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Messages - CharlieTango

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Spin Zone / Shared responsibility payment you owed
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:07:57 AM »
Got a bill from the IRS today for 'Shared responsibility payment you owed'  hmmmmmmmmmm dunno what its for?

Ah, google told me its a bill for not buying health coverage.  Used to be I could afford catastrophic coverage but that's not longer legal for me  >:(

Can't afford Ocare, my medical bills last year where under $2,000 and Ocare wouldn't kick in till I payed about $15,000  :(

For many like me Ocare is catastrophic coverage at cadillac price.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump Convinces Ford To Stay In Ohio
« on: October 26, 2015, 07:25:13 AM »
Bad link. What I don't get here, and feel free to correct me on this, is why Ford needs convincing to keep 1000 jobs when Honda, has a MASSIVE factory right here in Marysville and seem to doing all right. I just flew over Honda's plant last week and it is HUGE. Why can they pull it off here and Ford can't? Greed? Union?

Paleo diet / lifestyle is working well for me.  No more indigestion, various health problems like skin problems, energy levels, sleep cycles have corrected and the weight comes off while I eat tons of delicious food.

This is in agreement with GordonT's post above because it includes eliminating grains, starches and sugars and replacing them with healthy fats.  Another big aspect is replacing seed oils with olive, coconut, palm oil and grass fed butter.

McDonalds ruined their fries by replacing the healthy beef tallow with seed oils, now they taste bad and contribute to the health problems that the change was supposed to correct.

Question everything about nutrition, the science is flawed.

Spin Zone / Why pilot spin has to be public
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:50:29 AM »
I just did a Google search for "The Videos Are a Hoax! Completely Fake! All Lies! We Did Nothing Wrong! to see if the POA's spin zone content gets indexed in the search engines.!+Completely+Fake!+All+Lies!+We+Did+Nothing+Wrong!&rlz=1C1LEND_enUS544US544&oq=%22The+Videos+Are+a+Hoax!+Completely+Fake!+All+Lies!+We+Did+Nothing+Wrong!&aqs=chrome..69i57.2769952j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8

As you can see the spin zone's content stays private. This site will not grow due to search engines if it doesn't have compelling public content.

At least that's what I think.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberty lives!
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:40:20 AM »
I'm politically in the middle so I'd be a purple.

Perfect example of why we should not be allowed to color ourselves  ;)

I recently figured out that I was fat and unhealthy by believing and following the government's 'science' based recommendations.

We are all pretty familiar with James Watts and Micheal Mann et al and how they had to 'hide the decline' in order for the remaining and corrected data to support their theory.

The USDA's food pyramid is similarly based on cherry picked data and an irrelevant study. 

Ancel Keys (Nutritionist for whom K rations are named) got it started with a study in 1953 where he demonstrated a correlation between high saturated fat consumption and high levels of heart disease in 7 countries. This study along with the Russians rabbit study in 1910 is the basis for our modern ideas regarding cholesterol and heart disease.

The problem with the 7 nation study is that Keys had data from 22 nations but had to throw most of it out to show the correlation he believed in.  When the other 15 nations are added there is not correlation between dietary cholesterol and heart disease.  Much like Mann et al hiding the decline to support the hockey stick.

The 1910 study had the same goal and showed a correlation between dietary cholesterol and heart disease but used rabbits that are purely vegetarians and consume zero dietary cholesterol. The same study using omnivores might have been valid but 'science' was okay with relying on these two invalid reports.

In 1988 Surgeon General Coop confirmed (with no new studies / evidence to rely on) that the science was as sound as the science behind tobacco as a health hazard and scared us into following an upside down / wrong pyramid that focused on grains and seed oils. (The problem is these foods cause inflammation that results in atherosclerosis, the very thing they are supposed to prevent.)

Even today the bad science dominates the thinking and people without any calcium deposited in their arteries are prescribed dangerous statins because we are afraid of cholesterol that is essential.

I'm begginning to believe that information from governments supported by popular science are to be believed at you peril.

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