go around bashing the Republican Party either.

The Republican party has changed since 1979.  There was far less risk of guys like Roberts, Ryan, Rubio, McConnel, Boehner, ...etc blatantly changing teams.

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 14, 2016, 01:36:12 PM »
Wow, where do you live that Senators give a crap about citizens?  The RINO's and others cater to donors and contributors. They would rather piss you off and keep the cash cow alive.

 You guys keep forgetting one small point here: It takes 60 votes to confirm a Supreme Court Justice.  Right now Republicans hold 54 seats.

 Again, please explain in a time when the Liberals finally have the chance to change the course of the court they would get behind a far right conservative as their nominee?

 Hell, at this point since fantasies are abounding, maybe the dems can get Obama to nominate Bill Clinton to the court.  At least he could get some of the RINOS in the senate to back him.  All he would need is 14 RINOS.

I dunno, I sense a change in the air.

Spin Zone / Re: Republican Debate 2/13/16
« on: February 14, 2016, 12:37:00 PM »
Very true.  Cruz is no Reagan.

Rush Limbaugh: Ted Cruz is the closest we’ve gotten to Ronald Reagan in our lifetimes

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 14, 2016, 12:34:36 PM »
Cruz hasn't just burned bridges in the Senate, he's done an all out nuclear attack on them.

Cruz has 16 Senators that side with him. That's it. Democrats would rather stick a fork in their eye than see him on the Supreme Court. McConnell hates the guy

Last I checked it takes the Majority Leader to bring it to the floor and a majority to confirm. The numbers simply aren't there.

Those numbers won't matter.  Cruz would have tremendous support to the point where voters will demand their RINO Senators confirm.

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 14, 2016, 09:19:55 AM »
I will be able to accept Trump more easily if he promises to appoint Cruz to the SC, hopefully to replace Scalia

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